A great Love

 "Sit here, your husband will cook a very delicious meal for you," said Hans while placing Achiera on the dining table near the kitchen.

 "You must have never tasted food this delicious before. Because this is a dish made with love," teased Hans.

 "Your mouth really contains too much honey, I will be a diabetic soon if I keep listening to you talking like that," Achiera sneered while covering the blush on her face due to the warmth she felt in her heart.

 "If you are diabetic because of my sweet words then I will use my sweet words again to heal you," answered Hans lightly.

 "Really, how would you?" Achiera asked curiously.

 "Try to imagine, my mouth can make you diabetic, it also means my mouth can heal you. Isn't that right?" said Hans, still not leaving the table.

 "Yes, alright, now you go and cook, I'm very hungry!!" said Achiera while pushing Hans away from her.