Achiera Miscarriage

 "Achiera, what happened?" Kaili asked, who by then had finished wearing her dress and wanted to ask Dexter's opinion.

 "Ah, no. I was thinking, where did Hans go at such an important time. I saw him leave in a panic and hurry, as if he was afraid of missing something meaningful."  Achiera wiped her tears.

"Ha ... ha ... ha ... Pregnant women are always sensitive," Kaili sneered with a loud laugh.

 "Why did you come out? Whose opinion do you want?" Achiera asked, changing the subject.

 "I-I ... Yes, of course I want to ask your opinion. How, do you think this dress is perfect for me to wear on your happy day?" Kaili said, lying.

 "You know Miss Goh, when you lie, your face will be very red. You're not very good at it," Achiera replied. "Honestly, you're here to ask Dexter's opinion, right? Looks like your relationship has gone a long way, when do you plan to tell me about it?" Achiera said, interrogating.