Chapter 3

Goku's villains were weird, trust me, but when he entered this new universe he had never expected to see these types of enemies…

Metropolis always had a thing for super-villains; Superman usually stops them but when he can't he calls the Justice League in for back up. This time he was just outside the Daily Planet as he dodged a hook combination from one Solomon Grundy; the villain was as dumb as a pile of rocks but, he could fight. With his monumental strength he grabbed a nearby car and lunged it over head at the floating man of steel. The kryptonian simply used his heat vision to slice the vehicle in two passing harmlessly around him. Superman quickly landed on the ground looking around he saw three other foes including, General Zod, Bizzaro, and Sinestro surrounding and closing in on him.

The yellow lantern of fear used his ring which operates at faster than light speeds to form a massive yellow hammer construct. Swinging the hammer he knocked the kryptonian into Bizzaro who caught him in a bear hug.

Superman's evil opposite twin squeezed tightly grinning as he shouted, "Me love Superman! Superman will live to see tomorrow!" Bizzaro took a deep breath in and instead of using arctic breath like his twin; he exhaled red hot flames into the Kryptonian's face causing him to writhe in agony. Letting go he quickly kicked his back forwards into Zod who landed a sucker punch to his solar plexus.

Zod grinned and stroked his goatee as he pressed his foot down on Superman's back, "Look who has the last laugh now?" he began stomping with brutal force as audible cracks filled the ears of the villains causing a smile to curl across their lips.

Batman, Diana, and Goku walked through the halls of the satellite currently orbiting Earth serving as the Justice League headquarters. As they turned into the watch-tower's viewing bay where thousands of small holographic screens floated around monitoring Earth's status at all times, Goku looked around but kept focused on the conversation he was in, "I don't see why we can't just pick a corner and put it there? It's literally my only possession so it shouldn't take up much space."

"You said it had technology that altered gravity?" Batman asked looking up at screens and pressing buttons on the console.

"Well yea, that's what it was built for. It increases gravity inside so I can train in harsher conditions," Goku waved it off as if it were nothing as something caught the dark knight's eye.

Diana whistled impressively and leaned into Goku, "How far can it enhance the gravity?"

"Well I'm not sure but, I've only ever seen it go up to 10,000 times Earth's normal gravity." Goku smiled as Diana's eyes widened slightly and she raised an eyebrow.

"You realize that's close to the equivalent of a black hole right?"

"Yea but, I've dealt with those before," He looked over to Batman who passed him in a hurry.

"So what do you say? Pick a corner?" Goku put his hands up as if expecting a yes but was deterred by the grunting noise he received.

"The answer is still no! We have work to do; Superman's needs help," He walked to the nearby teleporters as Goku stopped and crossed his arms.

"No way, I'll teleport my own way," Goku put his fingers to his forehead and looked over towards Diana, "Need a lift?"

After looking between Bruce and Goku a sly smile crossed her face as she stepped over and intertwined her arm with Goku's, "Don't mind if I do."

Goku concentrated on Superman's life force and in a quick flash of light they dematerialized from sight leaving Bruce to brood as he typed in the teleporter's drop location.

Sinestro grabbed Superman by the throat and formed a yellow dagger construct in the palm of his hand raising it above his head, "Looks like the man of steel is more like the man of wet cardboard now isn't he?"

Zod stomped his foot creating a small tremor in the area, "Do it now Sinestro!"

Sinestro brought the knife down into Superman's chest although, it broke on contact with his skin, "Damn you, kryptonian," he turned his head and slammed Clark's face into the brick wall behind them. "Zod, get over here and kill him before I lose my patience." Zod grinned from ear to ear as he stepped towards the kryptonian, because of Zod's own physiology; he is the only one who could possibly finish the man of steel.

"How about some dramatic irony," Zod pulled the man up by his shirt and clasped his hands around his head prepared to snap his neck.

Just as he was about to apply the necessary force capable of squeezing moons into dust, he felt a sharp pressure on his neck. It was cold but brief as his eyes rolled up and his subconscious came to the forefront. Zod fell to the ground in an unconscious heap with the Saiyan hero standing close behind. His smoking hand made it clear he had used a powerful chop to the neck to settle the fight in a single score.

Diana grabbed Clark from mid-air protecting his head from hitting the ground, "Superman, are you ok?"

"I've… been worse."

Goku stepped forwards and cracked his knuckles and smiled, "Okay… so I know most of you." He looked at each one naming them off, "The Zombie Grundy, Sinestro like evil Green Lantern, and two evil Superman's but, I think I only have one to deal with now." Each villain gave him an aggravated look as they heard their description.

"We heard about you; you must think you're a tough guy because you beat him right?" Sinestro pointed over to the man of steel and laughed, "Look what we did to him, he was nothing to us. What can you do that he couldn't?"

