Pale and didn’t have an appetite

The vomit kept coming. She was really dizzy and very pale. Her energy drained, and finally, she ended up passing out in the bathroom.

Meanwhile in Hans's garden.

"Hans, I've thought it through," Hazel said.

"Thinking of what?"

"Thinking about what you said back in your office that day," Hazel replied, pausing for a moment. "I will give my son later when he is born to you and Achiera. After all, he needs to have a complete family. Meanwhile, if he is with me, he will only have a mother and no father. Meanwhile, if there is a child without his father, his fate will only be the subject of bullying from his friends. I would not want that to happen. A mother only wants the best for her child. She knows, there will be no mother as good as herself for her child, a mother won't feel at ease if her child is taken care of by someone else. But Achiera is the exception."

"Exception? What do you mean?" asked Hans.