Chapter 8

Buu looked over his two Saiyan opponents, smiling brightly as he did so, "Well? I'm waiting…" He crossed his arms across his chest, tapping his foot impatiently. Buu was never selfless to begin with, being a ruthless demon and all but, now that he had achieved his goal of ultimate power, he was even more cocky, impatient, and arrogant. He spent a hundred years planning hypothetical situations in Hell where he would get the upper hand against Goku and win the day; he had come up with multiple ways to beat, kill or humiliate the Saiyan and this was one of them. Forcing him to gamble the fate of the universe on a simple match between the two would push Goku to his limits and entertain the demon at the same time; Having Vegeta along for the ride was just a bonus.

"Right," Goku and Vegeta faced each other, raised their hands up parallel to the other and waving a fist over each hand, "Ready! Rock, Paper, Scissors!" they made two fist shaped sign with their hands, "Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again!" Each time they threw a sign down they somehow tied by making the same sign, rock, scissors, rock, rock, paper. The game would always end up this way, somehow and it honestly reminded Vegeta of the way the Ginyu Squad decided on which of the Z-Fighters to kill first.

Buu's smile faded and he blinked rapidly with a confused look, "You do know it's a 2 on 1 challenge, right?" he stuttered in surprise as the two Saiyans continued to play their childish game until Goku cheered excitedly causing Vegeta to scoff and fold his arms.

"Yea, we do," Goku responded as he stretched his arms, bending his legs and stretching them as well, "But, Me and Vegeta have this thing where we don't fight together until we know we have to so, you'll be fighting me first." Goku's face went from innocently stretching to seriously preparing to kill his opponent. Normally, Goku would never go straight for a kill in the beginning of a match but, if wanted any chance of taking Buu on by himself, he would need to cut loose completely.

"I don't care if you bring an army to fight me, so long as you knock me off planet," Buu chided egotistically.

"Of course but, there's a few things you don't know about me," Goku smiled as his Ki level skyrocketed immediately, the neon blue aura slowly spiking his hair, "We haven't fought one on one in a very long time, Majin Buu." Goku's aura slowly expanded as the turquoise electricity bounced off his skin and zipped about his body; His muscles flexed and he assumed his signature fighting stance.

Buu raised a brow, analyzing this new transformation, he remembered the last power Goku unlocked before his defeat was Super Saiyan 3 which was drastically weaker and less efficient, using up Ki at an exuberant rate boosting raw power but decreasing the time of transformation and life span of the user. "I was wondering about the blue hair, although; it's pretty inconsequential now."

"Or so you'd think," Goku disappeared in a flash of neon, sending a powerful round house kick to Buu's neck. The strike sent unfathomable quakes across the star system, shaking the planet vigorously. Vegeta watched with his arms still crossed, looking on unimpressed as Buu didn't even bother to dodge or block the attack.

Buu smiled and chuckled as he narrowed his eyes, "Scathing," he sighed and thrust his palm forwards sending Goku across the battle field and directly passed Vegeta, hitting a mountain hundreds of miles away in seconds. The mountain suddenly imploded as Goku flew forwards and passed Vegeta once more, his aura flashing as he used instant transmission to appear behind Buu sending a fist to the back of his head but, it had no effect on him once again. The Saiyan tightened his jaw and began sending rapid jabs to the back of his opponents head, trying to make some sort of dent or damage but, failing ultimately.

Goku back flipped out of the way of a lazy back hand and landed in a sprawl, sending orbs of Ki accurately into Buu's chest as he turned to face him. The Ki detonated on contact creating massive domes of energy; Vegeta didn't even flinch as debris and hurricane force winds blew past him. He analyzed the battle and Buu's fighting style intently, learning every twitch, every motion, expertly trying to find a weakness.

Buu began swatting the orbs of Ki away, as he walked forwards and closer to Goku. "This isn't very productive, are you sure there's nothing else you want to try?"

"Is there a time limit?" Goku asked as he ceased firing Ki Blasts.

