Goku vs Superman

It had been three weeks since Goku had arrived in this strange Universe to defeat Darkseid and all was well enough for the time being. Speaking of the devil; Darkseid was recently transferred from Justice League custody into a maximum security prison on New Genesis guarded by the High-Father and his son, Orion, on routine shifts until the Royal Army returned from a deep space mission. Goku was asked to help guard the war-lord himself but, he politely declined and offered his help should Darkseid cause any trouble. Goku met many allies on the Watchtower and managed to have sparing matches with most of them including Diana, on multiple occasions, Green Lantern Hal, the Aquaman and even played with the idea of a sparring match with this Universes greatest champion, Superman. The Kryptonian laughed it off and always told Goku that a battle between them two would be far too destructive for Earth but, Goku was slowly wearing him down.

At this point, he would only go on routine missions with a single founding League member and he normally always chose Diana for her…'warrior spirit'. This time, however; he indulged in the best of both worlds by joining Superman and Wonder Woman on a patrol of Metropolis and as to better show him normal city life here in America, which Goku says he never heard of on his Earth.

Superman took his disguise hardly seriously by simply throwing on a mundane business suit and thick glasses becoming Clark Kent the news reporter although as the Daily Planet was still being rebuilt from the attack, he was on a 'paid vacation' of sorts.

Wonder Woman took a little more to heart by putting her long black hair into a pony-tail and throwing a pair of magenta glasses over her eyes; her suit was hardly business rather a white crop-top under a matching jean jacket cut off just above the belly button; a pair of jeans and black heals finished the look off as a woman of high class and stature. She had no secret identity rather; Wonder Woman fought crimes with the League while Diana Prince fought the Governments as a diplomat to her home Island as she attempted to reintegrate the two societies as one.

Goku wore a white t-shirt with an orange and black jacket with the 'Kaio' kanji displayed on the back which he materialized after arriving and realizing he didn't pack spare clothes for his journey. A pair of loose beige pants tied up by a black leather belt covered him below the waist and a pair of black sneakers secured the look completely. Goku, the most powerful average citizen in Metropolis, walked down the street casually behind Diana and Clark as they strolled into a dinner and sat at a booth. A woman holding three menus walked by and told them she'd be right with them before handing them the menus.

"From what I gather, your entire culture was based mostly off of the Japanese, right?" Clark asked looking over the menu.

"Uh I don't know what a 'Japanese' is but, yes?" Diana chuckled next to Goku as they continued reading the menu, "Here are some words I understand! All. You. Can. Eat!"

After several minutes of letting Goku order Clark and Diana finally ordered their tiny portions in comparison, "Is there a reason you eat so much? Or did you never question it?" Clark asked as Goku smiled and awaited the requested meals.

"Well, I remember my old friend once told me all Saiyans have to eat this much cause of their hy-… hyper… metabolic… appetite I guess?" Goku butchered the word as he wasn't too familiar with it.

Clark chuckled once again, "Hyper-metabolism? I get it, it's like Flash then?"

Goku shrugged and Clark sighed, "Let me explain, the body normally uses food to convert into energy. Well, not all aliens work in the same exact way, for instance, being molded by the Gods, Diana doesn't need to eat at all." Clark smiled at Diana's look as she sipped her cola and glared at him, "In my case, I work like a solar battery; I charge up on solar radiation from the yellow sun and use it as energy but, without the yellow sun I'm just as weak as a normal person."

"And… In my case?"

"Well, just like the Flash, you both use up energy at an alarming rate. You both burn more energy than you naturally consume so, you eat a tremendous amount of food to counter the imbalance, make sense?"

"Not really," Goku propped his head on his palm and looked around, "I'm all for a peaceful life, trust me it used to be my life goal but, after spending decades in uninterrupted peace, I found it just gets… dull."

"Well, we all fight for peace so we can't be picky when we get it," Diana mentioned as the food finally arrived setting plates down in front of them all.

"Yea but, you guys never fight for sport?" they gave him odd looks and raised their eyebrows, "No sparring matches? No world martial arts tournaments?"

"We have martial arts tournaments but, they're filled with normal humans who have exceptional fighting skills. None would last a single instant in the ring with you or I." Diana put a hand on his shoulder, "But if fighting for sport is something you enjoy maybe, I should introduce to you to my home sometime?"

