Confess to each other

"Love is the air~ 

Between love and air, they both have an important bond in human life! Humans need air to breathe, and need love to complement life. Because if they have no love, our souls will only seem alive but dead! Empty!!!

-Woman at the Lowest Point -


"For what reason will I hate you in the future? It will never happen, I will never hate you," Achiera said confidently.

She didn't know where that belief came from.

 "I hope so too, you must not regret whatever you have said today," Hans answered.

'If you knew the truth, would you still keep saying that I am innocent?  How naive you are Achiera,' Hans thought, then he looked at Achiera who was full of a beautiful smile on his lips.

 Hans returned Achiera's smile, and said,

"This is the secret I'm telling you, so didn't you mean to tell your secret about my new nickname, babe?" Hans teased.

 Achiera laughed seeing the gallant Hans suddenly enveloped in deep curiosity, making Achiera couldn't help but muttering inwardly.

'What a cute expression,' Achiera thought.

 "Achiera Gray, are you planning to keep quiet? Is it so good to keep something secret from me? You're really unfair, I told you my secret but you kept your mouth shut," Hans continued to protest.

"Very well .... There's nothing I can hide from you, Mr. Jealousy," Achiera teased.

 "Actually there is no secret. For a woman who is in love, of course she has a beautiful dream for it. I love you, and I have a dream to live with you 'hubby'," Achiera explained.

 Hans was so amazed to hear all that, so beautiful, made his blood feel warm, his eyes filled with tears because he was so touched by what Achiera said.

Hans kissed Achiera's forehead,

 "Thank you for the truth you just shared, I love you so much."  Hans hugged Achiera warmly, they hugged for a long time, seeming to want to express love to each other through a hug.

 "Don't you want to know why I brought you here?" Hans asked.

 Achiera shook her head quickly, which meant she wanted to know as soon as Hans had the purpose of bringing her here, to Hans' memory place.

 "As I said earlier, Mr. Anming and Mrs. Sharma are like parents to me, I brought you to meet them because I wanted to introduce you and asked for permission to propose to you," Hans explained.

Achiera was dumbfounded by Hans's words, she was looking for a seriousness behind that man's gaze, and indeed it seemed that Hans was very serious about what he said, it can be seen clearly from the look in his eyes.

 "Before I ask permission from your grandmother, I want you to get to know my family first. Now that the descendants of Matthew are gone, I can't bring them to them. So I can only bring you to Mr. Anming. I hope you don't regret the incompleteness of my family, I can't give you.  mother and father-in-law as well as other worthy brothers-in-law," Hans continued.

 Achiera enjoyed every word that came out of Hans's mouth, she was so dumbfounded that she couldn't control her feelings.

 "You ... Will you meet them?" Hans asked.

Achiera quickly nodded in agreement with Hans's offer.

 "Then, let's meet them now," Hans said and then offered his hand to be wrapped around Achiera.


 "Mr. Anming, Mrs. Sharma, this is Achiera. I love her, and I intend to propose to her. Will you agree with our relationship? We expect prayers and blessings from you, who are a substitute for my parents," Hans said gently.

 "If she can make you happy, Mr and Mrs will only bless you," Mrs. Sharma said, then smiled sweetly at Achiera.

"You are a good girl, if Hans hurts you then come here. Mother will punish him," Mrs. Sharma said to Achiera.

 Achiera just nodded happily, she didn't think that she had arrived at this 'Wedding' day.

 Even though she has not been officially proposed, at least by bringing her to meet Hans' parents, it has shown the seriousness of a Hans.

 Marriage was a dream for all women.  Become a princess who found her prince, and will build a castle that she was the queen ...!  Every woman certainly wanted and will always dream about that day, and Achiera Grey was no exception.


As twilight showed its presence, Achiera and Hans say goodbye to return.  After kissing the hands of the parents, they went home.

 "Hans ...." Achiera called quietly to start their conversation once in the car.

 "Hemp ... what's wrong?" Hans asked, turning his head to Achiera.

 "So this is the second surprise you said?" Achiera asked.

 "Oh my second surprise, hmm ... it was about-" Hans hung up, wanting to see what Achiera was protesting like.

"Hans, when you talk it has to be straightforward. You really like hanging what you say."  Achiera pouted and looked away.

 "Ha ha ha ... Look at your frowning face, it looks a lot like a 4 year old kid who wasn't given permission to drink ice cream," Hans teased.

 "Leave it ... I don't care."  Achiera wasn't fooled.

 "Ha ha ha ... don't be angry anymore, if you're mad at me, I won't be able to live well."  Now Hans acted like an obedient kitten.  "You'll know your second surprise when you get home," he continued again.

"Actually, what's the surprise? Why did I have to wait until I got home?" Achiera asked.

 "If I say it, is that still a surprise?" Hans asked, narrowing an eye.

 "You really can make me die curious," Achiera said in surrender.

 And Hans laughed seeing the stubborn Achiera finally give up.

 "Oh yeah, you don't mind if you live in a villa? Or do you prefer an apartment?" Hans asked, it suddenly changed Achiera's mood.

"Hans, it doesn't really matter to me where I live, as long as it's with you that's where my house is. As you say, the house isn't the building but the person inside that is where we go to."

 Achiera's answer made Hans's heart very calm.

 "Thank you for understanding, I have a reason not to take you back to the apartment. I don't want to get you into trouble living under one roof with Hazel. For now, I can't just let her go, because she helped me after all. And right now.  She is sick."  Hans tried to make Achiera understand.

 "No problem, with you enough to defend me in front of her it makes me happy. I won't force you to do anything, because I don't need it all, all I need is you beside me. That's enough for me," Achiera said earnestly.

 "You are very kind, and I am grateful to have you!"  Hans replied sincerely, then took Achiera's hand.