Goku smiled as his muscles tightened, "I can do a lot of things he can't," His clear aura flashed brightly around him causing his hair and clothes to ripple as if being blown by a slight breeze, "Show me what you got."

Deep in Space Sector 2814; Ysmault

The home of the Red Lantern's was a dark and dismal planet with hellish skies and long, dark, chasms running through it. The planets previous purpose was imprisonment but, since the events that occurred during the Sinestro Corps War, one of the demonic prisoners became their ruler and forged a red Central Battery Unit with which he used to create the red power rings, and none were more powerful than the one on the leaders' finger.

Rumbling shook throughout the city as a certain creature grumbled at the tremors from his throne room, "What is the meaning of this?" Atrocitus, ruler of planet Ysmault and leader of the Red Lantern Corps, growled as his ring portrayed a red hued holographic image of the planet with several ripple patterns covering just outside his palace and the surrounding area.

A small squad of elite Red Lanterns filed in and kneeled at their leader's presence, "We're here, master."

"Find out what's causing these quakes, its rather disturbing."

"I communicated with stellar and atmospheric scientists in the central hub of Ysmault; it seems something or someone has made land-fall only moments ago."

Atrocitus sighed, "What is it, then?"

"Oh dear," the massive armored doors behind them shook slightly before massive fist-shaped indents were formed into them. The squad of lanterns used their red power rings to form combined layer of red energy to support the door.

"Who dares?!" Atrocitus shouted as a final strike slammed into the doors causing both the doors and the lanterns to fold under the pressure. The squad knocked into unconsciousness and into their backs.

"Wow, their fragile, I wasn't even trying," Said a voice from the doorway and as it cleared, it was revealed.

"You…" Atrocitus nearly trembled at the sight of Superboy Prime folding his arms across his chest in a disappointed fashion, "You should be dead!"

Superboy laughed, "That is what they'd have you believe and yet here I am!" he stepped forward as Atrocitus stood and raised his ring to eye level pointed directly at Superboy, "See, there she is. That's exactly what I came for!"

Superboy stood firm as Atrocitus unleashed a thick wave of crimson red energy straight for him, completely enveloping him in the energy but, instead of being obliterated or even the slightest bit annoyed, Superboy stepped forwards casually even as Atrocitus amped up the energy with a hate-filled scream.

"You see I could have killed a regular red lantern and taken a ring but, I didn't see a point in snatching an old-lady's purse… instead, why not check the first national bank of Atrocitus," Superboy's grin curled sinisterly across his lips as he approached the demonic rage-leader through his own energy attack. Once he was in range, Superboy reached out and cupped Atrocitus' fist with his own cutting off the energy from the ring through sheer force. He pushed Atrocitus back onto his throne and gripped him by his wrist and forearm, "Now you may feel a slight pinch…" he applied the minimal amount of torch needed to viciously rip the demons arm from its socket, splattering blood across the stone throne.

Superboy Prime smiled as he removed the ring from the severed arms finger and tossed the limb aside leaving Atrocitus to continue his screams of agony as Superboy marveled in his new found power. The tormented screams of a dismembered tyrant echoed across the city so to imagine how loud it was to a Kryptonian who was three feet away was… unruly.

Superboy's smile fell as the screaming invaded his ears and he turned to face the source, "Do you ever SHUT UP?" he put his foot on the throne and gently pushed the throne across the throne room and through the wall into the city outside. If Atrocitus was alive, it was only barely.

Superboy smiled as he slipped the ring onto his finger, "With blood and rage of crimson red," his eyes turned a shade of red as crimson energy flowed visibly through his veins, "Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead," his smile appeared again as red armor materialized across his body, "Alone with my hellish hate," a crimson flaming aura enveloped his entire body, "I'LL BURN YOU ALL—THAT IS YOUR FATE!"

As Superman had all but fully recovered from his wounds due to the regenerative properties of the yellow sun, he watched as Goku picked apart the villains easily.

He dodged to the left as Sinestro accidently sent a right straight into Grundy's nose knocking him backwards as he held his nose in pain. Bizzaro rushed Goku from the side where he was met with a small orb of Ki exploding in his face and leaving a crater behind along with an unconscious kryptonian. Goku smiled turned to Sinestro who opted to trap Goku in a cage made of yellow construct energy, "You won't escape alive!"

"Wrong! You won't escape at all!" Goku shouted and his clear aura expanded and grew as did his power, the sheer existence of his power shattered the cage made of fear as Goku wasn't afraid of Sinestro at all. Grundy jumped and attempted to tackle Goku who simply shrugged off his attacks.

"There isn't enough fear here, I must retreat," Sinestro turned to flee the planet and was just about to enter trans-luminal velocity when suddenly Goku appeared before him holding Grundy unconscious by the scruff of his neck in one hand and his other hand out with his palm opened.

"I said you wouldn't escape and I don't have anything to fear from you," Goku smiled as a yellow orb of energy formed in his hand, "Give up or get knocked out."