"Well, no…"

"Then shut it you genocidal maniac," Goku jumped to his feet and assumed a general defensive stance, legs spread shoulder length, arms tucked by his side, fist balled up, and eyes closed momentarily. He charged his Ki, furthering his power and furthering his Ki output. As he charged he crossed his arms in a defensive cross-sign and focused on Buu's energy; in an instant Goku vanished and reappeared in front of Buu.

"Destructive Wave," He extended his arms as an intense explosion engulfed both fighters emanating from Goku's body with a bright flash that even Vegeta had to cover his eyes to avoid.

"Damn it, Kakkarot, stop showing off…"

The smoke cleared quickly as Buu appeared completely unfazed by the energy attack; Goku, who was now feet away, gulped as Buu's hand was quickly wrapped around his throat. The Saiyan clawed at the demon's grip trying to get free as Vegeta narrowed his eyes, not even attempting to get involved though. Goku placed his free hand on Buu's left pectoral and muttered as best he could, "God…Breaker," an impressive thick yellow beam of Ki came extending from Buu's back as it managed to surprise the demon enough to release his grip and push him back on his feet.

Goku dropped to his feet, using this moment to his advantage; he cupped his hands by his side and quickly recited, "KamehameHA!" the massive blue beam engulfed Buu and shredded the landscape around them, tearing through the flattened battle field and extending off world and out into space.

Goku huffed as he looked out into the wrenched up dust and smoke, "Did… Did I do it?"

His question was answered by an orb of anti-matter/magical Ki energy cutting through the debris and nearly slicing the Saiyan in two.

Diana lay on her back, staring up at the stars from the deserted planet's surface. She had nothing to do aside from wait. She could train or sleep but, that would just remind her of Goku who was fighting on behalf of her and the entire Multiverse as these thoughts crossed her mind. She sighed loudly, she could leave the planet but, she wasn't too much faster than light which wouldn't get her to the next planet over for another few hours at least. All she could do was wait for him; and what would that do for her love? She hated thinking about him risking everything for an entire Universe that wasn't even his to protect, what a selfless man.

When she left the island she was told that all men were demons, evil creatures that couldn't be trusted. They would lie, cheat, scheme and do anything just to get in her pants. This may have been the case thousands of years ago when the Amazons sealed themselves off from the world but, once she meet Steve Trevor, The Justice League and the Green Lanterns; she knew that their ways were flawed but, to what extent? Evil men always existed and they still did but, Goku was like no one she had ever met.

He was kind, generous but, ferocious and unforgiving to those who threatened his loved ones; he was funny and innocent but, also he was the greatest warrior she had ever met.

A Princess Demi-God and a Warrior from the Heavens, how much more perfect could the couple be?

No! Diana shot up from her position sprawled out on the desert like planet, "I won't allow Goku to fight without me; I'm an Amazon! I fight to the death with honor!"

She looked around, she still needed a way to find Goku… and that's when she thought of something very clever. There is only one sure-fire way to get a Green Lantern's attention from light-years away. Diana grabbed her blade and took a deep breath, inhaling the barely present atmosphere and swinging her sword with everything she had.

And slowly, the ruptured planet slipped in two officially revoking its status as a Planetary mass.

Goku materialized next to Buu sending a volley of point blank energy beams, obliterating the surrounding landscape and boring Vegeta to no end. The battle was dragging on as Goku hadn't gotten as single opportunity to fight Buu in hand to hand combat, simply attacking with beam or energy based attacks.

Goku backed away, flying into the air with a trail of neon blue following him, to witness the destruction. Cupping his hands at each side of his mouth, he shouted, "Come on, Buu! Don't wanna fight me? Afraid I'm too skilled to go mano a mano?"

Goku analyzed the smoke, waiting for a response but instead of a vocal response, he received a physical one. Buu materialized behind Goku and before the Saiyan realized he had even moved, the demon's fists came crashing down on his back, flinging him towards the ground and through the planets crust.