"Really? What planet is it? Are there strong warriors there?" Goku nearly flipped his plate as Diana chuckled at his questions.

"I'd have to ask my mother but, the League and its close associates are always welcome on Themyscira, as are you."

"So, how many light-years do we have to travel to get there? Can we leave now or should we pack first or something?" Goku stood up in an excited rush.

"Easy, Goku, Themyscira is an island here on Earth," Diana explained as she eased him down by his elbow. It was strange how a single touch could calm him down; his excitement and rudeness were nullified immediately left with the polite, fun loving man they had arrived with. He sat slowly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Sorry about that, I just get so excited sometimes," Goku chuckled and began digging into his food vigorously.

Outside of the dinner, a bald man in a green and purple trench coat stepped into the middle of the street without even watching the road. His belt lit-up and a force field enveloped him completely causing the speeding cars to bounce off of him and slam into other cars, hydrants, lamp posts and people.

The heroes witnessed the car crashes and immediately sprung up ditching their food, save for Goku who stayed and continued to eat his meal as he was oblivious to the outside.

In less than ten seconds both Superman and Wonder Woman were on the scene, saving people from burning cars and moving cars out of traffic until they spotted the man. Superman dove at the speed of sound raising his fist and slamming it into the force field that separated the two causing a small tremor but, otherwise left the man inside in tact.

"Oh, Superman, I was hoping for the other one," The bald man sighed, "But, I came prepared for both!" a small pod flew in from the sky-line digging into the asphalt with a loud and abrupt landing.

"Luthor! What are you here for?" Superman shouted.

"I came for the greatest gladiator match in the history of the Universe!" Luthor laughed incredulously, "Once I'm done with you, you'll have no choice but to call him!"

The pod opened up and Wonder Woman immediately charged Luthor, "Whatever this is Luthor, it stops now!"

Her sword slashed against the force field with loud piercing noises at every swing, "It's made of kinetic energy, dear, I'm afraid you aren't going to break through it like that."

Superman's eyes flashed a bright red before he raised his arms, "Then I'll break through it like this!" he slammed his fists down on the bubble as Luthor raised a brow. A worried look crossed his face as the Kryptonian's fingers pierced the bubble and pulled with enough force drag continents. The bubble dissipated and Luthor barely managed to dodge a poorly-timed sword slice which cut over Luthor's head. The scientist ducked behind the pod and allowed it to open and reveal a ten foot Mech with green and purple highlights; Luthor's head appeared as he rose into the armor, his classic battle suit was derived of Apocolyptian technology with Luthor's own design modifications, and because he is easily the smartest man on Earth, those modifications were easily the most dangerous part of the armor's arsenal.

"I'd say a little of the top is good but, well… you know," Luthor looked up referring to his bald head and raised his glowing green gauntlet in Superman's face, "Yes I can make bald jokes too you buffoon!" he blasted the Kryptonian across the street and into a cascade of cars.

Two police officers stopped directing traffic and helped him to his feet, "Are you ok, Mr. Superman?"

"Mr. Superman was my father," Clark joked and held his head for a moment, "I've been hit with far worse; its best you two get to safety."

He walked casually and tapped on the glass to the dinner where Goku sat slurping down a few bowls of food at a time. Goku looked over with his mouth full and saw Superman with his arms folded and an aggravated look on his face, "Alright, alright I'm comin," Goku slurped down some soup and bit into a rib before wiping his mouth and quickly making his way to the exit.

Wonder Woman blocked a kryptonite beam with her sword, which was also molded by the Gods, as she slid backwards on her heals from the force. She grunted until she felt a hand on her shoulder, "Goku?"

"I'll handle this," He said into her ear before placing his hand in front of the beam and tanking it with just his palm; he pushed the beam back effortlessly until he was palm to palm with Luthor's suit. He smiled and grabbed the gauntlet and crushed it in his hands.

Diana smiled as Superman hovered over and landed next to her, "And they said you were a man capable of amazing feats."

"I've done that before… it just takes a little effort is all."

