Since the birth of their third child, the SU was invented and the VEAS had become an ITVEAS.
The manufacturing of the ITVEAS was non stop as it had likewise become so popular in the international market. The sale in the international market was more than the sale it had in the birth country of Ms. Peace. Hence, there was no doubt that they earned a heap of money in their furtively kept home vault. In fact, they had chosen to purchase one more that's twice bigger than the first.
What was more so amusing of Sydney's invention was the more he had produced more and more of this crop, the better it became when it came to efficiency and effectivity.
The durability of his invention was not a problem at all as it lasted for so many years unless the command would be erroneously pressed. So, no matter how other malicious persons attempted to imitate it, still they failed as they could not discover how to make it invisible and teleport while gathering the garbages.
The fact that they were able to mimic the VEAS, was not enough to attract the interest of the consumers as it had no chance to make it invisible and teleport without being noticed by the visitors especially in schools that used this tool to join the yearly contest for that known 'BRIGADA ESKUWELA'. (A contest among schools that offers facilities including safety, clean & green environment, & conducive classrooms to learning.
To have more and more sale, he offered an installment basis for the ITVEAS purchasal which had become more affordable to the consumers. They did it to avoid pollution in their surroundings.
In the case of those who were in the least privileged residential places, these husband and wife offered it to those barangay officials to have purchased one or two of these tools in order for their street cleaners to clean as quickly and as thoroughly as they can.
With such successful sale, though in installment basis, another better idea had instantaneously came in the mind of Ms. Peace. Her husband, Sydney should invent similar cleaning tool to get rid of the garbages in the river and other body of water.
As Sydney was intently discovering the new idea of his wife, the latter arranged an information where to use the finely crashed biodegradable and to sell the non biodegradable garbages.
As a result, every place had become a better place to live in surrounded with both ornamental and vegetable plants.
In the cities with a more & so complex residents and vendors in their market sites, were also targeted as best market of their ITVEAS. Eventually, there was no more market site that was stinky and filthy just like before when their machine was not yet invented.
As a successful inventor, his family was never perfect at all. Just like any other families, they, too, had some arguments, feud & misunderstandings. The only difference was they halted from their work and settled the matter as soon as possible. They did it even how petty was its cause as they believed that once an unsettled petty things not remedied immediately, it may result to a more grievous problem that may be difficult to handle at the end (when realization occured) .
Strict parenthood was imposed by these parents being the Head of their family. As their wealth had becoming discreetly increased in billions, their children had likewise been growing so fast that they noticed that changes were very evident, may it be physical, biological, spiritual, & psychological.
Therefore, their responsible parenthood was really tested how to have handled their children without pushing them too hard to become rebellious against them.
In their family room where they usually had their close family bonding moments before and after meal time every night, a bulletin board where their daily routine & an individual weekly plan/daily activities were posted. Also, a white board was nailed at the wall where their complaints against each other could be written.
The plaintiff and the defendant must have settled it after the evening meal in front of Sydney and Ms. Peace. Both of these parents would not mention of their work during the family time before and after the evening meal as it was their most sacred time to spend with their beloved precious children. Their household staff were prohibited to stay with them during their family bonding moment.
Instead, their household staff should stay in the cozy servant's quarter at the ground floor behind the kitchen. Like them, their quarter had an air condition, a heater, a television, a videoke, a cctv, an intercom and a bath tub in their rest rooms. They were really treated as family members who dined with them during meal time. Like some office workers, they, too, were also provided with their lifetime insurances including their health benefit insurances. They had also their bonuses and cash gifts that enticed them not to leave Mr. & Mrs. Sydney Britton's household.
They were so loyal and felt at home that they worked without being instructed and would even do some household chores that were no longer for them to attend to. As a result, the more they had been initiating to tend the house to be more nicely & comfortably lived in, the more they were benevolently treated by the children and their parents.
As months go by, the new invention was ready to be tested. The vehicle was designed to be convertible into a boat once it is in a body of water. Similarly, the family dumped some garbages in their pool that was newly made as Sydney and Ms. Peace were aware that the testing should be made in private.
The command was pressed right in the garage where it was painstakingly built and installed with the buttons that must be turned on during their manipulation of it as a cleaning machine. The first test was a failure when it wasn't transformed into a boat.
Another two more months were spent but, that time Sydney hired a mechanical engineer & at the same time he was an automotive technician to help Sydney realized his plan for the transformation. Sydney had no problem regarding its electronic and electrical installation as they were his ecpertise.
Another test was conducted. That time only the transformation would have been tested as Sydney would not let his hired man to detect his real purpose for its usage. It was a victorious testing of what he's expecting for transformation. Sydney compensated his hired man a fortune that the technician/engineer was able to buy a car of his own.
Another month was spent to install the cleaning machine in that convertible vehicle. When the water cleaning tool was tested, it was another too good to be true invention that needed a quick Patenting. Once Patented, they paid an advertising agency to promote their newly invented product with their whole family as the performers.
Although the selling of their new product was not as equally demanding as his other productive machines, still it filled their second coffer with treasures. As there was only a meager demand, they controlled the supply just like those products that was only in a especially made numbered edition. The smaller the supply the higher the price of their craft.
What was very impressive with this inventor with the name Sydney was his keen observation in making a machine. During the making of the convertible vehicle, he had written the tools needed plus the procedure even to the smallest detail. Subsequently, he was able to triumphantly build more convertible vehicles without rehiring the same man he once hired to help him.
With so much time spent in his invention he had still his time to be a father to his children and a lover husband to his wife. Like him, Ms. Peace had also made time to be the best mother to her children and lover wife to her lovey dovey Sydney.
Their children, on the other hand, were doing their responsibility despite of their inimitable whining that was but normal to growing children like them. However, they love schooling that most often than not, it was their ultimate reason for their complaints on distracting their time for studying.
Meanwhile, the husband and wife were dissatisfied with the sloggish purchasal of his latest invention. They needed it to catch the attention of the international market. So, they planned for an activity that drove the viewers to be a thrilled spectators.
A speculation should be made.
A video coverage was done when the whole family cleaned the longest river in metro city that any viewer had felt that the thrashes in it seemed to have never happened. They spent only one whole day to clean it like an eating dog that cleaned its plate that not even a tiny particle of its morsels was left unlicked.
The video coverage was edited for two days and was uploaded on line. Not a month after it was uploaded when it hit the international market once again. Still the demand was not as big as the usual ITVEAS to mess up the thrashes.
The WITVEAS' demand and supply was only half of the demand & Supply of the ITVEAS. Still it required them to fix the money more compacted in those two different sizes of a vault.
Only Sydney and Ms. Peace knew that they had at that time a trillion. They were a trillionare, not a billionaire.