Chapter 9

Vegeta stared up at Majin Buu as his body came together slowly; he had been analyzing Goku's fight, every single move and every single attack. Everything Buu was weak to and everything he wasn't, it was like he created a guidebook to Buu's fighting style in his brain; He was far more prepared for this battle than Goku was and he knew it.

He didn't bother attacking in his base form or any such nonsense so, he charged his Ki and focused his energy as his muscles flexed and his hair flipped back in forth from raven black to turquois blue until his expansive aura exploded forth, creating a small crater below him. He looked down at Goku's body below him, and he smiled slightly, "This is the day that I finally surpass you, Kakkarot."

Vegeta had long since given up his obsession with surpassing Goku but, it had never stopped being his dream. He remembered back when he first arrived on Earth and attacked the Z-Fighters with Nappa; he looked back to those times and remembered how much stronger than the low class warrior he had been. It was almost impossible for Goku to match him without killing himself in the process but, the gap only closed until Goku had not only surpassed Vegeta but, he became a God in comparison. Of course, eventually Vegeta became a God as well but, the gap never closed; Goku still always had an edge even in the battle with Black Goku, the Saiyan that Vegeta once looked down on had still surpassed him. Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans, reduced to following the footsteps of a low class warrior; this sometimes made the Prince glad his race was wiped from existence as to avoid the embarrassment. But, no longer! Today was the day he proved himself to be the strongest of the Saiyans by defeating an enemy that even the great 'Goku' couldn't!

Vegeta allowed his neon blue aura to flood his body with God like power, disappearing in a flash of light, he rocketed up towards Buu who hadn't completely reformed yet, "Big Bang Attack!" extending his hand and opening his palm, a baseball sized orb of blue energy formed and shot forth creating an explosion that greatly resembled a nuclear blast… if a nuclear blast could wipe galaxies from the face of the universe. Vegeta backed away, floating backwards and observing the explosion, he crossed his arms and scoffed, "That was just a warning shot; we both know you aren't dead."

Buu's pink gum like body quickly came together and formed his body, completely reforming himself in seconds, "Of course but, now the day is won! Goku is defeated and everyone knows you aren't stronger than him; maybe if you wake him up now, you two might have a chance."

Vegeta closed his eyes and smiled, breathing heavily and letting loose a long grunt before his aura exploded around him, his every muscle and limb growing substantially in raw power as every nerve in his body surged with god-like energy. "Oh, what's wrong Prince? Did I touch a nerve?"

Vegeta smiled as he mumbled, "You pressed the Goku button…"

"I'm sorry, the what?"

Vegeta disappeared in a flash of blinding speed, easily trumping anything Goku had done in this form and crossing the gap between the two fighters in less than a picosecond, slamming his fist into the demon's abdomen and releasing his Atomic Blast into him, blowing a substantial hole in his abdomen, "You shouldn't a did that."

Vegeta unleashed a volley of painful blows that decimated Buu and flung him across the planet from continent to continent, each strike followed by another nigh-instantly. The Saiyan threw a right cross followed by a left uppercut, pushing Buu's jaw upwards with so much force his gum-like neck extended teen feet up before he threw another reverse side-kick into the demon's gut slamming him into the side of a mountain.

Vegeta charged his powerful aura, forming two average sized yellow Ki orbs in each hand and extending them outwards at each side, charging Ki into them further his muscles bulged as he charged his energy even further than he thought was possible, bringing both orbs together at a single point just as Buu pulled himself from the mountain side.

"Final Flash!" a massive yellow beam of energy extended from his palms, shooting forth and obliterating a quarter of the planet along with the mountain range that Buu was currently in, the beam shot out into space and dissipated in the void. The planet was now crippled; with a huge chunk of it missing most of its remaining mass was shoved into an apocalyptic climate that reminded Vegeta of Planet Namek before its destruction even though he had only witnessed it briefly. The sky had turned a deep crimson red and the ground had been covered in a thick layer of ash, the oxygen in the air had quickly been tainted but, as Vegeta was in his God Form so he didn't need any oxygen to survive and fight, however; Goku was still on the Planet unconscious somewhere.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes as Buu reformed, unfortunately still on the planet and still unwilling to die.