Goku palm thrusted Luthor in the chest sending him dozens of feet back and leaving a dented hand-print in the metal armor, "I can tell just by looking, you can't beat me." Goku smiled and approached him ready to rip the armor off of him.

"Oh, I know! I don't plan on it! I didn't come here to beat any of you, no; I came to watch you beat each other!" Suddenly Luthor's other gauntlet began glowing a dark black color.

"That won't even hurt me," Goku announced as Luthor smiled and laughed manically.

Superman's eyes widened as he rushed over in a flash of speed and grabbed hold of the gauntlet ripping it from the users armor. "Sorry Luthor, not today."

Luthor was smarter than anyone on Planet Earth, meaning he calculated the speed of his beams against Superman's fighting and reaction speeds and he knew the Kryptonian was far faster than anything he could create in a lab so, he made a plan b.

"If only you and this planet were so lucky, Superman."

The gauntlet exploded in Superman's hands in a flash of black light it caused him to drop the armored glove and hold his head in agony as he screamed and fell to his knees. Luthor laughed as Goku appeared next to him and ripped his armors chest-piece off and threw to the ground behind him, "If you've hurt my friend you won't like what comes next."

"Hurt him? Oh, there isn't any spirit in that! I'm going to enjoy what comes next," Goku dropped Luthor and watched closely as Diana approached Clark and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Superman? It's me, Diana, are you ok?" Superman looked up at her with red, rage filled eyes as she was promptly back handed into the side of the dinner and into the kitchen.

"Cl- Superman, I mean, what are you doing?" Goku looked in through the shattered window and saw Diana rubbing her head and standing up.

"What I should have done so long ago!" Superman floated into the air and cackled manically, "I'm gonna take over this back-water planet!"

"What? Why the hell would you do that?!"

Luthor smiled, "Let me explain, you see, Green Kryptonite hurts and kills a Kryptonian but, with a little genetic alterations you can make Black Kryptonite which separates a Kryptonians mind into two halves; one good and one bad."

Superman began blasting away at buildings with his heat vision as Luthor chuckled, "You see, I saw what you did to Darkseid and I knew you to would never just fight for no reason so… I became the reason."

Goku clenched his fists and tightened his jaw as his hair sparked up and his aura burst to life around him in a golden furry, "Why? Would you do this? He's gonna kill thousands or more this way? Why didn't you just teleport us somewhere safe or something?"

"I'm a super villain you idiot I don't play it safe! I knew the only way to kill the man of steel would be to have you do it!" Luthor laughed before Goku simply grunted and looked back up at Superman who set his sights upon a small family.

Goku dematerialized and reappeared in the air between Superman and the family, he charged his aura again and shouted, "Listen to me Superman! This isn't who you are!"

"How would you of all people know who I really am? I've been planning conquest all along and you never knew!"

Superman turned 360 degrees in a single movement at nearly half the speed of light in order to catch sword only three inches from his face thrown with enough force to slice clean through a planet. His eyes reddened as he broke the sword with a single clenching motion.

"Who has the balls?" He turned and saw Wonder Woman standing proudly on the ground hundreds of feet away, "Oh… well that's ironic I guess."

"Give up Superman, let us take you to Cyborg and Batman; they can help you!" Diana lifted herself into the air and flew up to eye level with Supes as did Goku from the other end.

"What makes you think I need help? Unless you mean help in destroying every continent other than this one," Superman chuckled and folded his arms.

"What? Why would you do that?" Goku shouted in confusion.

"Well, for starters, its way easier to rule over roughly 528 million people rather than 7 billion and the other is because it's easy to rule a crippled world! They'll be so busy mourning billions to even fight back!"

"What a horrible thing," Diana whispered.

"Oh you think that's bad? When I'm done here I'm gonna go to the Lantern Corps and decimate them! Then once I've beaten the guardians to a bloody pulp, I'm gonna go to Mars and just wipe them out! That way there won't be any allied forces for light-years!" Superman laughed manically until he was hit with something hard like a wrecking ball only contained into a fist. Goku's fist.

"Well, I can't say I think you're in your right mind but, I can say that I won't let you hurt anyone! And if that's what your plans are then, I have to stop you!" Goku raised his hand and allowed a blue orb of energy to form as he launched it like a baseball into the Kryptonian sending him into a building.