"Not a chance!" Sinestro bombarded Goku with a volley of yellow energy blasts which bounced off his skin like rubber bullets.

"Impossible!" suddenly a sharp pain came from the back of his neck as the Goku in front of him faded away and the real Goku grabbed the collar of his yellow lantern suit before he fell unconscious.

"Nah, just impossible for you," Goku slowly floated to the ground where Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and an unconscious Zod were waiting for him.

As he landed and dropped the two evil doers, he was quickly embraced by rather strong yet dainty arms. Diana pulled away with a smile, "That was good, after you told me about your fight with Superman, I wasn't sure you could handle them all in base form."

Goku smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I guess I didn't really have to go all God Mode on Supes but, I thought it was the best way to end things and get back to handling Luthor."

"Green Lantern and I did some scans on the planet you two fought on, turns out it was illuminated by a blue star not a yellow one." Batman stepped up as Clark smiled and laughed.

"Wow, and I still lost? You sure are something else, Goku," Superman laughed and wrapped an arm around the Saiyan's neck while still chuckling.

Goku scratched his head in confusion, "I don't get it, what's the difference?"

This brought a smile to Diana's face as she saw how cute the warrior could be only seconds after effortlessly defeating multiple heavy hitting super villains by him-self. He was both ferocious and gentle and for some reason, that made Diana blush. She immediately realized and shook the feeling, it was strange but nice to have feelings for someone, she had feelings for only one other man and it was the very first man she had ever met so suffice to say that she didn't have much to compare to.

Batman grunted before responding, "Blue star radiation increases Superman's physical power exponentially."

"Oh so I accidently took him to a planet that made him stronger? Guess I should avoid that from now on, huh?"

"I'll say," Diana smiled and stood closer to Goku who didn't really seem to notice however, the greatest detective in the world did and he didn't like it.

He grunted once again and shot a grappling hook at the nearby roof above before swinging away abruptly, "Does he not like me or something?"

Clark and Diana shared a look before returning their gaze to the Saiyan, Clark spoke up first as Diana looked away, "Well, you see, Diana and Batman, they used to 'see' each other. If you catch my drift?"

"Oh,' Goku responded and after a few seconds of silence he repeated himself although this time he actually understood the meaning, "Oh! Wait what does that have to do with me?"

Clark shared yet another look with Diana who was now thoroughly blushing and trying to avoid embarrassment, "Well, you and Diana… you two…"

Goku still seemed confused as he raised an eyebrow, "Wait, you think me and Diana are dating?"

Clark put his hands in the air, "No one ever said dating… I'll leave you two to… talk."

As Superman floated into the air and away from the area, Diana grabbed Goku by the hand, pulling him along the sidewalk, "What was his deal? Can you believe he thought we were together?"

Diana cleared her throat as she walked beside him, "Well, that's what I-"

"Ladies and gentleman!" a figure shouted from the skies, "I present to you the one and true Superman!"

Goku's face immediately changed from the care free, confused man he is into the burning hearted warrior he always was. He narrowed his eyes trying to get a better look at the man, "He looks like Clark but, he doesn't sound like him. And he's wearing a weird red suit."

The figure shouted louder, "I'm afraid the pale imitation you have experienced up until now was just a fake Superman! A copy! I am the true Superman and you will all bow to me!"

The people payed no real attention as something like this was simply a day-to-day occurrence in this city, however; people did begin to notice when the beams of red energy began raining down on them from above destroying cars, buildings and people alike.

People began screaming in terror as they scattered in every direction they could, Wonder Woman floated into the air and motioned to Goku, "Are you coming?"

The Saiyan smiled and floated up next to her flying up to meet the man, his features were clearer now; they could tell who he was.

"Clark?" Goku uttered in confusion as he floated forwards, "What are you wearing?"

"Prime…" Diana felt a sudden flash of anger and fear rush over her like a wave, "I thought…"

"You thought I was dead? Gone? ABANDONED?" He shouted, "I'm Superman! I can do anything! And the first thing on my list is killing that stupid copy!" Superboy looked around and scanned the area, "Is he not with you?"

"He doesn't have time to deal with scum like you, he's a busy man," Diana said confidently, "On the other hand; this man already defeated Superman."

"I'M SUPERMAN! And he can't beat me! I'm a thousand times stronger than Superpants EVER was!" His power ring's aura engulfed his body and blazed around him as his anger grew with every passing moment.

"Diana, who is this guy? Why does he look like Clark?" Goku scratched his head and Diana simply put a hand on his shoulder warming his body, he could feel her confidence and compassion pouring onto him, she was afraid of course but, she was so much more confident in Goku's ability.