Diana sat in wait as she traveled through the cosmos at incalculable speeds surrounded by a sphere of emerald green energy and her Green Lantern escort, Arasia, who had agreed to escort her to the battle and even assist her in fighting off this menace. She was easily trusting and that wasn't always a good thing, she was lucky that Diana had no evil intent but, in another situation her luck may not be so plentiful.

Diana sighed as the flight had taken longer than expected, "How much longer?" she asked as Arasia looked back quickly.

"Only a couple more minutes, I tracked the energy signatures you described to Sector 674 and exactly as you said, the Lantern there was killed just a few hours ago, he was also my friend and drill sergeant." She resisted shedding a tear as Diana observed her surroundings.

It was marvelous; the stars had extended into long warped lines of light as their speed had gone far beyond that of light, at least billions of times faster than it actually. She had never actually traveled this fast before and wondered if even Goku could be this fast as everything zipped past her. She could always see Goku's movements but, what she was looking at as she was flown through space was beyond anything she could truly comprehend.

"We're approaching the planet and… oh man," She covered her mouth with her hand as she slowly halted their flight and observed the planet from afar, it was completely in ruin, almost as bad as the planet they had just left.

"Goku has to be down there," Diana spoke softly as Arasia raised a brow.

"I assume that's your friend; you seem to really care about him," she said as they began their decent towards the planet's surface.

"Its… complicated," she said simply, "We haven't really worked things out completely yet."

"Understandable," she answered, "You're lucky to have found someone who reciprocates those feelings."

Wonder Woman raised a brow, "I assume Hal Jordon was someone who didn't reciprocate your feelings?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"It's nothing to be ashamed of; you fell for a man who already had a love," Diana looked down at the planet as they approached the surface, "Moving on is what's best, I recently attended Hal's wedding and you should take condolence in that he was very happy."

Arasia let a sigh out as she knew she simply couldn't come to grips with his death; she wiped a lone tear from her eye, "We're here," she muttered as she touched down on the dusty planet.

"What happened to the people here? Did they die off somehow?" Diana asked as the emerald bubble slowly faded away around her. Arasia looked at her ring for a moment as it displayed information to her in an alien language.

"This Planet should be populated by 1.8 Billion people," Arasia lowered her rings energy and looked around, "This 'Boo' you spoke of killed them all." The barren city around the was completely quiet, no one to speak of but, telephones, newspapers, cars were all abandoned as if the populous suddenly disappeared altogether.

Diana took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I can't believe he wiped an entire species from existence; he will pay dearly for this, by Hera I swear it." She looked around at the desert landscape, the dust rolled in the wind as she noticed large craters in the ground around her, the sky had turned crimson red and she could feel the planet quivering under her feet. Arasia scanned the area and frowned, "There's a battle going on approximately 4,872 Miles North-East of here, large outputs of energy like nothing my ring has ever calculated."

Diana narrowed her eyes, "Why are we still here, then?"

Vegeta threw a right-hook, left straight combination that hit nothing but air; the magic demon dipped his head out of the way quickly, countering with a round-house kick that sent Vegeta through the air and into the ground, skidding through the dirt and coming to a stop.

As the Saiyan caught his breath, Diana and Arasia appeared in the sky above, dodging between erupting volcanoes as they landed on the ground only feet from Vegeta whom didn't even look at her.

"Where is Goku?"

"Unconscious in a heap of rocks, leave me be," In an explosion of neon blue Vegeta rocketed from the ground towards the ash filled sky where more combat thundering could be heard.

Arasia sighed, "Well isn't he a charmer," she floated up towards the sky as Diana looked for Goku in the distance.

"He's a misogynistic jerk," Diana replied, "We need to find Goku, fast."

Arasia raised her hand and pointed her ring towards the sky, as it scanned the area she sighed, "There's only one living thing left on this planet and it's this way…"

Vegeta smiled as he floated thousands of feet in the air across from Buu as he chuckled arrogantly, "I see your level of skill has trumped Son Goku's but, even you can't match the Kaio-Ken's raw power!"

