Back Together

"But for this problem, I'm not asking you to believe me. I will try to find all the evidence and clear my name. I don't want this problem to be resolved just like that. I don't know what will happen in the future, this could backfire in our relationship," Achiera explained back.

"Hemp ... go and find the truth. I will support and will always wait for good news from you!" Hans said and they hugged each other.

After a few minutes.

"Hans ... let me put traditional medicine on your wound, okay," Achiera asked.

"You can't even walk, much less to treat me?" Hans sneered.

But when he saw Achiera's sad expression, Hans chuckled. "Tell me, where will I get the medicine? I'll take it and mix here, you direct me, how?" Hans said again.

"Agreed ..." Achiera replied cheerfully. "The medicine is in the guest room, where you rested earlier," Achiera added.

"Okay, wait here. I'll be back after I collect it." Hans started to leave.