Hazel moved into Hans's mansion

The next day, Achiera heard a commotion in front of the house as she enjoyed her morning atmosphere in the garden with the book as well as the fish in the pond.

"Who's making a fuss? It's so unusual!" said Achiera and immediately left.

From afar she saw Hazel come with some of her belongings as well as the suitcase brought by Norman.

"Hazel? What's she doing here?" Achiera asked herself as she walked.

Hazel also caught the presence of Achiera walking closer to her.

"Hi, Achiera?" called Hazel while walking toward Achiera.

Achiera looked away and walked past Hazel.

"Whoa, what arrogance you've just shown?" Hazel sneered.

But of course, such a sneer wouldn't be able to bother Achiera. She still wisely chose to be quiet and keep going.