Love is you!

This was not the first time for the two of them to do it, they did if numerous times in the past 3 years, but why was he feeling so different tonight.

 In Hans's heart he felt an inner disgust, a rejection that he could not lie to. Whereas in the past Hans was able to accept Nadine even though there may have been many who touched Nadine other than him.

 And now his mind was drifting to his intruding demon, he remembered the clean, holy Achiera who would shyly slept with him, who was the first man of the woman, even more so the sensation he felt every time he made love to Achiera, that he never had before.

 Since Achiera's arrival, Hans had never been interested in other women again!! All he needed and wanted was Achiera, Achiera and Achiera again. And he would never be satisfied even though he had repeatedly touched her. Hans would always be very satisfied if he could make Achiera exhausted and fall asleep in his strong arms.