Chapter 4

"Fuuu… sion HA!" as the two Saiyan warriors performed the dance, a bright sphere of golden light formed around them as instead of the two boys, a single man appeared.

Superboy Prime raised an eyebrow and analyzed this new man, he was over 6 feet tall and had a mix of violet and raven colored hair; he wore a skin tight black sleeveless shirt with the trademarked blue vest with yellow padding around the edges. He also wore white pants with a blue sash and brown gloves as well.

Prime was quiet, he had calmed down considerably since his battle with Goku. He looked on in surprise and curiosity but, didn't fail to simply stare.

After a few seconds of silence, Prime spoke up, "Ok, give me a hint. What am I looking at here?" he rubbed his chin and looked the man up and down, "Some sort of merging power?"

"I'm the last man you'll ever see, fortunately I also happen to be dashingly handsome," the man spoke with the overlapping voices of both Goten and Trunks, "You can call me Gotenks."

"And the other two?"

"Irrelevant," Gotenks folded his arms across his chest, he was well built and had thick muscles that trumped even Prime's in size but, they were both clearly far stronger than they appeared. "I am not them as they are not me; I'm a completely different person now."

"You waited for me to enter the atmosphere so I'm going to assume that you can't breathe in space, right?" Prime smiled and held his hands out motioning to the air around them. Gotenks was silent so Prime continued anyways, "So, I could just toss you into space and be done with you?"

"I can teleport," Gotenks stated dryly while closing his eyes obviously irritated by Superboy's arrogance.

"Oh, shame. I would have loved for it to be that easy. I have someone down there that I really hate and need TO KILL," Prime cleared his throat and caught his composure.

Gotenks charged a bright clear aura around him boosting his strength, speed, stamina and all other aspects of his physical body. He rushed forwards with astonishing speeds and slammed his fist into Prime's face, dead center. Superboy didn't even flinch as he stood with the same disappointed expression dragging across his face.

"Are we done?"

"Not yet!" Gotenks dematerialized and appeared several feet away and began charging a bright golden aura as his hair completely shifted to a platinum gold color. Sparking electricity circulated around his body as his hair spiked slightly further, he ascended past Super Saiyan and had no intention of turning back.

"Ya know the other guy had red and then blue hair, now you come along with gold hair? I'm starting to think you two might be related somehow, how close am I?" Superboy smiled and used his hand to resemble a balanced scale, "Warm or cold?"

"You're about to be nice and toasty!" Gotenks charged forwards with all his power and delivered a star shattering blow to Primes face, who this time, flew backwards in the air from the force of the attack. "But that's not all!" He floated back and charged a golden orb in his hands; he then slowly formed a ring and allowed it to float above his head, "Galactic Doughnut!"

Superboy shook his head and caught his second wind just as the ring came from above and surrounded him, it shrunk around him and trapped his arms by his side as Gotenks flew in and delivered a flurry of undodgeable jabs and kicks. As the combinations continued to come, Superboy activated his ring as the crimson energy pumped through his veins once again. His muscles bulged as he used his brute strength to tear through the Ki energy trapping him and disperse the energy into small drops resembling rain. Prime immediately followed up with a light speed hay maker that shook reality around them as it came in contact with Gotenks' chin; Gotenks flew backwards as he came to the conclusion that he had been struck by a force of unimaginable power. As he flew uncontrollably through the sky, Prime appeared behind him and slammed his fists into Gotenks' back stopping his high speed flight with an audible cracking sound; Gotenks fell through the air and towards the ground. He was dizzy and definitely seeing stars as he felt the adjustment to his back was less crippling and more stress relieving; He straightened his form only feet from the ground as he landed pushing his feet through the asphalt of the abandoned street coming to a complete stop. Immediately a blur of red appeared followed by another of blue and then a combination of the two. It was the heroes he had met before, they gathered around him as Gotenks huffed and caught his breath.

"Are you alright?" Diana put a hand on his shoulder and sighed looking back up at the sky, "If you require our help, we'd be more than glad to-"

"I got this!" Gotenks smiled and stood upright charging a Super Saiyan aura once again, "He just caught me off guard."

Flash looked around and then back to Gotenks, "Ok I don't have super sight so I'm not exactly sure who you are… am I missing something?"

Gotenks chuckled, "The two Saiyans you met used a technique to create me; a sort of fusion," The Saiyan Hybrid laughed as Flash still seemed confused. Gotenks blasted off into the air once again as he rocked the city with hypersonic speed.