A neon blue explosion erupted like a volcano from the hole Goku made with his landing; he rocketed out of the crevasse at high speeds, sending a flurry of expert martial arts moves in Buu's direction. They exchanged blows, right cross, left hook, reverse round house, right hook-kick; it was all massively faster than light and easily powerful enough to compromise the galaxy itself. Goku managed to redirect an incoming straight-punch to the side as he headed in for a one-inch punch which was usually effective against powerful opponents. The punch sent shockwaves through the planet's atmosphere but, didn't even make Majin Buu flinch as he grabbed the Saiyans wrist and twisted it behind his back, side kicking him into the ground below.

"Damn," Goku spat as he wiped the blood from his chin, "it's like his body is made of Katchin or something…" the Saiyan got to his feet, slowly rising into the air, his aura dispersed and his stance neutral; he analyzed Buu's nonchalant attitude and sighed.

Goku vanished once again appearing inched from the demon's personal space, shooting his fists forwards, trying to land a hit on Buu's face but, the demon dipped his head left to right, avoiding the blows like the plague. Each one passing his face, missing by millimeters and he didn't fail to smile while he did it. Goku grunted and sped the pace of his punches up while also training his eyes to shoot more accurately, although; it didn't make much of a difference to Buu.

The prospect of humiliating Goku slowly grew old and lost its luster; Buu duked under Goku's final strike and reacted by kicking him in the mid-section and sent him flying towards the ground. The massive dust cloud that flew up in response passed Vegeta who scoffed, Goku hadn't even started trying yet, he was just testing Buu, learning his fighting style and analyzing his motions to better combat him once he started going all out, and that time was now.

"Here it comes," Vegeta murmured as he narrowed his eyes and started paying close attention to Goku's Ki signature.

The dust around them cleared suddenly as Buu floated towards the ground, a sinister grin flared up across his face along with his bright purple aura, "Come on, Goku! I thought you were the finest warrior in the Universe! Show me what you got!"

Goku closed his eyes as a red hue slowly silhouetted his body, lining his features and slowly enveloping him. After a few seconds of focusing his Ki, Goku opened his mouth, "Kaio-Ken…" His neon blue aura shot up even brighter and more expansive then before, although; this time it had an even brighter and even greater crimson red aura flaring around said blue aura symbolizing the power of the Kai's backing him from this point forwards.

The Planet was destroyed, in ruins and now it was just a waiting game. Diana didn't need air, she was molded by the gods from mystical clay, suffice to say, she wasn't a carbon based life form. Where ever she was, whatever corner of the Galaxy she was stuck in, there was a Green Lantern around and they were fast enough to cross the Universe in hours; that was exactly the kind of speed she needed. Something else to note about Green Lanterns is that they hate when a planet in their sector is destroyed or fatally damaged, populated or otherwise.

Diana narrowed her eyes, in the distance there was a faded green glow, but, almost instantly the glow had entered the atmosphere with a boom that rivaled even Goku's. The Lantern slowly floated down, stopping its momentum in increments. The Lantern was the opposite of what Diana had expected, instead of a strange alien that didn't even speak English; Diana witnessed the human female Lantern floating down towards her, landing with her ring pointed firmly in her direction.

"Halt! This is Green Lantern of sector 2815; you are under arrest for unlawful destruction of a planetoid!"

Diana was simply amused, this teenage girl was clearly an inexperienced lantern whom didn't even notice when two powers like Goku and Superman duked it out in her own sector but, somehow noticed this. The novelty was not lost on her.

"Wait! I am in desperate need of your assistance!"

The female lantern tucked her short blonde hair behind her ear, exposing her elongated ears proving her to not be human; her white and green attire did resemble human fashion with her long white blouse that extended into an emerald mini-skirt.

"And I am in desperate need of an explanation as to what happened to my planet," she responded sarcastically, not moving her ring an inch.

