Plead for blessings

What is it called to love someone who has ruined our life? Stupid or fate? And how can the storyline of that love extinguish the fire of vengeance that is already burning?


Hans laughed at Achiera's attitude, then pulled her hand into the old old European style house.

 "Child, what do you want to drink? I will make the best for you," A woman who is also middle-aged ordered, she also entered the house as soon as Hans and Achiera entered.

 "Don't bother Mrs. Sharma, just serve what's there," Hans replied very politely.

While waiting for the drinks to be served, Hans chatted with Mr. Anming, while playing chess and Achiera was just a story connoisseur without taking a word from her mouth.

 Today, Hans looked very roomy, there was no burden shown as usual.  Also he was very polite to these two old people.  Not arrogant and blind as he was according to most people.  Is this the influence of chess or this place?  Whose house was this actually, Achiera muttered to herself.  She had been very curious since earlier, but Hans didn't tell her.

After taking a sip of coffee made by his wife, Mr. Anming opened his voice, he was curious about who the woman Hans brought to visit his ancestral house. "Son, who is this girl?"

 "Oh yes, I almost forgot to introduce her to you," Hans said, as soon as he realized Achiera's presence.  He looked at Achiera for a moment.

 "She is Achiera 'Grey'!" Hans said, placing emphasis on the words of the Achiera surname.

Mr. Anming immediately glared in surprise at Hans, as if he wanted to find an answer. Mrs. Sharma, who heard that was no less surprised, but when she saw the expression on her husband's face, she took the initiative to take Achiera away from that place.  So that Hans can speak freely to her husband.

 "Achiera ... You came from the capital, right? Surely you have never seen the comfortable atmosphere and fresh weather in the village. Do you want me to take you around? There is a lot to be enjoyed here," Mrs. Sharma offered, breaking the stiffness in that place.

"You were wrong, Mrs. I was actually from the village, but this is the first time I have seen a village atmosphere that is very beautiful like this. I actually really want to go around here. But ... I'm very afraid to bother you."

 "Of course not. Let's go around here."  Mrs. Sharma immediately left and was tailed by Achiera, after saying goodbye to Hans.

 "Grey? Is he the daughter of Stevanus Grey? Or is it just the same surname?"  Mr. Anming asked, after making sure Achiera was quite far from them.

Hans took a deep breath and said, "That's right, she's Stevanus Grey's daughter."

 Mr. Anming sighed.  He was not as surprised as before.  It seemed that he had found the answer earlier, then immediately, there was a tense of silence.

 "Why did you meet Stevanus Grey's daughter?" Mr. Anming asked, breaking the silence.

"At first, I wanted to take revenge with her, apart from being the daughter of my enemy, she had also destroyed my hard work for a year. But now, everything has changed." Hans said and the atmosphere was quiet again.

 Mr. Anming kept silent, deliberately waiting for Hans to continue his explanation. "Mr. Anming, after my parents died, Mr. and Mrs. Sharma have been looking after me. I brought the daughter of my enemy here because I wanted to ask for the blessing of you and mother."

 Hans was silent again.

"What blessing?" Mr. Anming asked, felt that Hans was waiting for him to ask.

 "I love her-" Hans said quietly, looked like he had a feeling of regret. "I love the son of the person who ruined my life, to the utmost destruction."  Hans looked very fragile about this.

 Mr. Anming then patted Hans's shoulder lightly, and said,

"You love her, right? Then, why do you seem regretful?" Mr. Anming asked.

 "How stupid I am, because I have loved the daughter of someone who ruined my life until there is nothing left. A life that makes me yearn for death all the time. Feeling reluctant to live, but afraid to die! Life that forced me to keep walking on my two feet, even though  I was not strong enough to support my body. However, after all that, I could easily love the daughter of the cause of my hell. I betrayed myself! This is so useless!!"  Hans shrieked, he pulled his hair.

"If your heart can accept that, even love her, that means, it's time for you to forget all those bad memories, son. Revenge will only make your heart harder and harder to live a better life. Start over, it's not too late to start new things. Believe me, after this, you will find your life much more beautiful and meaningful. " Mr. Anming said as he patted Hans on the shoulder, trying to calm him down.

 "Are you not angry with me? Did I betray myself?" Hans said.

 "Why should I scold you? Have I ever pushed you to take revenge?"

Hans looked at Mr. Anming who was like a father to him, then hugged the old man warmly.

'If papa was still alive, will he bless me like this Mr. Anming,' Hans asked to himself, then he looked up.

'Maybe now you will hate me, right Papa?  I even want to marry the daughter of the person who killed you,' Hans said to himself.

 "Then, don't you want to introduce Achiera directly as my future daughter-in-law?" Mr. Anming asked.

"You're so right, I'll get her for you."  Hans immediately went to meet Achiera who was walking around.

 "I wonder, between the flowers and me, which one is more eye-catching?" Hans suddenly asked, startling Achiera.

 "Hans ... You? Since when were you there? Can you walk leaving your voice? You always manage to surprise me!"  Achiera didn't stop grumbling.

 "Me who didn't make a sound while walking or are you who are too serious enjoying the flowers?"  Hans defended himself.

Achiera frowned at Hans, who every time she asked, he always asked back.

 Hans knew about it, and he walked closer to Achiera.

 "Are these flowers too attractive or am I?" Hans asked again, then plucked a frangipani flower and put it on Achiera's ear.

 "The flowers are beautiful, but they are not your competitors," Hans teased.

Dug ... dug ... dug ...

 Achiera's heart immediately felt war at hearing that.  Wanted to answer, but the words only reached her throat because she was not too strong to hold her feelings.

 "I already said the difference between this flower and you. Then you ... Why haven't you answered me? Explain, which one is more attractive, me or this flower?"  Hans insisted.

 Achiera laughed and turned around to ask, "Are you sure you really curious?"  Achiera teased, of course she deliberately took the time to answer Hans.

"Achiera ... Don't test me, you will lose!"

 "Okay, I'll answer, but you don't ever regret my answer, okay?"  Achiera was still deliberately wasting time.

 "My answer is ... Obviously this flower, please!" She replied and ran away from Hans.