Always teasing Her^

The biggest coward is like this;  someone who awakens love, without intending to reciprocate love.

~Achiera Grey Q~


When Achiera awoke Hans closed his eyes again and pretended to be asleep.

 Achiera, who did not know that Hans had awakened, immediately examined Hans carefully.

 "Praise the Lord, the fever has gone down, but why is there no sign that he will wake up, huh? And I have made the traditional medicine that my grandmother taught me according to the dosage, but why doesn't it show its effect?" Achiera grunted.

"Maybe soon .." She said to herself to cheer her up.

 "Hey big boss Hans, you have to wake up otherwise I'll take you to the hospital whether you like it or not, dare or fear. Did you hear that?" Achiera said, warning Hans, who seemed to be still sleeping, then she returned to filtering the traditional Chinese medicine that she had mixed before.

"Maybe after taking the medicine for the second time, I hope you will wake up soon. Even though now you don't look as pale as a dead corpse lying down as badly as before, but you don't wake up like this is not a good choice."  Achiera continued cursing.

 Hans who heard that immediately complained in his heart by muttering, "Achiera, it's great that you call me like a corpse, wait and see how I will punish you later." Hans muttered, laughing with amusement in his heart as he imagined the punishment that Achiera would face.

"Can you take the medicine yourself or do you still need the help with my mouth to get it down your throat?" Achiera said while looking at Hans's face and then touched Hans's cheek with one finger.

 "So this intruding demon, earlier gave me medicine by kissing me. Great, it turns out that my innocent woman has now turned into a very aggressive woman, it's not in vain that I spend every night with her." Hans muttered to himself, still determined to pretend he wasn't conscious.

"Hans, I hope you wake up soon after taking this medicine!! I really don't know what else to do if you don't wake up either." Achiera said then put the medicine in her mouth and immediately gave it to Hans through her mouth.

 For a moment it looked normal, Hans drank it all with one sip.  But just as Achiera wanted to pull back her mouth, Hans deftly held Achiera's head from moving with his hands, and immediately kissed and crushed Achiera's lips.

Achiera was so shocked that she was frozen for a moment with Hans's quick action.

 "Hans has regained consciousness? Since when?"  She muttered to herself.

 But her brain quickly accepted what was happening and immediately withdrew from Hans.

But whatever the story Hans was no match for Achiera, Hans who was a strong man will not be easily defeated even though he was sick. If she continue to dodge it, it will only drain her energy and be wasted.  Achiera understood that so well that she chose to give up.

Hans really liked it when this stubborn Achiera finally chose to submit and obey in his grasp, it made him feel a sense of satisfaction that cannot be explained by him, of course because he can tame the child of his big enemy.  Actually, if Hans wanted to be more honest, the reason for his satisfaction was not only because of that but that man was too selfish and always denied his heart.

As soon as Hans felt that Achiera was out of breath because his kiss was too deep and did not give Achiera a cavity for breath, he finally let go of his kiss and whispered exactly 1 cm away from Achiera's ear;

 "Are you waiting for me to get sick first, then you took the initiative and were very aggressive to kiss me?" Hans asked, not forgetting to blow his breath in Achiera's earlobe.

Achiera shuddered with chills feeling the breath that Hans let out in every word that was said.  It made Achiera move away reflexively, and nervous.

 Hans smiled amusedly seeing Achiera's action, like a child who would be caught nervous and didn't know what to do.

"There have been so many and even almost every day we do it, but still embarrassed and nervous?" Hans said, he chuckled a little.

 "Do you have to do it more often to get used to it, for example, maybe 3 times a day?" Hans asked while approaching Achiera.

"Ha .... Hans .... since when have you been awake?" Achiera asked as she moved away from Hans's seat.

 "Should I be honest?"  Hans replied then kissed the ends of Achiera's hair.

 "Hmmmm ,, the smell of your hair is very distinctive, makes me longing." Hans said, pressing his longing word while narrowing one eye which was a sign that had meaning.

Achiera understood very well what Hans meant, and it made Achiera's cheeks flush red whenever she remembered about it when she was doing it with Hans.  Without Achiera's permission, Hans pulled Achiera into his arms, he embraced Achiera for a moment.  It made Achiera both very surprised and questioned, but she still let Hans hug her.

"Thank you for treating me." Hans said, still hugging Achiera.

 "Maybe if you weren't there right now I wouldn't know if I was alive or dead."  Hans continued then let go of his hug wanting to look into Achiera's eyes.

 "I didn't do as many things as you did to me, my actions were not comparable to you who helped me."  Achiera replied with a sincere smile.