"Goku, this man is an alternate universe counterpart of Superman; he's far stronger than the man you fought. Do you think you can do it?" Diana grabbed Goku's hand in her own and held them in front of her, "I could assist you but, my power is over shadowed greatly by his own." She lowered her head slightly disappointed that she knew she couldn't help. This man tore through an entire Green Lantern Corps and she could barely hope to defeat a handful in combat let alone all of them. She was simply outmatched; Goku placed a finger to her chin and pulled her head up so her eyes could meet his, "I won't know until I try; I'll give it my best shot, no holding back."

Normally Goku would use a weaker transformation to fight an enemy but, the look on Diana's face spoke to him. She was afraid of him and that's saying something coming from the Amazonian Princess and though she held herself high she knew when she was out classed.

"How touching… wait here while I vomit."

Superboy floated forwards and came face to face with Goku, "You think you have what it takes to beat Superman?"

"I beat one why not the other?"

"Insolent worm! You're nothing but fodder to me! I'm SUPERMAN!"

"I heard you the first time!" Goku shouted as his Ki began to enter a metamorphosis as life energy shifted into a divine state, a new source of power emerging as its own. An orange aura floated gently off of him silently, his hair changed its dark raven color into a crimson red. His eyes blazed with the power of a God.

"Look at that… red energy. How original…" Superboy Prime scoffed and looked away for a moment as his own rings aura expanded and collided with Goku sending sparks of raw power off around him.

"You think you have what it takes, Prime?" Goku formed a smile on his face, "To fight a God?"


Prime reeled back with astonishing speeds as his hand formed into a fist, the sound barrier was an afterthought as his fist slammed into Goku's nose so fast the Saiyan God didn't even see it coming. He fell back clutching his face for a moment; he pulled his hand back and saw a small amount of blood dripping from his nose, "It's a good thing you won't live to regret that."

Goku lunged forwards at his top speed with fist raised, his stance was perfect but the jab still missed its target, he tried following it up with another attack but as he considered his options in Nano-second increments, Prime pulled his hands up and balled them into a fist before bringing them down on Goku's back sending him to the ground below, of course Goku used his Ki to catch himself before he hit the ground. Goku screamed as his aura picked up and began collecting around him as it gathered and enhanced his entire body. He rocketed upwards leaving a trail of aura behind as he landed an uppercut to Prime's jaw sending him further upwards towards the clouds.

He turned to face Diana quickly, "You're going to want to help with the evacuation; this guy is good so he might cause some damage that I can't stop."

She nodded in understanding and floated down further towards the ground as Goku flew upwards to find Prime holding a red lantern in his hand, as he saw Goku it disappeared but he noticed something. Prime's Ki hadn't changed but his power obviously had, his aura was brighter and larger, his veins were glowing red as well as his eyes. He had clearly just amped himself but not by enhancing his own body. That's when Goku noticed the ring on his finger; it was identical to that of Green Lantern's ring obviously not as pure though.

"What are you supposed to be? Discount Green Lantern?" Goku chuckled as Prime smiled at him, "I doubt you can muster the will power needed to beat me."

"Shows what you know, it's a red lantern power ring which means it doesn't thrive on will power. It thrives on RAGE!" Prime's fist shot up as he pointed his ring in Goku's direction quickly summoning a massive red baseball bat. He swung it at Goku who cut his Ki Flight for a second dropping a few feet before dematerializing and reappearing behind Prime. He cupped his hands for a second and unleashed a beam of blue energy at Prime's back point blank. The explosion shook Earth's atmosphere and most of the Western Hemisphere, but only slight tremors as Goku had long since learned to control the area of effect from his Ki.

As the explosion smoke disappeared and the dust settled, Goku narrowed his eyes when he noticed the bubble of red energy protecting him unscratched. "Impeccable defense, if that ring is run on rage then you must be really angry, am I allowed to ask why?"

"I'm going to KILL YOU!" Superboy dashed forwards in an attempt to strike Goku downwards again but the Saiyan God narrowly avoided the attack. In raw physical attributes, Prime clearly had an advantage; he was stronger and faster than Goku but lacked technique and was too sloppy for his own good.

Goku slipped to the side and sent a palm into Prime's chest plate which pushed him out of close quarter's combat range. Goku formed two baseball sized Ki orbs and immediately began bombarding Superboy with a volley of energy bullets, each one capable of shattering entire planets as hundreds collided with Prime. Superboy felt searing pain across his body as he tanked each bullet as they came, seeing far too many to dodge, his eyea glowed a bright red as his trademark heat vision vaporized the Ki bullets and blasted Goku with enough heat to even put the core of a sun to shame. Goku threw his hands up in defense but mostly relied on a godly Ki shield to protect him, not that he would be significantly injured by an attack like this anyways.

Goku used Instant Transmission to teleport behind Prime, cupping his hands by his side. He needed to build energy and for that he needed time, which Prime obviously would never let him have. Goku began his trademark chant as the energy began to build in his palms, "Ka…" he instantly teleported to another random spot in Prime's vicinity. Prime used a concentrated blast of heat vision but missed when Goku teleported once again, "Me…" Goku teleported above Superboy as the Kryptonian frantically searched for his opponent. "Ha…" Goku gave his position away as Prime immediately sent a massive red hand construct to catch Goku but missed when he teleported yet again. Goku reappeared this time a distance away as Prime laughed, "This isn't a game! FIGHT ME NOW!"