"We can't do this here! We'll tear the city apart!" Diana shouted as Superman kicked his way out of the building and crossed Diana sending her to the ground below.

"I won't let you hurt her!" Goku dematerialized and appeared behind Superman placing a hand on his shoulder and placing his fingers to his forehead.

Unknown Planet; Deep Space

Superman immediately swung his fist and nearly caught Goku in the jaw before he dematerialized and reintegrated himself on the rocky, dusty planet.

"Where are we?" He asked as he floated down to his level.

Goku smiled, "I used my Instant Transmission to find the nearest habitable but uninhabited planet and then I teleported us here. This way we can go all out without worrying about the population."

Superman scoffed, "My only worry is how im going to find my way back to Earth after I kill you."

"Easier said than done, pal, give it you're a-game," Goku slipped into a fighting stance and charged his aura as Superman chuckled.

"So, hotshot, you want to fight the Superman?"

"Actually, yes!" Goku struck like a bolt of lightning slamming his fist into Superman's jaw before spinning and kicking him in the abdomen sending him into a mountain-like structure also toppling it in the process.

Goku smiled and then felt his hand, it was bruised certainly. He felt the sensation of pain in his knuckles, something that would heal in seconds but it was refreshing! Addicting! Goku's eyes flashed open as his entire body surged with lightening and he entered the second level. Lightening skated across his body casually as he cupped his hands and began chanting, "Ka, Me, Ha, Me, Ha!" the beam of blue power shot from his palms and eradicated the entire mountain range around him leaving nothing behind but dust.

He heaved and smiled, he figured Superman would survive an attack like that, if he didn't than it was Goku's mistake for overestimating his opponent but, he was always right. Superman flew up without a single scratch, his suit however; melded together and reformed after being partly incinerated.

"I have to say that stung a bit but, not really something I need to worry about." Superman rolled his shoulder as he floated forwards. He disappeared in a burst of combat speed as he rushed in and struck Goku in the face without him noticing sending another punch to the solar plexus he then finished the combination with a spike towards the ground sending Goku through the planet at least several miles deep.

Superman floated down, "That was 1% percent of my maximum effort! Either show me the God Mode or go home!"

From the hole where Goku entered came a small tremor that continued to get more violent as the seconds passed; a large column of golden light erupted and shot into the sky as it ruptured its surrounding and made the hole much larger, destroying the landscape around it and forming a mile long gaping hole in the planet's surface. In the column appeared a man and as he floated up to eye level of Superman, he absorbed all the yellow energy back into himself in a massive explosion of Ki. Superman smiled as he saw the warrior whose muscles bulged with power and his hair spiked and hung down to his waist. Electricity sparked through the air and around Goku's body even more prominently this time around, "So this is a Super Saiyan 3? Is that all you got?"

"You never want to see all I got," Goku dematerialized in a feat of speed so incredible it would have knocked Superman's socks off if he was wearing any in the first place. He sent a flurry of combination punches and kicks at speeds so fast Superman couldn't keep up at all, he sent strikes to the solar plexus, throat, jaw, chest, stomach each done with careful precision and skill making each one lethal ordinarily. But Superman's dense muscles and bio-electric aura dulled their power and precision making each strike less effective than the last. He continued his flurry of punches with an open palm blast in the Kryptonians face sending him back in smoke.

Goku reeled back and floated in patience waiting for his opponents reaction to the attack but instead of groaning he heard laughing which caused him to clutch his jawline shut tightly, "That speed was kinda impressive but those attacks didn't even hurt, you can't hurt me as long as that Sun is out there, and I'm willing to bet there are populated planets in this system, aren't there?"

Goku calmed and allowed his aura to spark and grow as he flew forwards and aimed his fist for Superman's chest but the attack didn't connect as he sidestepped the attack completely and slammed his fist down onto Goku's back as he flew past sending him down but Goku managed to catch himself before hitting the ground.

He dematerialized and rematerialized by Superman and sent a flurry of rapid fire punches but instead of taking them, the Kryptonian deflected each one of them with enormous speed at least moving at the speed of light his hands individually deflected or stopped each strike just before they made contact.