Her sincerity can be seen clearly from the eyes and smile that she made.

 It made a little uncomfortable in Hans's heart, remembering what he had done to Achiera and also her family, he who was considered a helper by Achiera was actually a real criminal, hiding in a mask as her protector.

"Poor Achiera, what happens if she finds out the truth?" Hans said, expressing the concern in his heart.

 "Ahh no, doesn't she really have to know later, to add the sour seasonings in her sore wound. So she really has to know about it, so that the wound will be more perfect. But of course after I finish destroying her later she will come to pieces then she'll has the right to know. " Hans continued talking to himself in his heart but gave a fresh smile as a sign of reply to Achiera's words.

"Hmmm alright, don't tell me about the sacrifice, because I also help you but selfishly, isn't that so?"  Hans explained.

 "You did it all because you didn't know what happened, did you?" Achiera replied innocently.

"Yes, but after I found out what happened I also didn't want to let you go because I love you, that ... hmm, I ..." Hans said haltingly.

"Would someone like Hans apologize?"  Achiera asked silently.

"What's the matter, Hans?" Achiera said.

"I want to tell you, maybe the way I love is different from other perfect people, it's all because of the trauma of my childhood. The hard journey of life has shaped me to be a tough person. Achiera I'm very sorry, I'm not the one who will want to apologize but because of my love in my heart persuade me to apologize, do you want to?" Hans explained then pulled Achiera's hand.

"And promise not to leave me and go with another man, I will try to improve myself."  He continued.

 "Hans ..... yes I understand, I can accept it all. You don't need to worry."  Achiera replied sincerely and Hans could see Achiera's sincerity.

 "Fine then that means you've forgiven me, so now I ...." Hans hung his words on purpose, wanting to see the reaction of Achiera who always managed to make him chuckle.

"Hans ... You pervert!! What's on your mind? Aren't you sick?" Achiera asked and reflexively moved away from Hans.

 "Hey .. hey Miss Grey, what are you really thinking about? What I mean is I want to sleep, can you help me lay my body back? Because sitting too long makes me a little dizzy." Hans explained with laughter.

Achiera was very ashamed of herself, and might fall into the trap of the nosy Hans, why was she not aware of Hans's prank which was not once or twice again.

 Her face was red from holding her embarrassment, and Achiera just chose to lower her head.

 "But if you want, I'm fine. I'm still strong."  Hans continued teasing Achiera, made Achiera looked up again and stared at Hans.

"Hahaha Look at you Achiera. Your cheeks are like boiled corn, very red. Even though I'm still only talking, and haven't touched you yet, you've blushed."

 Quickly Achiera immediately interrupted Hans's words so that the man would not be even crazier with his boasting.

 "Aren't you a little dizzy from sitting too much? Let me help you lie down." Achiera said, stopping Hans's insane words then pulled him slowly and lay him down.

When Hans had lied in the right position, Hans quickly grabbed Achiera and hugged her to hold her from leaving.

 Hans didn't want to waste any more time and kissed Achiera on the lips once again, very deep and hot.  His tongue entered Achiera's oral cavity, and again made it difficult for the girl to catch her breath.  The hot kiss continued until there was a commotion that the sound got closer to their room so Hans let it go.

"You little buggers, too hobby to make someone get excited but don't want to be responsible. Wait and see how I'll treat you." Hans said, threatening Achiera.

 Hans kissed Achiera's forehead gently for a moment, and whispered;

 "Thank you for loving me, I love you Achiera Grey."  His words made Achiera smile sweetly as a token of appreciation for her happiness.

"And now go on to sleep, I want to see what noise is happening outside." Achiera said then covered Hans.

 "Very noisy and annoys me."  Hans replied curtly but it really has meaning.

 "Hans, don't start again, you have to rest completely so that you'll get better quickly." Achiera said.

"Yeah, get well soon so we can continue that thing that more deeper, right? I know you also really enjoy it and really want my touch, right?" Hans said, constantly teasing Achiera.

 "Never mind, go to sleep and before that take this medicine first." Achiera said while handing out the traditional medicine she mixed.

 "Don't you want to help me drink it like earlier?"  Hans asked and still teasing Achiera.

"Now Hans, don't joke anymore, I have to see what happens outside why it's so noisy." Achiera said and Hans obediently drank it.

 "Get some rest and recover quickly."  Achiera continued, placing Hans' cup of medicine on the nightstand.

 "Once again, thank you." Hans said as if he looked sincere then closed his eyes.

 When Achiera managed to persuade Hans to fall asleep, she was startled by the sound of the door opened roughly which after seeing it, it turned out to be Hazel who came.