"Me…" Goku disappeared yet again, he had spent time concentrating and building his Ki up and up until he had finally topped off the beams energy. The most amount of Godly Ki he could put into a single blast was in that orb and ready to be unleashed.

Prime searched but was surprised to find Goku had reappeared only feet away, less than a foot actually. "HA!" Goku extended his palms onto Prime's 'S' symbol as the beam engulfed him quickly expanding and shooting off upwards into space. The beam rocked the entire planet below as even those on the Watchtower could feel the abrupt shaking coming from Earth.

Diana swooped down and sliced a massive chunk of building in half with her blessed sword, saving the life of a mother and child in the process.

She flew off as the atmosphere began to shake suddenly; the entire sky was lit up with sparkling blue energy. The energy flushed the entire sky above her as far as her eyes could see, Goku really wasn't going to hold back this time but, would it be enough?

Superman sped across the street in a blur of blue and red saving multiple people from multiple accidents due to the shaking. He managed to save all the people from a burning building only one second before it collapsed. "I don't know Diana; I should be up there fighting alongside him."

"Last time Prime was here it was nearly the end of all things but last time we didn't have Goku either. I'm no fonder of the idea of sticking to the side lines than you are but, for now, it's our only option." Wonder Woman put a hand on Superman's shoulder, "Hera, bless us all."

Goku floated back as his blast flew out into space and harmlessly dissipated, he watched the smoke carefully as there was no shield of any kind this time. This was a good sign, Goku's instant transmission was obviously too fast for even the ring to react in time. Goku huffed as he used much of his energy on that last attack but, surely it was finished. As he searched for Prime's Ki and felt nothing, so he must have been vaporized by the blast. Goku let his guard down for a fraction of a nano-second and that's when it hit him. From behind came a reality shattering fist that flew through the atmosphere at unimaginable speeds striking Goku in the back. This attack was unexpected but the Saiyan had long since built measures around his body to prepare for that kind of attack, almost like what Vegeta did when he fought Goku as a Majin, he used his Ki to absorb the blunt of the attack receiving residual energy as a default which still hurt like hell.

Goku flew through the air and out of the atmosphere; as long as he retained Godly Ki he didn't need to worry about oxygen. As he reached outer space he searched for Superboy's Ki and turned to find him floating slightly above him glowing a dark crimson hue that radiated in the utter blackness surrounding them.

"You call yourself a God? Have you nothing more to offer me?" Superboy smiled as his red rage aura expanded and the energy pumped through his veins once again.

"Yea, I got one or two things still up my sleeve," Goku adjusted his wrist band and cracked his neck as he felt energy floating around him. His Godly Ki was being overwhelmed by rage and hatred, he needed to amp himself. He needed to stop holding back, "I guess now is no time to be pulling my punches then."

"Don't bluff! You're burning the candle at both ends as it is, you simply can't beat me!" Superboy laughed manically this time as Goku smiled and chuckled along with him.

"Something funny?"

"Actually there is, you see, you think you know everything there is to know about me but really, you don't have a clue." Goku tightened his fists by his side as he felt the power rushing out of him. It was familiar but as it mixed with his Godly Essence, it became something completely different.

Batman sat at the helm of the Watchtower as he viewed the battle via satellite, as he witnessed the massive Kamehameha that lit up the skies all across the Western Hemisphere. After the light died down Batman began scanning the fighters as Superboy emerged unfazed utilizing this confusion to ambush the Saiyan.

Martian Manhunter approached from behind and commented, "Do you think he can do it?"

"At this rate? He'll destroy the Universe trying."

"Impossible, he can't be that powerful," Manhunter watched as Goku smiled and began chatting with the Kryptonian.

"Goku's battle with Superman was so fierce that even after 'negating the energy from the shockwave' as Goku put it, they still ended up bending and warping space around them with their physical attacks alone. Who knows what Goku will do when fighting someone literally a thousand times more powerful than Superman," Batman grunted and watched the screen as an Error message appeared when Goku began charging his Ki.

"What is wrong?"

"Hold on to something, this is going to get worse before it gets better," Batman clenched the control console as the Watchtower began shaking violently.

Goku screamed loudly as a blue neon Ki aura engulfed his entire body and as it cleared from the feet up, Goku's red crimson hair had shot up in the style of a Super Saiyan except, in this scenario, his golden hair had been replaced by bright blue glowing locks. His sparking aura flashed around him as it expanded to counter Superboy's.

Their auras clashed and they met eyes; the shockwave from the auras blew high speed winds throughout the planet below. As Goku finally reached the peak of his power; the red aura retreated and left Goku's aura to float with tiny surges of turquois electricity crossing it randomly.

