Always spoiled

 "Ah no, it's not like that," Hans replied quickly when he saw the sad and disappointed expression on Achiera's face.

 "Who said it tastes bad? This is very good, your cooking is very good!!" praised Hans, of course Hans was lying.

 "You are lying, you obviously wanted to vomit the food," said Achiera.

 "That's because I'm very thirsty, that's right. I'm very thirsty because since this morning I haven't had anything to drink and suddenly the food going into my mouth tastes bland," said Hans lying again.

 "Achiera, if only your cooking skills were just a little less good than your prowess in marketing programs, it might not be this bad," swore Hans.

 Achiera was very clever, and it was discovered by Hans when he made her his assistant. Achiera was able to work on programs and also come up with brilliant ideas, but unfortunately a woman's job like cooking didn't seem to fall into her talents category.