Tube Scarf

As her episode came to an end, Aida reluctantly opened her eyes and stretched. From afar, they could see rows of houses that appeared to be fenced off. It was too far away to see things in detail, but this must be the base that Ace had found.

She hesitated slightly. Based on the reaction and discrimination that the humans in the group received at the previous base, she wasn't too sure if she should let them come along. It could potentially be dangerous for them if there was another detection type Variant in the group. However, seeing that they hadn't found any other mental type Variant or Reaper during their killing spree in the city, it could be determined that psychic types were extremely rare. Aida asked them, "Do you want to go into camp with us or just stay in the RV? There's no absolute guarantee of safety either way, but if you get detected as a human that could cause a pretty big uproar."

Light had already thought about this and responded calmly, "We can go with you. I suspect the reason we haven't been infected despite having been exposed to much of the virus is because of the blood you provided us. The likelihood of people realizing we aren't humans is fairly slim as it is nearly impossible to avoid getting contaminated."

Aida nodded. It seemed Light came to the same conclusions as she had. Turning her attention to Little White, she was left in a tricky situation. He was a Reaper. Although they had cleaned him up and he looked just like a little boy, the muscle paralysis on his face couldn't be changed. Little White seemed to have sensed Aida's thoughts and immediately hugged Aida's leg tightly, refusing to let go. He seemed intent on staying with the group. His face didn't change, but Aida could sense his extreme longing and fear of abandonment.

Helpless, Aida sat down and hugged Little White, "Okay, we won't leave you behind. Let me think of a way you can come with us. There are a lot of bad people out there and we don't want you to get caught or get hurt."

Little White continued to hug her, not reacting to her comment at all. Signalling to Light, she had him give her a face mask to put onto Little White's face, concealing most of him. They were really going to take a huge gamble now.

It was then that Aida recalled, Little White could turn invisible! So many new discoveries and things had happened in the past few days that she actually forgot this fact. She turned to Little White and began trying to tell him, "Little White, can you turn invisible for me?"

Little White stared blankly at Aida, not comprehending at all.

Aida tried a few more times but still didn't get a response from Little White. At this time, Xiao Ai happily bounced in from upstairs and landed on Aida's head, "Mama Mama, what are you up to? Xiao Ai wants to play too!"

"I'm trying to teach your little brother to turn invisible but he doesn't seem to understand me." Aida responded with a small amount of frustration.

"Oh~ Let Xiao Ai try! Little brother! Watch Xiao Ai!" As she said this, she slowly turned from her usual bun like shape into a clear, glass looking bun. Xiao Ai didn't completely disappear, but it seems she could make herself transparent. This was a surprise for Aida as well.

Seeing Xiao Ai turn clear, Little White finally reacted a bit. He walked up to Xiao Ai and poked her, and then slowly turned invisible as well. Aida breathed a deep sigh of relief, thankfully they were able to get the message across to this silly little bun brother.

"Xiao Ai, I didn't know you can change colors."

"Mm! Mama, before when Xiao Ai first transformed, Xiao Ai could only be a bun. But after waking up from my long~~ sleep, Xiao Ai discovered that there are many shapes and colors that Xiao Ai can turn into!"

Xiao Ai turned herself into the shape of a tube scarf and happily wrapped herself around Aida's neck. She praised herself, "Hehe~ Xiao Ai is a genius. Now Xiao Ai can follow Mama everywhere!"

"Mm, Xiao Ai is a genius indeed," Aida agreed placatingly as she patted Xiao Ai. A tube scarf would be perfect for her during these cold winter days.

The RV had parked right in front of the new base, so they prepared to get off. She felt a slight tug on the back of her shirt and knew that Little White was following behind her as well. In order to conceal their abilities, Lucifer who looked the part as a former special forces took on the role of leader.

They calmly followed behind Lucifer as they walked out of the RV. As they stepped out, there were numerous guns pointed in their direction. Red dots were trained on each of them. Aida looked down with a slight smile, trying to keep her vicious nature and thirst for blood in check.

Having been through this fire drill multiple times now, no one in the group was particularly bothered by this treatment. They simply raised their hands and allowed Lucifer to do the talking.

On the other side, the guards who originally had their guard up, dropped significantly after realizing this group consisted of women and children. The leader opened his mouth and said, "Who are you people? What do you want?"

Lucifer had on his trademark smile and responded casually, "Hi there! We're travelling further inland and saw that there was a base here. Our goal is to just stop and rest here for the night before leaving."

"We can let you in, but every person needs to go through an inspection before entering. We will assign each of you a temporary ID afterwards that you must have on your body at all times."

Lucifer squinted slightly as his eyes flitted to Ace, Light and Yukio, but responding calmly, "Ok!"

Hearing this response, the guard signalled to his men to lower their weapons. "You will have to leave your bus out here for now. It's too large to bring into the base itself."

"Fine, but can you ensure that it will stay untouched?"

"I can personally guarantee that my men will watch over it."

Nodding, Aida and the others lowered their hands and calmly walked towards the gate. While passing the RV, Aida brushed against it and worked with Xiao Ai to leave some charge on the bus for protection.