Superman smiled as Goku whom continued and spun quickly for a kick to the head but that was blocked as well, "Did you think you could fight me at those speeds?" Superman sent a punch into Goku's solar plexus that forced the air from his lungs and caused him to drop to the ground as his hair returned to its original shape and color. He hit the ground in a heap as the smoke fell out and spread across the battle field. Goku stood as he gained his second wind; he wiped a single strain of blood from his mouth and sighed, he always hated relying on this power but, it was still his power even if it came from his friends and family. His aura calmly rose into the hair and changed Goku's hair and eye color to their crimson shades. Goku's muscles deflated but gained a power ten thousand times as great, the power of a God.

Lex Luthor stalked outside a bank vault in downtown Metropolis, inside was the one thing he searched for more than Kryptonite. He pushed his way through the vault sounding alarms around the area as police officers aimed their guns and shouted, "Don't move!"

Lex continued doing as he pleased as he casually strolled over and pulled a gun from his jacket pocket, the gun was space-age looking and had colorful lights all over it, "Ah, Quantum Disassembler Ray; never leave the house without one." The police opened fire on sight of the gun as the bullets bounced off his shield projected by his belt.

They stood dumbfounded as he fired the ray at a small pedestal with a glass case over it completely turning the glass to dust in an instant; inside was a fist sized golden rock that gleamed in the now exposed light.

"Wonderful, I could never get to you with him around but, now…" he turned and fired his ray behind him as the beam was deflected by magical gauntlets.

"Luthor! Did you think I'd let you get away with this?" she paused when she saw the rock in his hand, "So this was all a distraction to steal a gem?"

"Not just any gem, Amazon, Gold Kryptonite." Luthor uttered the words as if they were surprising and extreamly valuable.

"And you think I'll let you use it on Superman?" Diana shifted into a fighting stance and glared at the bald scientist who simply sighed in exasperation.

"No, in fact, I'm guessing you'll try your best to stop me," He smiled and raised his gun up to eye level again.

"You sound like my best isn't good enough?" She smiled and stepped forwards.

"Oh no, on the contrary! I'm counting on you being very capable when handling me," Luthor grew a sinister smile.

"Was that a sex joke?" Diana sneered back in disgust as the scientist smiled back at her.

"Guess you'll find out, won't you?"

Diana rushed forwards slamming her fist against his force bubble and immediately turning to dodge a blast from his gun. She slammed another fist into the bubble as she forced her fingers through just like her friend had once done and yanked on it with all of her strength, dispersing the bubble completely.

Luthor fired his gun and she dodged spinning and grabbing him by the back of his collar she whispered in his ear, "Check mate pervert." She kicked the gun from his hand and it went flying across the room.

"Oh you super-heroes are so predictable," he quickly pressed a button on his belt that caused a red pulse to course its way through out the room. In a moment, Wonder Woman lowered Luthor to the ground gently and stepped back. Her pupils were blood red and her eyes hung low; her jaw fell ajar as she stood looking out into the distance. Luthor snapped his fingers and waved his hand in front of her face before taking out a small flash light and flashing it in her eyes looking for a reaction.

"The theta-wave emitter seems to be working placing the subject in a state of virtual mindlessness and high suggestibility; I love when a plan comes together!" Luthor walked to the exit of the bank vault and pocketed his golden treasure before turning back to his new possession, "Wonder Woman, follow me."

She acknowledged him, "Sure…" before turning and walking in his direction, following him out of the bank and into the city.

Goku and Superman's fists collided and sent shockwaves throughout the planet, violently shaking the entire lifeless world. If the planet had been populated, entire cities on the opposite hemisphere would have been shaken apart.

Goku sent a right straight at high speeds towards Superman's cheek while, simultaneously, Superman sent a left straight at Goku's cheek. The shockwave they created traveled out into deep space shaking more planets but not as violently as the one they were currently on. The planet was sturdy to say the least as it was many times larger than even Jupiter in comparison to Earth. They struck each other at speeds so fast even light would have trouble keeping up; Goku threw a spin-kick which was ducked under by the Kryptonian who threw an upper cut to the Saiyan's abdomen which he floated back just enough to dodge. The battle continued on as the planet continued to shake, Goku screamed and unleashed a blast of energy that pushed Superman into the planet and down into its core.