"What are you, a walking hair-dye dispensary? What a useless transformation; you changed your hair, so what?" the kryptonian scoffed as scarlet energy pumped through his veins clearly outlining them under his skin.

"You don't know anything about Saiyan's like me, when we transform, only our hair changes in appearance but… our power?" Goku rocketed towards Prime who reeled back in defense but was shocked to find that, just before he countered, Goku dematerialized from sight. He appeared only an instant later behind Prime with his hands cupped together and raised above his head. He brought his hands down on Prime slamming him across space and towards Earth's moon. Prime flew into the moon causing an enormous crater, but it didn't stop there. Superboy sat up in his crater and held his head for a moment before noticing Goku flying towards him with his bright blue trail of aura following him like a tail; Superboy wanted to counter but it was like his body just wasn't fast enough. Goku slammed his left fist into Prime's chest with a shout as he was forced into and through the moon, emerging on the other side and barely managing to stop his momentum. The moon now had its own small ring of orbiting rubble as the chunks of the lunar mass were carved out by Goku's attack.

Superboy wiped the blood from his lip and stared at it for a moment, "Huh… this is a new feeling. Pride in someone else," As he stared at the blood that floated in zero gravity in front of him he reached out his left hand and squeezed the blood back into its most basic molecules, with a grunt he sighed, "Too bad its overshadowed by all of this UNYEILDING RAGE!" His aura exploded around him and he rocketed towards Goku with his fist reeled back.

Goku noticed this and smiled as he realized Prime had been holding back for the most part so far, he charged his own aura and shot off with his fist pulled back in the same way. They screamed as the distance between them became shorter and shorter until their fists were only inches apart. Goku wasn't an idiot, he was well aware that a direct collision between two forces such as himself and Prime would shatter the boundaries of space and time for sure, so to avoid this Goku learned to match the momentum and angle of his opponents punches as to negate the shockwaves and prevent collateral damage. He perfectly aligned his fist with Prime's and yet the force from the attack was still enough to cause a burst of pressure in-between their fists blasting them in the opposite direction of each other. Prime flew back into the void of space as Goku flew towards Earth.

Before he reached the atmosphere though, Goku used his Ki to stop his free fall and fly back towards the enemy at faster than light speeds. As he closed in on Prime as he pounded his fist into Prime's chest increasing his uncontrollable momentum into deep space, Goku repeated this process multiple times until they came upon a small red planet in the distance.

Goku cupped his hands together by his side and quickly announced the attack as blue energy concentrated in his palms "Kamehameha!" the blue energy wave quickly shot forwards pushing Prime into Mars' atmosphere, falling towards it at near light speeds, he nearly shattered the entire planet just by impacting it. As the planet shook and ruptured, it completely fell apart as its structural integrity collapsed and the planet literally shook to pieces.

Goku landed on the planet and took a quick look around, "Wow, it's a good thing the Martians were all wiped out by some alien genocide. Otherwise I'd have to find a way to get the Dragonballs together and wish an entire species to life again." Goku chuckled slightly as Prime lifted himself from the country sized crater he had made.

"What was that? Dragonballs? Wishes?"

"Yea, they're these magical orbs from my Universe that grant wishes. Too bad no amount of speed will allow you to travel there alone." Goku smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"Well I'd like to think of myself as a pretty smart guy, if I can get my wish granted I can erase every Superman from every Universe!" Superboy's smile became sinister, "I'll get there somehow and when I do this entire Universe will pay!"

"It doesn't exactly work like that," Goku scratched his head, "I'm not sure the Dragonballs can even grant a wish like that!"

"You can't trick me into giving up on it now! The Dragonballs will be mine, just after I KILL YOU!"

Above Metropolis, a tiny spark of energy surged from nowhere, the sky seemed to just begin imploding until a small holo-hoop sized portal opened up seemingly from nothing.

Two silhouettes emerged, their appearance blocked from the light on the other side. They looked around before turning back towards the portal.

"Close it before you get us caught, dummy!" One of them shouted as the other pulled a small pill shaped device from his crop-top purple jacket. He pressed the button on the top and tossed it at the portal, a plume of smoke appeared and as it dissipated the portal was gone.

"Ya know, it's just like your dad to disappear and leave us in the dark like this. Maybe if we find him, we can get some of the action!" As the portal was gone, they're appearance was clear as day.

One was tall with long purple hair tied back in a pony-tail, his long blade was strapped to his back and under his purple jacket he wore a black t-shirt with a small 'C' logo on the left corner.

The other was slightly shorter with short black hair, he wore an orange Gi much like Goku's but instead it bore the symbol of Piccolo instead of Whis.

"Do you think Popo and Dende will be mad that we left without saying anything?"

The boy with the purple hair chuckled, "We're co-guardians of the Earth, Goten. I think we're entitled to a little vacation every now and then."