"So that's Goku's son?" Flash asked to no one in particular as Superman stepped forwards.

"Speaking of Goku we need to get him to the watchtower A.S.A.P," As Superman carried Goku's limp body with him he sighed, "Whoever he is, he clearly has some relation to Goku and with that being said, I think he's the only one with any sort of chance against Prime."

Wonder Woman pulled her sword from its sheath, "Right, you two take Goku to the Watchtower and I'll help his son fight Prime."

Flash chuckled, "No way, he'll slaughter you!" Flash sped next to Superman and motioned to Goku's limp form, "You saw what he did to Goku right?"

"I simply won't allow Goku's son to fight alone and possibly die alone," She floated into the air momentarily before being pulled by Superman's floating hand.

"You'll get in his way; he's clearly got a technique that puts him at levels we still can't comprehend. Our best bet is to let him buy us time while we heal Goku and the only place with tech like that is the Watchtower." Clark pulled her down to the ground with him slowly as he still held Goku's body.

He pressed his ear for a moment and smiled, "Bruce, send a teleport to the Watchtower."

"Why don't you take Goku's instant movement? It seems to be all the rage these days."

Gotenks flew up and dispersed his aura as he arrived in front of Prime who was wiping the blood from his nose furiously.

"YOU'RE BACK?" Prime shouted as he finally cleared his bloody nose, "I've got a SURPRISE for you!"

Gotenks chuckled slight as he rubbed his nose in boast, "Hehe well I have one for you too."

"Really? I hope we didn't get the same thing!" Prime flew up at light speed sent a massive twenty foot fist construct into Gotenks who immediately placed his fingers to his forehead teleporting away from the attack. As he reappeared behind Prime he immediately charged his ascended Super Saiyan aura as he continued to focus his energy on something inside him. He concentrated his Ki and from his mouth he exhaled a large white blob like creature. The blob began developing until arms and a head formed into the shape of Gotenks but, resembling a ghost of some sort.

"Get ready, Prime! For the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack!" Gotenks shouted as his Ki charged further and he began spitting out multiple other ghosts each one identical to the last. As they developed and formed into the ghosts, Prime blinked as he watched each one line up in a perfect formation.

Gotenks shouted like a drill sergeant, "Attention! Eyes forward! Sound off!"

Each ghost immediately followed his commands and began sounding off, each one said a number starting at 1 and ending in 10.

"Wow, that's an impressive cloning technique," Superboy folded his arms and sighed, "But, they're clearly deformed or something. Whatever technique you performed you must've done it wrong," Prime inspected the crew as Gotenks flashed a bright smile.

"They turned out exactly as I wanted them to," Gotenks smiled once again as he pointed at Prime, "Get him!"

The ghosts immediately shouted and whaled as they flew from their line and towards Prime who yawned easily dodging their attacks and landing consecutive strikes on each one as they passed. Once he chopped through the last ghost, he looked around at them. He was so fast that he could experience things at nanosecond increments allowing him to perceive things in slow motion as well; he watched as the ghosts began to glow brightly and smile. Each one detonated going up in a massive fireball that covered the sky-line; the explosion caused a massive plume of smoke to expand around them creating cover for both.

Gotenks couldn't see his enemy and he didn't feel any extraordinary Ki coming from around him so began laughing hysterically, "Looks like my little deformities were more than enough to take you down!"

"What the hell happened to him?" Batman rushed Goku onto a long cold silver table in the medical lab, "Did Prime do this?"

Superman nodded as Diana stepped in front of him, "Will he be alright?"

Batman lifted his cowl off of his face and tossed it aside as he grabbed a flash-light from his belt, flashing it in Goku's unconscious eyes looking for a response; "I don't know yet, we don't have a lot to work with. Unlike others with god-like invulnerability, Goku didn't come with a radioactive rock we can cut his skin with." Bruce immediately began pressing buttons on the computer dashboard only feet away as a halo-like device swooped from below the table and slide over Goku slowly scanning his body.

"What's the verdict, doc? Do we need to do this on our own?" Barry asked as Bruce observed the X-rays.

"You aren't going to believe this," Bruce started as Clark stepped forwards looking Goku up and down as he did so.

"His bones are… reforming at an alarming rate," Clark finished as he smiled, "That means…"

Barry smiled, "He has a healing factor."

"At this rate it'll take hours for him to heal but, with treatment we may be able to shave that time down." Bruce leaned back and rubbed his temples letting out a long drawn out sigh, "We might need to go out there."

