Because of you

About you ^^

Before I tell you about the contents of my feelings, I have earnestly asked you to the Creator through the prayers I say. You know, I beg for you to Him openly without shame ~~


"Why are you so worried? We've made a big plan," said Zyan casually.

"Will it work? We have had many plans, all of them failed. Maybe this time it will fail too."

"Take it easy. I can guarantee that this time our plan will run very smoothly. You know how Hans characters are, he will hate Achiera if he hears Achiera's voice recording after we edit and polish it well," said Zyan confidently.

"You can always depend. I can't wait for the day when Achiera feels like her life is walking on burning coals," Hazel replied and then laughed sarcastically.

Meanwhile, at Steven's residence.

"Prince, they are getting married tomorrow. Are you still going to keep quiet without acting to thwart the marriage?" asked Andi, Steven's trusted bodyguard.