Goten shrugged and looked out across the sea of people and cars, buildings barely stood and blurs of super speed saved people all across the city, "Man this place is a mess. Do you think my dad's down there, Trunks?"

Trunks looked up and focused on sensing Goku's particular energy signal, "No way! He's at full power! I can feel it but, he isn't on Earth, he's in space. Pretty far out too if I can feel this right."

"Aw man! We can't breathe in space! He's a god remember!"

Trunks sighed, "True, but if I know your father, he'll be coming back to Earth the moment he can."

Goku and Superboy traded blows that could have annihilated the Galaxy with just the reverberations of their high-speed combat, of course, Goku would never let all those people die so he did his best to negate the energy, "YOU'RE LOOSING YOUR EDGE SAIYAN!"

Superboy roundhouse kicked Goku across the face sending him over the planet's surface and off Mars. As he flew through space he managed to stop himself abruptly with his Ki as he rocketed back towards Mars only to be passed by a blur of speed. Prime left Mars and flew out into space passing Goku and flying into the void.

Superboy waited until Goku was following him promptly to turn and fire blasts of red energy which Goku effortlessly dodged, "Your ring functions at Light Speed which is impressive to most, but, I'm way beyond that level now." He sent an energy bullet that blasted Prime out of his trajectory and into a massive, planet sized asteroid which shattered on impact.

Goku floated next to him and vaporized the asteroid with a quick Ki blast leaving only an angrier Superboy Prime with a burning cape to boot which didn't last long as things don't really burn in a vacuum. Prime's eyes began glowing a crimson red as he unleashed another blast of heat, this time catching Goku in the shoulder. Goku floated back and began dematerializing as Prime attempted to hit Goku and failed time and time again.

"I HATE SPEEDSTERS!" Superboy Prime shouted as he rushed out to throw a flurry of rapid machine gun jabs which were completely dodged or redirected harmlessly.

"I'm no speedster, I just trained really hard to get where I am. I can tell just by looking, you can't beat me." Goku caught Prime's fist and side-kicked him in the abdomen sending him out into space again. This time, he stopped himself with a red baseball-mitt construct which disappeared as he gained his second wind.

"WHY CANT I HIT YOU?!" Prime screamed as his aura grew and grew with every shout.

"Throwing a tantrum?"

"I WILL KILL YOU TO DEATH!" Goku suddenly noticed a spike in Prime's speed and power. He rushed Goku sending a knee into his gut, ejecting air from his lungs and energy from his limbs. It was a star shattering strike that caught Goku completely off guard, "NOW YOU'LL SEE WHAT A REAL SUPERMAN IS CAPABLE OF!"

Goku reeled back and held his gut as he looked up only to find a fist directed at his face knocking him into a spinning motion through space, he was then bombarded by attacks that were easily triple the speed and power of the ones before. Blood was drawn as Goku attempted to avoid the attacks but was out maneuvered by raw speed which Prime noticed and used to his advantage. He disappeared from sight and reappeared behind Goku kicking him in the back and sending him flying forwards.

Goku threw his hands up in a perfect defensive form, he looked up and noticed Prime staring at him, rage filled red eyes and glowing crimson armor that radiated energy from all sides, he was definitely far more powerful now. It had to be the ring, the angrier he becomes the more powerful he gets! He'd been taunting him the whole time and he had been progressively getting more powerful as the fight continued but, only now did he gain the power to not only match Goku but also exceed him. He had hit harder, he had to hit faster. Goku's eyes widened as his aura flashed brightly and he charged Prime with a loud war cry to match.

He slammed his right elbow into Prime's chin and followed up with a right cross and left hook, he finished the combination with deadly precise roundhouse kick to the neck. A kick which had the force of a Galaxy behind it didn't even cause Prime to flinch; he grabbed Goku's ankle which was still firmly pressed against his neck and spun him until he gained enough to speed to launch Goku back in the direction of Earth.

Goku flew for a few million miles before stopping himself mid-flight; he charged his aura as Prime flew in and slammed his fist into Goku's solar plexus causing him to keel over in pain, clutching his stomach uncontrollably. He looked up for only a second before receiving a hay maker to his face propelling him backwards once again, Prime wasn't doing this on accident, he still wanted Superman dead. He slammed Goku's head into his knee before kicking him in the chest and sending back towards Earth again. He flew through space uncontrollably until he reached Earth's moon, which he was passing until Prime flew in and roundhouse kicked him into the lunar mass.

Goku barely managed to maintain his God essence as he felt something very unfamiliar… lethal pain. He hadn't felt like that since the Universe 6 and 7 tournament nearly a century ago. He had internal bleeding for sure, and a broken arm and rib cage for sure. One thing though, he was still happy. He felt over whelming joy at the overall situation, there was someone with this much power in this Universe! How exciting! Even the Destroyer God would be impressed by this display.

