Best Friend.

Bad associations will change good habits! Make friends wisely!

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{Miss Goh alone thinks too much, I am fine.}

{Achiera, do you think I've known you for a day or two or a year? Huh! Everything that comes out of your mouth will be the words 'I'm fine', tch! Who doesn't know that, but in fact, you are betting life!}

{But this time I'm telling you the truth. my relationship with Hans is good as be-}

Kaili interrupted Achiera's words before the words are finished.

{What do you mean? Isn't Hans angry?}

Kaili was excited to know.

{So if you want to know, don't get used to cutting people's words.}

Now it was Achiera's turn to grumble.

{He... he... Sorry, I was too excited.}

{Yeah, for the first time, he was very angry and we even had time to keep quiet from each other. Hans spent his time torturing himself.}

Achiera starting to want to tell a story.

{Then how can you forgive each other?}