"There is a threat, a powerful one, which already wiped out multiple Green Lanterns across the Galaxy; as we speak my… friend, is battling this monster and I must assist him!" Diana put her blade on the ground next to her feet and put her hands up, "This planet was already in ruin and I knew the only way to attract the attention of a Lantern was to devastate it further."

"That doesn't excuse a thing, lady, how do I know your story isn't a complete sham?" the Lantern's eyes narrowed and her ring grew brighter.

"Because Hal Jordon was one of the lives this monster took," Diana spoke knowing of Hal's long reputation with the Corps. He was known as a war hero after the Sinestro War and the battle with the Anti-Monitor and any Lantern that knew anything about anything knew his name at the least but, the reaction she displayed spoke a different story, as if they had a history.

"Hal?" She lowered her ring for a moment, contemplating her thoughts, "Hal can't be killed, people have tried before and-"

"This was no ordinary villain; this monster had the power to destroy the Universe and more," Diana choked on her words for a moment, "I-I watched him die," She was almost lying as she never actually saw Jordon die but, she knew he was absorbed at the least and that meant death to anyone who know anything about living.

A tear slipped down the lantern's cheek, "What… What do you need?"

"I just need an escort to the battle, I must assist my friend, please," Diana lowered her hands as the Lantern stepped closer.

"My name is Arasia, what's yours?" The lantern asked as Diana smiled brightly.

Goku's aura only grew brighter with every passing moment; the Kaio-Ken at its base multiplied the Saiyan's physical attributes by 1.5 but, once Goku furthered the technique, his power could only grow.

Vegeta's eyes twitched slightly, it had been so long since he had seen Goku at this power level with the trio of Godly Ki, the Kai's Technique, and the Legendary Super Saiyan Ki all in one go; it was truly a sight to marvel but, Vegeta had improved too. He had repented and helped save the world so many times before his death that, he was actually allowed to keep his body in the after-life as Goku had once done. He trained for just as long as Goku had and had improved just as much as well, this battle was far from over and then, when Goku loses, which the Saiyan Prince had no doubt of, he would end this with his own trio of new found power, one that even Goku couldn't stand against.

Buu raised a brow and blinked rapidly, "Impressive, I had no idea you could even still use that technique, I'm getting interested now!" Buu charged his own Ki as his dark purple aura grew violently around him. Their auras clashed in a rainbow of vibrant colors swirling and pushing against one another, each one trying to gain the upper hand against the other; the only difference between the two would be Buu's aura was practically effortless while Goku's was already straining his body to some degree.

They charged each other at extreme speeds, colliding with enough force to put the Big Bang to shame, the condensed force blew past Vegeta and obliterated mountains on the other side of the hemisphere at the same time, although; Vegeta stood a little more firm than the mountains. They were frozen in combat, fists connected and eyes locked, Goku's fierce expression versus Buu's arrogant grin and the Saiyan didn't exactly have the upper hand in this case. As Buu pushed against Goku's fist, the alien martial artist flexed his muscles further, with popping veins and tightened skin; He tried his best to push against the demon but, to no avail. "Times… 5!" Goku's aura quintupled in size and power as he finally managed to push Buu back, causing the demon to raise a brow.

Goku and Buu's fists were connected for several more long and excruciating moments, sending sparks of destructive energy across the landscape, passing Vegeta who, again, didn't flinch and kept his eyes on the battle following every movement intently. Goku pulled his fist back just as Buu attempted to add force to his own causing him to fly forwards for a moment, with his boost in speed; Goku managed to spin and deliver an intense round house kick to Buu's chin sending him towards the battleground. He charged his aura and screamed intensely before following Buu through the air, intercepting him before he hit the ground sending a galaxy-shattering uppercut that pushed Buu back into the air.

"Times Ten!" His aura grew even brighter now, if such a thing were even possible, as Goku charged a powerful attack.

"Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!" While taking the nanoseconds needed to actually charge his Ki into a single point, Goku fired off a turtle wave that trumped any blast he had ever fired, easily outclassing the one he used against Superboy Prime. The beam consumed Majin Buu and pushed him into the atmosphere, reaching just above the clouds before Buu began his counter attack; using his anti-matter energy to deflect the beam and stop his momentum before he reached the stratosphere.

"Now we're talking!" Buu shouted with the same cocky grin as had earlier, his body was uninjured, and he hadn't even felt the beam in the first place. He simply continued towards the ground, now accessing all of Anti-Monitor's power, he still had two Kryptonians and multiple heroes to utilize at this point. "I knew I lost to you before for a reason and this is it! You're good, Son Goku!"

Goku sighed as both of his auras dissipated and faded into nothingness, although; he managed to keep his Super Saiyan Blue form at its base level. Goku huffed as he felt every pain receptor in his body flare up intensely; red hot searing pain fluidly spread across his skin, muscles, and bones every time he even breathed let alone moved; it felt as though he had just used the Kaio-Ken Times Four for the very first time but a thousand times more intense in every way.

The dust settled as Buu folded his arms, "Is that all?" he chuckled arrogantly.

Goku fell to his knees and clawed at the dirt beneath him, trying to stand, he squeezed the dirt slowly, "Come on, Goku, ignore the pain," He said to himself as he stood to his feet slowly once again, the Kaio-Ken still put tremendous strain on his body and using it was detrimental to his physical form and his mental health but, he needed to push forwards… he needed to push past his current limit at all costs. It wasn't just Earth; it wasn't just his Galaxy or his Universe. It wasn't even about the entire Multiverse that Buu threatened to conquer should he win this battle… it was about Diana. She was out there waiting for him and he couldn't die knowing that he could have gone a little further; he couldn't go down knowing there was one more limit he could break.

"Kaio-Ken…" Goku mumbled as he drew power from the very depths of his core, for his love for his friends that were taken and from his love for Diana, "TIMES TWENTY!" Both his God Aura and his Kai Aura shot forth once again, this time thicker, stronger, and far more intense than even Vegeta had expected. The Saiyan Prince managed to crack a small smile as he closed his eyes, "You always manage to pull a new trick from up your sleeve, don't you, Kakkarot?"

Goku's powerful screamed echoed across the planet with more emotion in them than ever before, he charged his powerful auras to their breaking point before charging Majin Buu whom was already in a defensive position. The speed was unfathomable as he zipped across time and space like a trans-dimensional anomaly given life; nearing the speed of over trillions of times faster than light, his movements were nearly indistinguishable from simple omniscience, although; any real Omni would tell the difference immediately. Goku charged every last bit of Ki left in his body for one final attack, his ultimate move, his ultimate trump card, his ace in the hole, "DRAGON FISTS!"

This time, instead of charging his fist with a single golden Ki dragon, he sent a flurry of crimson red Dragon Fists, each one literally twenty times as powerful as the one used on Prime and each one innumerably times as lethal. Buu couldn't even see the attack coming as his body was engulfed by dragon after dragon, each one with enough power to destroy a Universe or more, over and over again engulfing the magic demon within their jaws of power, eradicating him on the molecular level until Goku's Ki had finally diminished.

His God Form had faded as did both auras and he returned to his base form, he tried to stay conscious long enough to see the result of his attack but, it was out of his control. His eyes closed on their own and he collapsed, free-falling through the air from a few thousand feet up.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes, lifting himself into the air nonchalantly and intercepting Goku's unconscious form gently, holding him by the scruff of his neck. He lowered his comrade to the ground a dropped him without any special care, "You did well, Kakkarot…"

As Vegeta looked on from below he noticed as Buu managed to begin reforming his body, the smoke clearing revealed a melted and nearly completely in shock Majin Buu. His body was torn, ripped, burnt and deformed as he was missing limbs, eyes, and part of his torso. His mouth was ninety percent of his face and it sounded as though he was choking on his own intestines; however, Vegeta could physically see how Buu's physiology repaired the damage, slowly putting him back together.

"But, now it's my turn."