Buu dematerialized and appeared behind Vegeta, quickly reverse side-kicking the Saiyan in the back, right in the center of his spine. He flew through the air, spinning as he reeled back from the pain of the attack. Using his Ki to stop himself mid-air he grunted as a drop of blood slowly slipped into his eye; he tightened his jaw as he felt his own Godly Ki beginning to surge.

"You haven't the slightest clue as to what I'm capable of now!" Vegeta charged forwards sending a right straight through the air, just barely grazing Buu's cheek as he flipped under it and sent a planet trembling left knee into the Saiyan God's abdomen ejecting a splatter of blood from his throat. He flew into the air as Buu came from above and slammed his elbow into the aliens back propelling him through the atmosphere and into the ground abruptly, forming a crater in the process.

He rocketed off the ground once again, flying towards his opponent and sending a barrage of accurate punches and kicks; trying his best not to dislocate his limbs when attacking with more force than his own body could handle. He managed to land a right-hook to the demon's chin, sending him in a spinning frenzy until he came to a stop and slowly wiped the small trickle of purple blood from his lip and tightened his jaw, "Oh… that's… refreshing."

Buu charged his expansive purple aura as his roars echoed through the entire planet; space and time around them warped and tore as his energy climbed higher and higher. Vegeta's eyes widened as he floated backwards realizing how powerful Buu had become, "What… power…" he mumbled as Buu continued to charge his Ki. His eyes turned blood red and his armored muscles bulged, veins popping all around his body; the last time he charged his Ki to this degree he nearly collapsed the entire dimension around him. Tears in the space-time continuum could be physically seen in the crimson sky as volcanoes began erupting further into the sky, unnaturally. The planet below them practically shook apart due to the tectonic plates below the crust crushing one another erratically; oceans boiled and typhoons devastated the little land that was left untouched. Slowly but surely, the energy died down as Buu reached a new height of power; his muscles condensed and his energy subsided leaving a new force of nature in his place.

"Again, and I can't stress this enough, maybe you should wake Goku up so we can get this shin-dig started, hm?" Buu laughed as he raised a palm and formed an anti-matter energy sphere and raised it in Vegeta's direction as a sinister smile crawled across his face, "Otherwise, we can just put this to bed, shall we?"

Diana and Arasia floated towards the quaking ground hoping that her love hadn't fallen into a crevasse somewhere but, she was relieved to find him face down in the dirt, covered by some loose sand.

"Goku!" Diana fell to her knees and turned him on his back, she placed two fingers on his neck and felt for a pulse, "He's alive but, just barely," she moved his head onto her knee for comfort as Arasia scanned his body.

"He's more or less in good shape but, he's completely drained of stamina. He's out cold," she knelt down beside the Saiyan and sighed, "What now?"

Diana sighed and pulled a brown sack from the breast of her armor, "I was given this for emergencies but, I see now that he gave it to me because he wanted a way for me to heal myself, however; this time I will do something for him." She pulled a small green bean from the sack and placed it in Goku's mouth, moving his jaw to chew it as his body unconsciously gulped down its nutrients.

Goku's eyes snapped open quickly, sitting up in a gasp, "Buu!" he screamed as he became acclimated with the setting around him, "Oh, Diana? What are you doing here?" He asked frantically.

Diana smiled, "Because I can't bear to let you fight alone."

Normally a man would be angry at Diana for putting herself in so much danger but, Goku could only feel flattered as she risked everything to rush to his side. It was the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for him or at least that he could remember. He sighed and closed his eyes, searching the planet with his power, "Now that I have my energy back, its time we see what Vegeta's been up to."

Goku smiled as he looked over, "A Green Lantern, huh? What sector are you from?" He asked as Arasia snapped herself from her inner thoughts.

"Oh, Sector 2815, it's the solar system closest to yours," She smiled as Goku stood to his feet, he extended his hand intending for her to shake. She smiled and received the greeting, smiling as she did so.

"It's nice to meet you but, we need to get to the battle, and im afraid that I won't allow either of you to fight," he told them nonchalantly as he placed two fingers to his forehead and concentrated.