Goku was tired, he had been fighting for hours… or minutes… he couldn't really tell. He felt so alive! It had been decades since he had fought anyone like this; he felt every pain receptor in his body flare up as he remembered every time he was in a threatening battle, he'd have to remind himself, "Just ignore the pain." He felt so mortal, so human, so challenged! His aura flared up and expanded as he screamed and charged his Ki. He breathed heavily and smiled as he saw Superman punch his way out of the ground and slowly float up to Goku's level, "So, is this all the famous Superman can do? I'm not impressed."

"Hmph," Superman wiped the blood from his chin, "I was just thinking the same thing, I thought after you beat Darkseid maybe you were something special but clearly your just another ANT!"

They charged each other at faster than light speeds colliding with enough force to decimate a solar system, each strike carving country sized craters into the ground. They're fight was a haze, the shockwaves were felt and the blood splattered across the planet but the fighters were invisible as thunder boomed throughout the empty world signifying which region they were currently in. If sound could travel in space, their thundering collisions would be heard throughout the galaxy but alas, the laws of physics still apply. Superman slammed his fist into Goku's chest pushing him through the air and towards the ground. The Saiyan warrior used his Ki to float just above the ground as he intercepted a blast of heat vision pushing him back further and into the ground causing a ripple in the rocky landscape. Superman used his speed to add force into his punch as Goku reeled his fist back and their fists connected with such power that lightening came from the sky and struck the area next to them; the ground around them broke apart and floated up around them. Goku turned and aimed a beam of energy into Superman's face only to be dodged by Superman ducking and landing on the ground.

The sky was dark as lightning and thunder struck the area around them, the scene was apocalyptic but also beautiful as it reminded him of a dying Namek and the time he spent there. His time there was all but beautiful mostly filled with murder and sadness but, the sight of volcanos beginning to emerge around him reminded him just of Name's deteriorating core. As the volcanos erupted only a few miles away, they struck again. They clashed and Goku's right forearm came to a stalemate with the Kryptonian's left forearm as they floated frozen for a single instant before allowing the shockwave to spread across the planet eradicating several miles deep of rock and dirt across the entire world virtually life-wiping the planet of all grass, trees or life of any kind although Goku made sure there was no sentient life like the Ki of a person. Their collision's shockwave was so furious it sent cracks down nearby planets and began to warp and distort the space around them; they nearly tore a hole through the fabric of reality with raw physical strength. Monumental!

Goku could feel the attack vibrate through his body and it hurt… a lot. His entire body had been aching since the first planet busting attack he had been hit with but, Goku is definitely one to get up after being knocked down not to mention his God Ki made him practically invulnerable to physical attack although they still hurt they'd never kill, not from Superman anyways.

Goku back flipped and dematerialized in the air landing behind Superman immediately unleashing a round house kick to his left rib and a carefully placed strike in the center of the spine sending cracks through his body but, Superman didn't fall. Goku moved as fast as possible for himself in this form which was arguably dozens of times faster than light as he struck with rapid fire jabs to his back. Superman amped up his speed, turning around and matching each jab with one of his own sending miniature shockwaves that carved them deeper into a crater in the planet. Goku smiled; Superman was easily a match for his God Mode when it came to raw physical power but, destructive force? Skill? Striking speed? Goku had those in spades while Superman was only briefly trained by Batman and Wonder Woman at times; he was also excellent at pressure point combat as he used his microscopic vision to spot each person's weak or vulnerable points in their body. Goku had trained to overcome this weakness though after his fight with the Destroyer God; He used and augmented his Ki to add density to his muscles negating the pressure points effectiveness. As Superman met each and every one of Goku's jabs still causing shockwaves; Goku kept his grin and backed up allowing Superman to strike at the air for a nanosecond before Goku teleported behind him and didn't hesitate to throw a world shattering kick to Superman's back which didn't affect him at all, in fact; Superman turned and grabbed Goku's leg and tossed him with enough force to send a baseball into another Galaxy but Goku simply flew into the atmosphere until forcing himself to a stop with his Ki.