Superman sighed, "In any other case that's exactly what we'd do, no question but, in a best case scenario we still die out there. He killed a lot of people last time he was in this dimension and we thought we were done with him when Conner and Kara locked him away in the Source Wall."

Diana chuckled, "Speed Force, Quantum Cube, and the Source Wall; He's escaped every prison we could toss him in even the paradise dimension; a better question is: do you really think Goku can just punch him to death?" They stared at her, obviously questioning their own reasoning.

Bruce sighed, "We've been too dependent on Goku, I realize that but, it was out of desperation. What do you do with a villain that can't be killed or trapped under any circumstance?" He typed away at his computer nearly broke the keys as he smashed them nearly losing his temper and tossing the computer entirely, "He destroyed the Anti-Monitor for Christ's sake!"

"Well let's think about this, we don't just need Superboy killed," Barry stated aloud, "We just need him captured but, clearly everything from this Universe has proved unsuccessful thus far but," Barry trailed off as they all turned back to Goku who was still lying wordlessly on the table.

"He isn't from this Universe." Bruce stated flatly.

"Do you think he could possibly have something that could trap someone as powerful as Superboy?"

"Only one way to find out," Barry sighed, "We have to ask him."

Gotenks smiled at his massive smoke cloud, he was more than over-joyed to be back in the lime-light being the arrogant teenager he is but, he couldn't help but feel dangerously unfinished with his business. He tightened his golden tail around his waist resembling a belt as he relaxed expecting his victory.

As the cloud cleared, Superboy floated nearly unharmed as his armor gleamed in the red bubble construct that surrounded him, he felt the suit absorbing and processing sun-light around him and into his body. His armor gave him an edge but, his already monumental power was the only edge he ever truly needed. After surviving the reconstruction of the Multiverse; Superboy was immune to the power reduction the heroes received. In short, Superboy Prime was just as, if not stronger than, Superman during his time in the Silver Age. That being said, it was very clear that Superboy could stomp on and tear through any opponent he was put against no matter how vast in strength or number. As Superboy's strength quickly returned to normal levels, he was more than surprised to find his opponent dancing in the air as if he had won already.

"Hey!" Superboy shouted.

Gotenks stopped and turned slowly, "Oh you're still around."

A vein nearly popped in Superboy's head, "OF COURSE I AM!"

Gotenks chuckled nervously before clearing his throat and assuming a fighting stance, "Maybe I need to use more of my power on you then?"

"Don't bluff, we both know you can get all blue haired like the last one so, get on with it! I want to see everything you have to offer before I DESTROY you!" Superboy grinned brightly as Gotenks blinked.

"Ya know," Gotenks began, "I know why I'm fighting you but, why are you fighting me?" It was a simple question but, also a question that fighters don't usually think about mid-battle.

"You're a hero of another Universe right? Just like the other guy? Well there's a certain someone I'm trying to kill and he was in my way and now SO ARE YOU!" Superboy shouted in anger as he floated and awaited a response.

"I guess that makes sense but, what're you going to do next?"

Superboy Prime raised an eyebrow, "I'm going to kill every Superman in every Universe until I'm the only one left. That's my goal!"

"Not too sure what a Superman is but, I can't let you kill an infinite number of the same guy… at least I think I can't," Gotenks put a finger to his chin before shrugging in resolution.

"Well you're going to have to stop me by force, I won't go peacefully," Prime folded his arms across his chest as his eyes turned a sinister red, "So get on with it! Show me everything!"

"You can't handle my 'everything'! Let's see how you like level 3 instead!" Gotenks clenched his fists by his side and charged his Ki; the space around him distorted as he began shouting in a low voice slowly before quickly shouting louder and louder. His golden-electric aura sparked around him as his hair began highlighting brighter than before; his already spiked hair grew as his muscles bulged and his eyebrows disappeared. Reality around the two began warping as Prime's crimson aura shot up to defend him. With a final shout, Gotenks let loose a destructive wave of power that singed the tip of prime's hair even through his shield.

"Impressive," Prime smiled as the lights died down and what was left was the same man but, the difference was his hair. His golden spiking locks now extended down to his waist, thicker and brighter than ever. Electricity now sparked around him simultaneously and consistently as if it had always been there.

"Hmph," Gotenks sneered as Prime realized his voice had gotten deeper somehow, "You need someone to put you in a time out."

Prime smiled as energy poured into his body at an alarming rate, "Let's go, before your hairstylist closes."

