Morning sickness

Knock knock knock ....!

The sound of knocking on the door.

Achiera lazily replied, "Come in!" she said because the door was not locked.

"Achiera, how are you? I brought you healthy soup. You should eat it before it gets cold," said Mother Sun who came with a tray in her hand containing a bowl of soup as well as a glass of milk and a plate of rice.

"Thank you, mother. Just put it there, Achiera will eat it later," Achiera replied with a big smile.

'Is everything all right? She can smile now! ' Mother Sun thought.

"It's better to eat it now. The soup is not good to eat when it's cold. Moreover, you haven't been eating well in the past few days. You have to think about your baby's condition. If you don't eat, where will your baby get nutrition from?" said Mother Sun.

"Yes Mother Sun, I'll be eating soon," Achiera replied and still smiled.

"Hmm ... where is Hans?" Mother Sun whispered.

"He's in the bathroom. Why?" asked Achiera.