Goku still managed to his feet; if there was one thing he was always good at it would be taking a beating. He smiled as Prime landed on the moon, still blood-lusted and still a very powerful threat. He rushed forwards thrusting his knee into Goku's abdomen causing blood to fly from his lungs; Goku tumbled back and through moon debris until he was stopped by a small boulder. Getting to his feet once again, he was immediately grabbed by the throat and lifted off the moon's surface; Prime smiled as he tightened his grip, "You see NOW? I'm the strongest there is! And for future reference, Saiyan, next time you should remember your place like the rest of them…" Goku struggled to break Prime's grip but failed as the kryptonian cocked his fist back in preparation, "And wait for Superman."

Prime unleashed a punch that was less like a punch and more like a supernova exploding in Goku's face. He flew towards the Earth at high speeds as the strikes shockwaves expanded and sent the moon into ruins. The entire Earth shook briefly as Goku hit the atmosphere and immediately reverted back into his base form.

Goten and Trunks spent the next 5 or so minutes watching the frantic city below as its heroes randomly swooped in and saved people. So far, no one had died so the two Saiyan fighters stood passively by. Suddenly, the power they had been sensing and tracking had suddenly appeared near Earth at high speeds.

"Goten, do you feel it?" Trunks stood and looked up into the sky.

"My father…"

As the Earth begun to shake violently, Goten spotted an incoming projectile.

"What is that?" Trunks asked as he put his hand over his eyes to block the sun's glare.

"Whatever it is, it'll destroy the planet with that impact speed."

Goten and Trunks both charged a golden glow, each gaining an identical aura and golden spiked hair. They used they're speed to fly towards the object and intercept it before it entered city limits. Trunks put his hands on Gotenks back and used their combined strength to stop the incoming object.

As they dispersed their aura and returned to normal, they immediately recognized the 'object'. It was Son Goku and he was badly injured, Goten immediately felt rage filling his entire body. Goku was a mess, he had dozens of broken bones, multiple dislocated joints, profusely bleeding cuts and gashes, and that's just the half of it. He was weakened and with no Ki to protect him, he had minor burns all over his body from re-entry into the atmosphere at near light speeds.

"Whatever did this, whoever did this, is going to pay dearly," Goten immediately charged his Super Saiyan aura and ascended past it and into the second level with sparking electric aura to match.

"Goten, think for a second, whatever did this just finished curb stomping your dad," Trunks put a hand on his shoulder, "What do you think it'll do to you?"

His aura slowly dissipated and returned to normal, "We have to do something! We can't just…"

"We can't just leave your dad like this either, dude. Look all those people with super powers down there," He pointed down to the blurs of speed and colorful people pulling men from burning cars and saving children from falling debris, "Suffice to say they probably already met Goku, we can let them take care of him while we take care of whatever it is that did this."

"We've been training for a really long time but, do you really think we can do this?" Goten floated down with his father in hands as Trunks smiled towards him.

"If not us… then I suppose we have another somebody who could lend a hand…"

As the two approached the ground, they were met by Wonder Woman, Superman, and Flash who had their arms raised in defense.

"Who the hell are you? What happened to Goku up there?" Superman's eyes turned a vicious crimson as he caught sight of the injured Saiyan.

Diana nearly let a tear slip from her cheek before she regained her composure and raised her blade to eye level, "Put him down, strangers."

"We aren't strangers," Goten smiled at Diana who saw something familiar, "Goku is my father."

Superman's eyes turned from red back into their normal blue irises, "Goku… has a son?"

"He had two," Trunks said, "But, Gohan didn't wish for eternal youth to become a guardian of Earth so…"

Diana lowered her sword as her jaw dropped, "So Goku was… married?"

Flash chuckled, "Hardly the time for a love triangle, Diana, we need to resolve this. Where is Prime? Did Goku beat him?" the speedster approached the two heroes who used their Ki to levitate Goku into the arms of the Amazon Princess.

"We'll take care of whatever problem you may have up there," Trunks winked down at them as they both charged a Super Saiyan aura and blasted off into the sky.

Prime scoffed as he lifted himself off the moon, "Boring. I thought he'd come back up but, maybe I put him down for good by accident."

He floated slowly into Earth's gravity, effortlessly resisting its pull and avoiding re-entry combustion all together. He smiled as he was met with a glowing sign of a new fighter, two new fighters, he could see them the moment they left the city as they approached a hypersonic speeds they halted in front of him.

"You two children are my next opponents? PATHETIC! GIVE ME SUPERMAN!" His aura rapidly increased with his impatient rage.

"You must be Prime then?" Trunks asked as he held out a thumbs up.

Goten did the same as he smiled, "You're going down, hard!" the two moved in synch and changed their thumbs up to a thumbs down, something they had done since childhood.

"How do you expect to win? I beat what's-his-face and he was way stronger than a couple kids," Prime laughed as Goten and Trunks assumed a strange position.