found love

Have you ever heard the word that love cannot be forced? And even now the almighty Love has yet to clarify why it will target a heart that's willing to accept it's presence?? And don't ask me, I also don't know .. hahahah!!! All I know is, love is never wrong, it's just that sometimes it hits people at the wrong time!

 ~ Woman at the Lowest point ~

And tonight they made an appointment to meet, whatever was on Hans's mind for contacting Nadine again after they had not met for a long time, more precisely since Hans found Achiera and felt a different sensation from Achiera that he never even got from women he slept with in the past.

 Hans used to think that it might be because Achiera was the first virgin woman in his life, but arriving back here after spending a lot of time together, for the first time in the life of President Hans, he denied what he thought.