Tell about the past

"About grudges ... Revenge might feel fun, well satisfying desire certainly delicious, right? But you know it will only torture you slowly."

-Woman at the Lowest Point -

"Do you think just because of running, I can't catch up with you, Achiera?" Hans said, when he caught Achiera.

 "It's so natural if you chase me, I'm a girl!"  Achiera defended herself.

 "You're getting smarter at evading now," Hans said then pinched Achiera's nose lightly.

 "You don't need to be surprised Hans, I learned all that from you," Achiera kept dividing.

Hans grabbed Achiera's hand, invited her to sit on the chair near the blooming flowers.

 After they sat down, Hans stood for a moment then slowly took a deep breath with his hands spread to the side.

 "This place doesn't change, it always manages to keep me calm and strong when I'm here," Hans muttered, still breathing the fresh air that the trees and flowers produced.

 Achiera waited silently for the continuation of Hans's story, because she was eager to know where a Chairman like Hans found a small village in this big city.

"Earlier you asked, how do I know this place," Hans said, then sat back down, as if he knew the meaning of the expression Achiera's face made.

 "This place is the only legacy of my grandfather, Thomas Matthew. In the past, my father wanted to make a large property in this place, at a time when he was at its prime. The period in which he managed to occupy the peak of his success.

 The property he wanted to make was not to expand his business, but only to cultivate my grandfather's legacy. My father dreams of making something that everyone can enjoy, without having to spend money. The term is, as a free recreation area for everyone, with Thema.  the natural scenery is incredible, the combination of human hand-made and naturalness of this place.

Just as he was about to start and design the building himself, someone came to destroy all of my father's business.  Not only that, they also killed my father from our own company building."

 "As for the design results, even though I've reached this point, I still can't continue, I feel inappropriate," Hans said, and again and again he showed his frail side in front of Achiera.

 "They? You mean it wasn't just one person who destroyed your father's company?" Achiera asked curiously.

 "Hu'oh, the man who killed my father had a big backer, they are friends. A friend will do anything to make his friend happy, like you and Kaili."

"Only a stupid friend will support a friend to do evil things. That does not include me with Kaili!"  Achiera said.

 "Yes ... You two are friends who support each other's good things."  Hans confirmed Achiera's words, and stroked Achiera's long beautiful hair.

 "Then, was this place like this when your father was around? Or did you remodel it?"

 "No ...! I didn't dare to change it. All of it belonged to my father's original hand made. It's just that the lake. He didn't have time to finish it before, so I continued," Hans explained.

"Everything here was the designed of my father, except the classic house next to the ancient house. At first glance, we may see that it is all old houses, but behind it is a classic European modern house that follows my culture. It just doesn't stand out because I still want to reminisce about that ancient house. "

 "Why from this vast land, your hand only touched a house ??" Achiera asked.

 "Achiera ... The life I lived was not easy, ups and downs were commonplace, even falling to the point of falling I can't move to move. All this time, I've lived and stood in the name of grudge, until I became strong even though fragile.  In the cracks of my burning grudge, I long for a love. People say, 'home' is synonymous with love. It will be a place to go home. I am also a human being, need to enjoy life with love, that's the reason I unite the ancient house with home  modern European classic style," Hans said.

Achiera, who heard Hans's story, could see the pain in the man's eyes.  For some reason, she also felt the pain experienced by Hans.

'At least my life was a step better than him.  I still have my grandmother and two younger siblings who are always home to me to go home,' Achiera thought.

 However, her heart immediately felt like it was stabbed when she remembered the only younger brother she had already left.

 "Then who are those two people?" Achiera asked again, wanted to hide her pain.

"They were the caretakers of our house, Mr. Anming and Mrs. Sharma, who have taken care of me from a young age. Even when we lost everything, they didn't leave me alone. They still took care of me, and considered me their child," Hans said.

 "At that time, my father's killer was still chasing me and wanted to kill me too. I had no other choice but went to this place, to hide. I walked from my father's company HM group (now the Matthews Group) to here. Want to use transportation but I don't have the money, and as expected, they really don't know about this place, so it's safe for me to live for a while.

And I never thought before, Mr. Anming and Mrs. Sharma looking for me here.  They tried to invite me to live well, start everything from scratch here.  But I was stubborn, I left them to become great like my father.  With the remaining money they had, they sent me away.  They both love me so sincerely, which is the reason I can't betray a love," Hans explained again.

 Achiera tapped Hans's shoulder,

 "At least if it weren't for revenge, no one would see and know a Hans who is now, great and strong."

"So you don't think the grudge I have is wrong?" Hans asked.

 "Hans, there are kinds of grudges. There is a sense of revenge that arose to leads to a spirit to be stronger and stronger instead, and there is also a grudge that blindly wants to take revenge," Achiera said.

 "I am the two of the kinds that you say that. All my motivation is just to avenge my every revenge, and I've been getting back at it, even up to his children," Hans said, admitted.

 "...." Achiera was silent hearing Hans's confession, she was not surprised because as she knew, Hans was the one who would avenge every crime.

"Do you hate me now?" Hans asked quietly. "Tell me, if you were me, what would you do?" Hans asked again.

 "My choice is 'will not be revengeful'. Maybe, because since I was little, I was always taught how to love and I always get love, even though my parents died, I still get that love from my grandmother," Achiera said, and then kept quiet for a few moments.  moment.  "But you are also not wrong, the eyes of your heart are dark filled with hatred because no one directed you," Achiera continued.

 "Thank you for accepting me, one day if you want to hate me, remember about today. That you said I was not wrong ..!"  Hans said firmly, madr Achiera a little confused.