Sydney being once an unidentified seed donor to Splash who became the IVF recepient had built a close family knit.
Despite their diversity in many ways, with the heart that they had to express the mutual feelings for each other became the cause of their union.
Bound with their three children, their love for each other could never be separated even with millions of military warships and machine guns. Their soul would continually traverse to search for its mate till the end of time.
Yes, Ms Pearl Ace May Solis was not that demonstrative of her love for Sydney Britton, however, deep in her heart he's her one and only beloved. Unlike her, Sydney was so expressive of his love for her even at the middle of a huge crowd.
The difference between the means of their manifestation of their love for each other was never a surprise to whoever knew them as they were aware of their origin. Ms. Peace was a Filipina while Sydney was an American.
Ms. Peace was nurtured in modesty by her strict but loving parents. She was educated of how meaningful was a woman's virginity to a man being her best gift to her future husband. Virginity that symbolizes purity, expected trust from her husband, self-control and self- discipline, obedience and strong faith in God was instilled in the heart and mind of Ms. Peace.
And... Ms. Peace had her most sacred gift to Sydney, her virginity since their eldest child who was procreated through IVF was given birth through ceasarian.
As a result, Sydney was filled with overflowing joy thinking that marrying Ms. Peace seemed to win trillions in a lottery. He was so understanding and loving when it came to the incredible tantrums of his wife who was fifteen years younger than him. Nevertheless, he found him to be more than fortunate to have her after that bitch woman who deceived him.
In fact, he was always amused of her naughtiness as she was very fond of running away from him, letting him chased her and found her from her hiding places. She was so playful but she was also dependable, loving, caring, and responsible.
When he failed to give in to what she would like him to do for her, he would even threw his clothes and tools. She would not talk to him, nor serve him during meal time. When she had no tantrums, she was the sweetest wife he had ever known.
One thing was sure, her anger would only be for an hour or even less than it especially if she was done expressing her anger to him.
She would even encourage him of his invention. Not only that, she would also help him sort out for some ideas to enhance his project or discovery.
Just like his VEAS- Vehicular Enormous Automated Sucker, she suggested to make it similar to his IBT/IST - Invisible Bag Teleportation/Invisible Suit Teleportation. She suggested to make it an Invisible Teleportation Vehicular Automated Sucker - IT VEAS. He didn't leave her suggestion. He took it by heart that he started to discover it.
In other words, his wife was his partner and confidante in doing his invention. She admitted that she was very poor in Math, but her mind was teeming with an out of this world ideas that every scientist should possess.
They were not partner in crimes, they were partner in the field of the inventors. ITVEAS was a combination of their ideas as partner.
She also suggested to have it invented in a small vehicle that they were going to use to install the buttons for teleport ation and invisibility. Although, she was hesitant about her suggestion, still she told it to him knowing that her husband would try doing it.
From the time she suggested her idea about the modification of her husband's VEAS, the latter had begun to be very busy discoveng the possibility of her idea.
While her husband's so busy upgrading his discovery, she was also busy tending to the needs of their children aside from her dedication to her work.
In her weekly schedule, just like she was doing before their third child, gardening had become her usual activity as she was not just enjoying its beauty but she was also having an additional income from her vegetables and flowers.
At an early age of their children, they were already trained to do some household chores that they could positively accomplished. They saw to it that their children should have regular daily routine to be done. Sometimes, the eldest and the second children were called to learn how to do the gardening and they were required to observe to what their father was doing to complete his invention.
Not a year was spent for the effort to the improvement he did to his ITVEAS.
So, it was time for the test that they had decided to do it within the vicinity of their lot. Just like before, they had the garbages littered around their house.
The upgraded VEAS was programmed to do the task for itself as it was only a small vehicle. The command was done in the garage where it was made.
PLOK! It was gone instantly that the whole family including the infant who was in a stroller went outside the garage to find out if the VEAS landed to where it was commanded where to start sucking the solid wastes.
They did not see it but they saw that from the west side of their spacious yard the garbage that they spread messily was little by little gone. After five minutes the west part of their place was messed up tidily.
PLOK! The machine appeared immobile.
Hurriedly, they inspected it. They found out that it was already stuffed with the finely grounded biodegradable wastes and flattened the non biodegradable.
The son took care of his infant sister who was in the crib while the three, Sydney, Splash, and Adrianne May had unloaded the ITVEAS with biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes from it.
The command was done again by Splash through the coaching of Sydney.
PLOK! It was gone once more and just like the first time they marched toward the east side of their yard to observe the disappearing garbages.
When the storage were once again filled, it appeared and stopped working. Their activity for that testing day was repeated until the surrounding of that spaceous vicinity was messed up well.
They went back in the garage where they had the evaluation of the newly updated little machine that would be another breakthrough.
To avoid the repeated command they had decided to make a duplication to a bigger vehicle that would have enough storage for both the biodegradable and non biodegradable wastes.
They likewise decided to make the machine a tool that every household can provide for themselves to mess up and make the segregation not too taxing.
As Sydney had already the written materials and procedure doing his more improved household machine, he completed the duplication for less than two months.
The testing was triumphant that they decided to register it once more in the NAI- National Inventor Association. It was Patented at no time at all.
An advertisement of the new household tool was done by the whole family that hit the interest of the people including the schools and other institutions or agencies.
Once again, it hit the market that forced Sydney and Splash to hire a helper to produce the machine. Once that had produced ten products, an orientation seminar was done to coach them the usage of the most friendly harmless tool ever.
The law of supply and demand brought them bulky profit which both of them had stuffed in their own vault installed in their secret room. Not even their eldest child knew its hidden place. They were so wealthy but refused to reveal it. They could even live without working but would be in abundance for a lifetime including their three children.
However, they wouldn't show it that was why Ms. Peace continued to be a public servant. What they were spending for their daily needs was what she was earning from her monthly salary. The compensation of their three household staff like the two maids, a driver and at the same time their gardener were taken from the earnings of Sydney's invention.
Their house was annually repainted and had been fixed including their security system. Splash suggested once more to Sydney to provide a tiny security system that their children could wear.
An underwear white washable shirt was invented by Sydney that their children would always wear. Their children were taught when, why, what, which and how to press the hidden button installed into it to escape from an aggressor. There's a detector into it that would warn them to press the buttons once they heard its defeaning shrilling sound. In fact, not only their children were wearing it, they, too, was using his Safety Undergarment.
This SU-Safety Undergarment was just similar to his IBT/IST only that it was in the form of a clothing that had appeared to be so ordinary like an undergarment. However, just like his first discovery, he had decided to make it a secret that he did not bother to have it Patented.
Since the birth of their third child, the SU was invented and the VEAS had become an ITVEAS.