He sensed Superman's Ki as it slowly climbed back up to their normal levels; Goku saw beams of heat vision cutting through the clouds opening space for sunlight to shine through. It was working, Goku clenched his fists as he felt Superman's power return to its normal levels spite the beating he took only seconds ago. The sun light was recharging him faster than he can deplete him; he needed to go all out, end it all with one blow, 100% power. Yes, he had been holding back throughout the fight; he had only used about 60% of his full power so far but after realizing that everything he had done up until now was completely pointless, he realized he needed to finish things. He lowered himself down dodging beams of heat as he landed in front of Superman. If he was going to do this he'd need to focus and negate all the excess energy unless he wants accidently vaporize the Galaxy.

"I've been holding back but, no more. This is officially over, I've had my fill for now," Goku smiled as his aura expanded around him and his wounds began healing again. "Just like the sun light does for you, my God Ki won't leave me injured for long."

"You think you can just end things? You think you're superior to me?! No! I'll destroy the planet! And then you'll have no atmosphere to breath! I'll be the winner and you will suffocate to death!" Superman laughed like a mad scientist as lightening still flashed around them and lava glowed across the landscape.

"Fool! This planet is already done for so destroy it if you want! I can teleport so it's just a waste of your time!"

Superman smiled and used his own full physical strength to clap his hands together causing a shockwave that didn't even budge Goku but it did a number on a nearby planet nearly turning it to ruin completely, "When I'm at 100% like this, there isn't much of anything in any Universe that can move me."

Superman dove at Goku whom immediately disappeared only to rematerialize a few feet ahead of the Man of Steel. He formed an orb of blue energy blasting Superman in the chest, smiling at its effectiveness and the prominent burn on his chest; Goku unleashed a volley of powerful energy blasts on Superman forcing him to throw his arms up in defense. The attacks burned away his costume and stung his skin like acid but, they weren't intended as an attack rather a distraction. Goku took this as an opportunity to teleport behind him and use his full physical strength to pound on the back of the Kryptonians head.

Everything was quiet, the booming had ceased and Superman teetered on his feet, he tried staying up as his vision blurred and the pain overwhelmed him. He fell unconscious to the ground of the alien world, "I hope that'll knock some sense into you." Goku allowed his energy to dip and fall until it returned to his base levels.

Aside from the Destroyer God and his Assistant, Goku had never fought someone as confident and powerful in his whole life. Majin Buu and Cell combined multiplied by a hundred couldn't survive a maximum power attack from the Man of Steel but, his God Mode had far surpassed those enemies of the past. Goku was on an entirely new level and it seemed like this Universes champion simply wasn't enough but, fighting is like a drug to Goku and, by now, he was really… really high. He placed two fingers to his forehead and grabbed Superman's unconscious form as he mumbled and began to regain consciousness, even after being hit as hard as he was he still managed to open eyes just after they arrived back on planet Earth only feet from where they arrived.

He dropped Superman and looked around, "Diana?" his heart was still pumping fast and his adrenaline was high, he was practically seeing stars as he looked around and saw only cops and contruction crews who had arrived to fix the damage.

Superman lifted himself to his hands and knees as he shook his head, "What happened, Goku?"

"That bald guy did something to your mind and we had to fight. I beat you and now we're back," Goku placed a finger to his forehead and searched the planet for Diana's particularly inviting Ki signature.

"I remember now, Goku, you're amazing! You saved this entire planet again. Thank you," Superman stood and Goku ignored him as he searched.

"Is there any logical reason why Diana would be using a lot of her strength in the middle of an arctic wasteland?" Goku tilted his head and Superman shrugged.

"Arctic? She might have gone to my Fortress to try and find us," Superman surmised as Goku shrugged in the same way, he looked down at himself and noticed his suit had been completely torn apart and his jacket was probably floating in the wind of that now dying planet. He tore his shirt off and smiled, "I hope you have something to wear at your 'fortress' cause I'm fresh out of clothes."

"I'm sure we can figure something out," Superman placed a hand on Goku's shoulder as they both teleported to Diana's energy signature. When they arrived they found a man in a coat watching as Diana pounded away at the giant ice fortress.