The two shouted a war-cry like no other before clashing at speeds that make light look slow.

Goku's eyes fluttered, his entire body felt like it had been on King Kai's planet again for the first time. He tried to sit up but felt a head currently on his chest and a mask wrapped firmly around his mouth delivering oxygen to him.

"Oh boy," Goku muttered as the Leaguers turned their attention towards him, just then, a green boot kicked the door down and two men walked in. "We're here! And we definitely didn't stop for plumbus' on the way back from Oa."

Hal Jordon and John Stewart entered the room as they all began surrounding Goku's table, He sat up, relieving Diana of her spot on his chest, "Thank the heavens you're ok."

Goku's face was frightened as he removed his hospital mask, "Nobody gave me any shots right?"

Clark smiled and put a hand on Goku's shoulder, "The mighty Saiyan brought to his knees by a needle? It's good to see you up and moving, Goku."

"Well, I'd love to say this is a time for celebration but, Prime is in space somewhere heading here! How long was I out for?"

Diana helped Goku from his cot-like bed and supported him as he got used to the pain in his legs, "Are you sure that you're alright, Goku?"

"Diana," Goku shrugged her off and smiled, "Trust me, I've been through way worse."

Hal and John shot each other a look before looking back to the Amazonian and Saiyan, "Did we miss something?"

"Yea, you did!" Goku shouted, "I was in space! Where was my Sector 2814 Guardian?" Goku raised his hands in exclamation as Batman stepped out in front of him and snapped his fingers.

"Goku focus!" Batman brought up a holographic feed of Gotenks fighting Prime as a Super Saiyan 3 as the entire station suddenly but, briefly lost power and lights as the lights quickly returned, "Apparently the son you never mentioned is here, looking to avenge your loss!"

Goku's face went from confused and carefree to one of deadly seriousness, "Gotenks is here? This is bad."

"Why? Why is that bad? I thought it was good!" Barry pulled on his own hair as he fell back in confusion.

John whispered over to Hal, "Goku has a son?"

"Gotenks is a complex character but, it's imperative that Prime doesn't push him past Super Saiyan 3!" Goku watched as prime back handed Gotenks across the sky, "I have to go but-" he fell to one knee as Clark, Diana, and Bruce caught him all at once, the others reaching to help out of instinct. "I'm just too injured right now! Clark, you have to intervene or Gotenks is gonna destroy this entire Galaxy trying to beat Prime!" Goku grabbed Clark by his shoulders as he tried to grip the situation.

"Goku, what comes after Gotenks' Super Saiyan 3?" Bruce asked logically looking for answers.

"A raw untapped power that even I didn't want under my belt," Goku looked out the nearby viewing window into space sensing the fight.

Gotenks and Prime clashed fists one last time shaking the atmosphere around them; they flew backwards as Gotenks' aura disappeared as did Prime's. Both of them breathed heavily, spite Prime not needing air, they were both tired and their bodies were spent, however; Superboy's energy was already being replenished by the sun's energy.

"You're pretty good, almost a match for me when I'm in a good mood," Prime chuckled and gained his composure while Gotenks could not.

"I'll beat you!" Gotenks flew in for right cross but, missed entirely as Prime dodged to the right and sent a knee into the Saiyan's solar plexus followed by a two-handed spike that sent him through the atmosphere and towards the ground.

Gotenks nearly hit the ground before he stopped himself using his Ki, "He keeps getting more powerful and all my attacks don't seem to do a thing."

Gotenks charged his golden Ki as his hair sprung upwards from the force of his aura; he screamed simultaneously charging his power even further. He cupped his hands by his waist and chanted a familiar saying, "Ka… Me… Ha… Me…"

Prime smiled and raised his crimson shield as a bubble around him, "Your friend used that technique too and it didn't work for him either!"

"Ha!" Gotenks unleashed the blue wave of energy in the form of a beam thicker than most buildings. It approached Superboy as he focused on his shield attempting to keep his defense solid; however, the beam cracked and broke the shield apart after it completely consumed him shooting off into space.

Gotenks' palms began smoking as the beam faded from view; Prime's shield followed his example as it was smoking as well with cracks and fractures running up and down its exterior.

"That was almost enough to break my shield but, it looks like im angrier than you are strong," Superboy lowered his shield and folded his arms across his chest.

Gotenks looked down at the clouds below him, realizing he had no other options he straightened his posture and took a long breath.

