Achiera Coma...

Losing means that the importance of preserving it while it is still there.  ❤️🍁

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 "How? Can Hans be contacted?" Dexter asked as soon as they got to the hospital.

 "That man didn't answer my phone. Maybe he's very busy," Kaili answered.

 "We need Hans as the guardian of Achiera to sign the operation agreement," Dexter said frantically.  "We can't wait anymore, I'm afraid it will endanger Achiera's life," He continued.

"Then ... what are you demanding of me? I made him unable to come?" Kaili asked angrily,

 Then she paused for a moment, then continued her words.  "Dexter, seeing Achiera's condition like this has made me very stressed. Don't overload my mind because of your friend," Kaili said.

 Dexter fell silent at Kaili's statement.  In his heart he confirmed that statement

 Meanwhile, when the doctor checked Achiera's condition, Kaili and Dexter were still trying to contact Hans, but there was no reply.