"Diana? What are you doing?" Superman shouted as he floated close to her but the man raised a hand and a shield fell over her and him as he revealed himself. Lex Luthor held his gauntlet up raising the shields power as he smiled.

"Sorry but, you two are too late! Once she finishes pounding her way in there I'm going to have access to alien technology thousands of years more advanced then even my own intellect! I'll be unstoppable!"

Goku scowled at the mad scientist as he clenched his fist and stepped forwards, "What did you do to her?" he asked slowly through his teeth.

"Oh just a little mind control, you know, the usual for the helpless heroine," Lex smiled and raised the power of his shield once again as Goku stepped closer, his God Aura returning he walked until he was face to face with the kinetic bubble and he did nothing but walk. He stepped straight through the bubble without any effort at all; the bubble warped and fell apart as he walked through it.

Luthor fell back and shouted, "Amazon! Protect your master!"

Diana turned mindlessly and dove at Goku who simply back handed her into the snow, easily knocking her unconscious. Goku sneered, "She'll live; you won't."

Goku's anger and adrenaline rose further and further as he stepped closer, "Well let's see how you'll do as my mindless pet!" he tapped his belt and the same red energy wave seeped over Goku as Superman grabbed Diana as dashed out of range in a single motion before the wave reached them. Goku kept walking unaffected, he had trained his mind to be strong, he could use high level telekinesis and telepathic attacks but his mental foundry was made of solid steel, nothing short of a fully blood lusted Martian could break through his mental defenses.

"What?" Luthor backed up again and fired a Kryptonite laser before pulling out a golden rock, the Gold Kryptonite was very rare and as far as anyone knew there was only a single piece on the planet. Its radiation is supposed to strip a Kryptonian of his powers permanently but, Goku was no Kryptonian and he simply knocked the rock into the snow only a few feet away.

Grabbing him by the coat he pushed him with great speed against the wall of the ice fortress sending cracks and shattering all throughout the structure. A small gash opened up in Luthors head and blood trickled down as he looked into the red eyes of a killer.

"Goku, Stop!" Superman shouted, "You can't kill him!"

"Why not?" Goku shouted in anger as Luthor smiled, "He could have ended the world today just to have some stupid alien tech!"

"That's right, do it! Kill me! Show them who you really are!" Luthor cackled as Goku struggled internally.

Superman wanted to interfere but if he came in proximity of the Gold Kryptonite he could be powerless forever and honestly, Luthor simply wasn't worth that risk. "Every life is sacred! You can't kill as you please, not in this Universe!"

"Why are you letting him tell you what to do? You're a God, you beat him didn't you? My calculations are always right so we can take comfort in the knowledge that you are superior to him!" Luthor practically screamed, "DO IT! END ME!"

Goku sighed, "No, this isn't my world to start acting like I own it but, I cant let you walk free with that mind, it's far too dangerous." Goku placed his hand on Lex's bald head and closed his eyes, he ripped the knowledge and advance calculations from his head destroying his IQ and bringing him down to average human standards.

Goku released Luthor and he collapsed into the snow, "What… what did you do?"

"In short? I took your smarts," Goku smiled as his hair returned to normal and Superman smiled at the sight as well.

Goku looked over to the golden kryptonite and sent a small blue energy ball towards it vaporizing it and a basketball sized amount of snow and ground. Clark smiled even further as he placed Diana down and stepped closer, "You made the right decision Goku but, I didn't know you could remove someone's intelligence like that," Goku chuckled.

"It took me a really long time to nail that one, nearly fifty years actually!" Goku spotted Diana and rushed towards her, picking her up in his arms as she regained consciousness.

"Goku?" Her eyes fluttered open as she immediately saw him and blushed lightly she turned away and immediately looked confused, "Can someone please inform me of how I got here?"

Kryptonian's were strong and a fully realized Saiyan is clearly stronger but, there is another. From the original Universe, the Universe Prime, Superboy Prime hailed as he was thousands if not millions of times everything that Superman was and even 4 speedsters, the Justice League and the entire Green Lantern Corps were simply fodder to him but, they beat him once and he knew he couldn't let it happen again. Never again.

He flew across the Universe in minutes arriving at a small red planet named Ysmault… He would get the power he needed even if he had to tear it off of every single finger he could find