Passing the Test

Aida was intrigued by how they would go about their inspection. It'd only been roughly a month since the infection and the government clearly hasn't made any attempt to rescue these people, so there's no way they had a technological solution for checking them.

Walking past the first gate, they were guided through a second gate on the side and brought into an open field. A few people were standing there, waiting for their arrival. Aida used her scan to check each of these people and confirmed that none of them were the psychic type. She heaved a sigh of relief and waited for them to explain the test.

A stout man walked up with authority, scanning each of them with his eyes. The greed was pretty apparent. He didn't know who these people were, but he saw that their clothes were in good condition so they must have something nice.

He arrogantly propped his leg up on the table and said, "Welcome to Base C. Since most of us came from City C, we decided to name the base as such. We will now be testing your powers, can each of you step up one by one. We will have someone from our side fight you as a way to determine the strength of your ability."

He naturally didn't suspect that there were humans in the group, afterall, it was a near impossible task for anyone to still be human after having been near the epicenter of the outbreak for so long.

Lucifer took charge and asked, "What if our team doesn't have fighting abilities?"

The stout man's eyes flickered with greed again as he heard this. "That's no problem, we just need them to remonstrate their powers to us."

Lucifer frowned slightly, he was caught in a dilemma. They had wanted to remain low key, but it seems this man was up to no good. It seems they would have to do a show of force to deter these greedy people. Catching Aida's eyes, she nodded slightly.

"I will go first." Lucifer took large strides towards the center of the field and said, "You can all come at me together."

Everyone looked at each other and scoffed, another cocky man. They had had so many people with mediocre powers come into the base thinking they were the strongest just because they had acquired an ability. It was their job to knock them down a peg and maintain order within the base.

Just as they were about to take a step forward, Lucifer spoke again with a habitual smile on his handsome face, "I wouldn't make another move if I were you. Look down."

They all looked down by instinct and saw that there were knives next to each person's neck. Everyone's eyes widened with fear, their hearts were palpitating at how close they were to losing their lives.

Seeing the fear in their eyes, Lucifer nodded and retrieved the knives, calming placing them back into his backpack. He turned to the stout man with a slight smile, "So, did I pass?"

The stout man gulped, the greed in his eyes had completely disappeared. Replacing it was fear and awe. "Yes yes, you have passed the test. We will make your ID right now."

Bowing respectfully, he said, "Can the next person come up please?"

Lucifer cut in at this moment, with the amiable smile still on his face. "This is taking too long. How about I just tell you what each of them do and you can record it."

"This…" The stout man responded with hesitance. While he was in charge of this testing station, he didn't have the authority to make such a decision.

Seeing his hesitation, Lucifer's eyes abruptly turned cold and the perpetual smile on his face turned menacing.

"...I suppose I can let the children and the woman pass if you tell me, but the men will have to be tested."

Lucifer maintained his cold demeanor for a second longer and then calmly took a step back, allowing the two men to be tested. He had received a secret hand signal from Aida, indicating that it would be okay.

Light was first to go up. He looked calm and refined while standing in the middle of the field. Closing his eyes, for a moment, he then reopened them and simply said, "I can sense emotions" and proceeded to describe each person's current state of mind.

The stout man took note and nodded, not daring to say any more. Next up was Ace. He walked up with extreme swagger looking extremely odd as he had a large scarf wrapped around his neck. As soon as he reached the middle, he began moving. First he did a jump, then a few kicks and punches. After three full minutes of martial arts "demonstration", he finally finished with a Rasengan [1] while screaming, "Ha!" With that finish, a streak of lightning finally flew out and hit the tree.

When Aida saw this, she covered her head and turned away, not wanting to acknowledge that he was a part of the group. The twins in the group began laughing to tears and rolling on the ground. Only Light and Lucifer were able to maintain their composure, but only just barely. It took all the years of training they had received to not show any reaction.

Coughing to keep himself from laughing out loud, Lucifer turned to the stout man, "Can we get our IDs now?"

The stout man's jaw dropped to the ground, clearly awed by Ace's absurd performance. This group was so powerful! It was a good thing he hadn't done anything to them. Nodding profusely, he said, "Yes yes, come this way honored guests. You will receive the best of treatment during your time here on the base. If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out to me."

Meanwhile, Ace, who had finished his performance, proudly strutted back from the field. When he reached the others, Aida immediately smacked him on the head before retrieving Xiao Ai and putting her back around her neck.

[1] Rasengan is Naruto's signature move