To be Honest With Hazel^^

Honesty is painful, but it is better than being happy with a myriad of lies in it !!♥️

_Hans Matthew_

When he saw Hazel who came, Hans immediately reacted to pretend he was sleeping again.

 Hazel approached Achiera emotionally and after getting really close to Achiera, immediately Hazel slapped Achiera very hard without calculating.

 Achiera's ears shrilled from Hazel's powerful slap.

 Before Achiera could ask the reason why Hazel slapped her, Hazel first spoke her question in a strong scream.

"You ignorant bitch!!! On what basis are you holding Hans from staying here and not taking him to the hospital? Do you want Hans to die soon? Look, until now he hasn't conscious yet, is that what you want? And on what basis do you have fun enjoying like a mistress in this house??? Achiera I warn you, you are just a woman who is paid by Hans, so no need to act much, I hope you know yourself!!!" Hazel said continuously.

"Are you done with what you said?"  Achiera asked after stroking her cheek a few times which hurted from Hazel's hard slap.

 "If not, why? Do you dare object to me? Have you forgotten who I am?"  Hazel asked, bragging non-stop.

 "Of course I really know who you are. You are a girl who abandoned Hans because Hans was poor and married a rich man in your opinion and now you come back to Hans after you heard the news that now Hans is richer than your man. Am I right?"  Achiera replied casually.

"You ... how dare you!!"  Hazel replied, felt insulted.

 Shortly after that Hazel raised her hand, wanting to throw her second slap at Achiera, but Achiera swiftly caught Hazel's hand and held it.

 "My grandmother never taught me to be rude to others, but if that person hurts me there is no reason for me to remain silent. In essence, my grandmother taught me not to be easily bullied."  Achiera said then threw Hazel's hand roughly.

"And your treatment of me has touched my limits because it falls into the category of bullying!"  Achiera continued fiercely and then threw a slap that exceeded Hazel's strength, causing Hazel to fall to the floor.

 Hazel squealed in pain because she was slapped by Achiera, her face was bright red and the slap made her tears fall because of hurt.  Hazel looked around her, she felt humiliated in front of Hans subordinates.

"Woman who don't know herself!!" Hazel said sharply and then got up.

 "You said you don't want to be bullied." She said while getting closer to Achiera.

 "HEY.....!!!!"  Hazel continued strongly to show power over her embarrassment.

 "Do you realize, you have even been bullied and even trampled on your pride by Hans, you are just a shield as revenge ..."

"Hazel ...." Hans said suddenly after pretending to be asleep all this time and immediately opened his eyes to interrupt Hazel's words because of course he hasn't let Achiera to know his goal for now.

 "What are you doing here?"  Hans asked Hazel again.

 "Hans .... Have you awake? When was that?"  Hazel asked, dumbfounded.

 "Right long before you came I was awake, and when I found out you came, I pretended to go back to sleep." Hans answered coldly.

"What ...? But why did you do that? Why did you pretend?" Hazel asked hysterically.

 "You ...? Are you avoiding me Hans?" She continued asking.

 "Enough to pretend soft and weak in front of me, if I did not pretend to sleep earlier how would I know this side of your nature! And about your treatment to Achiera, how do I know it, actually I was already quite suspicious and I wanted to find it myself. " Hans said while sharply glaring at Hazel.

 "Hans ..... !! You defended her? Didn't you say she was just .." Hazel replied, and again her words didn't come out because Hans had cut her off.

"Enoug, Hazel .... !!!" Hans shouted.

 "You still dare to defend yourself after all your treatment? Why didn't I know your attitude like this?"  Hans asked again.

 "You make me disappointed Hazel ..!" Hans continued again.

 "Hans ... I'm sorry, I'm like this because I don't want to lose you a second time."

 "Hazel I hope you understand and realize soon, you already lost me when you chose to leave and there's no second chance!" Hans said firmly.

Hazel lifted her head and looked straight at Hans, like a nightmare at the light day, she couldn't believe what she heard. She was so shocked that she was unable to utter a word.

 "Do not ever think that I still love you because I still accept you to live in my house. I did it all solely as a form of gratitude for you who used to help me, gave me a piece of bread and sincerely smiled gently at me in  when the bread that was in my hand had fallen and was dirty to the ground." Hans explained, looked serious.

"Are you serious Hans?" Hazel asked reassuring Hans, her tears falling without sobbing.

 "That's right, everything I say is all true. But you don't need to worry, as I promise I will heal you. You just need treatment and diligent consultation. And I hope you can continue your life well." Hans said then walked closer to Achiera.

 "Does it hurt?" Hans asked softly as he touched Achiera's cheek.

Achiera just smiled, meanwhile Hazel fell back down in disbelief at everything she had heard.

 Achiera gave a gesture of body language for Hans to look at Hazel by playing with her eyes.

 "Hazel, don't hurt your life like this, you have to keep up the good spirit to speed up your healing process and from now on, live well." Hans said and then tried to pull Hazel up.

 "What for, Hans?"  Hazel asked dryly, making Hans stop his action which wanted to help Hazel to stand up.

"Ha ..." This time Hans's words were interrupted because Hazel immediately continued.

 "For what do you want me to recover? In retribution for your gratitude, so that you feel no debt in the future, right? Do you just always take into account every person's actions against you? Is that someone's feelings for you only limited to feedback from you? Was that joke on your mind about feelings? "  Hazel asked loudly with a glare at Hans.

"Hazel don't piss me off with all your ridiculous statements." Hans replied coldly.

 "Ridiculous what? I don't need your sympathy!"  Hazel replied and left.

 As soon as the atmosphere was tense enough for Achiera after Hazel's departure, she was silent with a blank look. Her mind wandered aimlessly, bland and even she didn't know what she was thinking.

Hans, who was also silent, immediately regained his senses, then walked over to Achiera.  He kissed Achiera's shoulder gently without notification.

 Achiera, who was dumbfounded and engrossed in her thoughts, suddenly jumped in shock, making Hans almost fall if he didn't stand properly.

 "Hey ... it's me, why are you surprised?" Hans asked, frowning.

 "Hans sorry I was on reflex because you startled me." Achiera replied after realizing her actions.

"It's not me that surprises you, you who enjoy your daydream too much. Later daydreaming will be a me-time for you, because you have too much time to daydream and you also really enjoy it." Hans said, leaning his lips forward as a sign that he was frowning.

 Achiera approached Hans then touched the cheek of the man who was frowning at her and said;

 "Does a daydream now make this great CEO jealous too?"  Achiera asked then rolled her eyes upwards to imitate someone's thinking style.

 Hans who saw that immediately pinched Achiera's cheek in exasperation because he really felt very anxious about Achiera's attitude which somehow always made him feel much better.