We will getting married,

You stupid Achiera! How could people who have just passed the critical period have been allowed to go home, only Hans could be like that, because even his illness was just a play, thought Dexter, he giggled.

And when Dexter giggled, Achiera caught it.

"What's the thing that makes you laugh like that? Is there something funny?" asked Achiera.

"Babe ... Your husband here needs attention, but why do you still take time to pay attention to this obscure man? Aren't you afraid I will get sicker from jealousy?" said Hans to divert Achiera's question from Dexter.

God damn you, Dexter! Useless friends! If this mission fails, I'll kill you! Now better find the right way to divert Achiera, thought Hans cursing Dexter inwardly. His eyes fixed on Dexter.

"Nothing funny. It's just that I feel amused to see Hans' attitude, already old but phobia of hospitals. Look, he's already sweating because of that, explained Dexter while narrowing one eye at Hans.