"It's time I give this fight my all, the ultimate power of a Saiyan warrior!" As Gotenks charged his Ki this time, his entire body shifted. He became a few inches taller, his hair retracted up to just his lower back and turned from gold to solid black with purple highlights, his shirt ripped away as his muscles bulged right through them, and his chest grew red fur along his entire torso aside from his pecks and abdomen. His golden aura grew brighter than ever before as the planet below him shook in terror violently causing natural disasters to appear randomly along with the shaking; Prime floated back as this display of power was so incredible his jaw hung loose for a moment.

"Now you'll face a Super Saiyan 4!"

Goku's eyes widened as the entire space station begun shaking again except this time the power was knocked out completely aside from emergency red-lights. Alarms blared through-out the station as Goku nearly fell over before being caught by Diana, "Are you alright."

"We can't let Gotenks fight in that form; he'll doom your earth for sure!"

"He's right," Bruce announced as Clark and the others immediately surrounded the viewing screens, "Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, sand storms, and tornados all over the planet, thousands are dying."

"We have to do something!" Clark shouted as his eyes turned red from frustrated anger.

"That's it!" Goku shouted as he placed his fingers to his forehead and teleported from sight.

Gotenks charged his aura further and used his intense speed to ram Prime with a Ki enhanced fist to the chest shattering the S symbol on his armor and sending him through the sky.

Prime stopped himself and wiped the blood from his lip, "Here comes that unyielding rage, again." He screamed with everything he had as his crimson aura flared up enhancing his body, fixing his armor and causing the red energy to flow through his body once again.

The two charged at each other with only seconds before they collided but, before they could, Goku appeared in front of them quickly turning into a Super Saiyan Blue with his god-like aura rushing to the forefront instantly. He quickly grabbed Gotenks' and Prime's wrist before they collided and used his Dragon Throw technique to spin at super speeds launching them both in opposite directions, canceling out their power as Whis had taught him.

Goku's blue aura quickly faded as he barely supported himself with his Ki; Gotenks quickly caught sight of his father and became squeamish instantly, "D-dad?"

"Gotenks, what did I tell you about that power!" He shouted as Gotenks looked towards the clouds below once again.

"I know but-"

"No 'buts' transform back this instant!"

"Yea okay," Gotenks immediately shifted back into his base form as Goku turned to Prime who adopted a fighting stance.

"Back for more?" Prime asked with a smile but, was surprised to see the Saiyan smile back.

"You want to kill Superman right?" Goku asked nonchalantly.

"Of course," Prime answered quickly.

"Well he's gone! Trillions of light-years away escorted by multiple squads of Green Lanterns; you'll never find him!" Goku smiled and continued, "We don't know where he is either so torturing anyone here is pointless… leave now!"

"No… it can't be! He's here and if he's not he's gotta come back eventually!" Prime rushed forwards at superior speeds slamming his fist into Gotenks' solar plexus sending a shockwave out around them that pushed Goku to a distance. Gotenks ejected a fair amount of blood before glowing and splitting into two unconscious Saiyans that fell at astonishing rates.

Goku shouted, "No!"

As Trunks fell through the air, from his jacket pocket came a small capsule that fell out and floated through the air with him.

Prime used his super-vision to catch this and quickly snatch the capsule from the air allowing Goten and Trunks to free fall at Mach 75 until they hit ground with enough force to level a city-block.

Prime appeared next to Goku, "What is this thing?"

"It's just a capsule meant for storage, it's useless," Goku tried reasoning but, Prime continued to examine the device before accidently pushing down on the top and causing a ticking to start, "A bomb?"

Prime tossed the capsule at the last second and as it exploded in a plume of smoke a small human-sized portal appeared in the air as Prime floated around it examining it from all sides.

"Liar! This is how you jump between dimensions, isn't it!?"

Goku tightened his jaw and absorbed the pain as his blue god-like aura sprung to life in a second as he charged Prime only to get back handed away easily fly through the air and barely managing to himself.

"The next time you see me, I'll be the only Superman that ever existed! Better yet I'll wish for the annihilation of all life in the Multiverse! I'll be the only thing left!" Prime cackled maniacally before zooming through the portal at insane speeds.

Goku struggled to stay afloat in the air as his god-aura faded and Superman appeared with Diana and bother Lanterns in tow.

"What the hell is that?" Superman said referring to the portal.

"It's a doorway to my Universe," Goku straightened himself as best he could, "And Prime just went in there looking for the Dragonballs."