Diana caught this squinted; "Oh no you don't!" she jumped at him with blinding speed, barely touching his shoulder before he disappeared in a flash of light.

Arasia blinked, "Hey!"

Vegeta dematerialized, jumping from spot to spot as he dodged anti-matter energy blasts that devastated planet below him. He used his reaction speed to dodge a point blank blast, back flipping into the air avoiding another one.

Vegeta huffed, breathing heavily as he dematerialized to avoid another blast, appearing behind Buu and sending a right straight into his back, however; his fist got stuck as he attempted to pull out.

"I said I wouldn't absorb you but, I didn't say I couldn't just trap you!" He sent an elbow backwards into Vegeta's left rib-cage with an audible cracking sound echoing across the landscape, "Big Bang Attack!" the energy decimated Buu's upper body as it exploded from the inside out, freeing Vegeta in the process.

As Buu put himself back together slowly, Vegeta reeled back and formed tow orbs of yellow energy in each hand, "Photon Bomber!" he sent a massive white beam of energy towards the remaining lower half of the demon's body vaporizing it and sending a shockwave across the planet that nearly shook it to pieces.

Vegeta huffed once again, sighing as Buu began reforming once again; coming back from the smoke of his ashes as they slowly came together and formed Buu once again. He had a frown on his face as he folded his arms, "This is getting old, Prince."

In a flash of light, Goku appeared on the battle field directly below Buu and Vegeta, Diana smiled as she had caught him just in time to teleport along-side him, "I will fight with you," she said boldly as Goku looked back at her with a smile.

"I'm not fighting either just yet, I want to see what Vegeta's made of," He looked back up at the Saiyan Prince while Buu barely noticed them.

"Finally," Vegeta announced, "I was waiting for the proper audience to show you what I'm really made of Buu!"

Buu raised his brow, "Oh, is that right?"

"Indeed," Vegeta tightened his fist and flexed his muscles feeling a power boiling up inside of him, "You see, Saiyan's are born with natural ability to become more powerful with anger. Rage can surge our Ki and cause a drastic boost in strength, speed and destructive energy; even Kakkarot's own child use this power to ascend past a Super Saiyan for the first time but, he was just a half-breed."

Goku frowned, "I don't like the looks of this."

Diana noticed his look of worry and distrust and frowned herself; if Goku was this skeptical then it couldn't possibly be a good thing. The planet beneath them quaked and quivered below their feet, causing Diana to almost lose her balance as Vegeta's muscles began expanding drastically.

"When a full blooded adult Saiyan harnesses his rage, there is no force in the Universe that can stop him… and I've had decades to master this power." Vegeta roared loudly, sending shockwaves across the planet and causing an array of natural disasters to tear the planets landscape to pieces.

His pupils disappeared as his screaming elevated; a slow dark violet colored aura floated off of him like steam, emanating from his neon blue hair and tightened muscles. His teeth clenched and a vein thickened on his forehead as his Super Saiyan Blue aura was surrounded by the violet energy. This energy was similar to his older aura shade back when he utilized Negative Ki; as his muscles continued to thicken, he began to resemble an Ultra Super Saiyan, a level just beyond Super Saiyan that allowed for increased physical strength and raw Ki energy but, a decrease in speed and stamina, this level was outclassed by Super Saiyan 2 and quickly abandoned.

"That's good! Yes, I can actually feel that!" Buu chided arrogantly as he began chuckling to himself.

Vegeta only screamed louder, his rage boiled up inside of him until it reached his absolute limit, "IN MERE MOMENTS ALL YOU'LL BE FEELING IS OBLIVION!" He charged his energy even further as his purple aura engulfed his Godly one.

"Or utter disappointment, go ahead," Buu narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Flip that coin."

Vegeta snapped, dematerializing at trillions of times faster than light, he warped through space and time finding his target with extreme accuracy. He struck Buu in the face sending him back for just a moment before the reverberations of kinetic energy ripped his molecules to shreds, dispersing his head as a cloud of pink chewed up gum.

Diana's jaw dropped, she had wondered if Goku could be as fast as a Green Lantern when she was traversing through the void less than an hour ago and now, she had visible proof that he could. This Vegeta person was clearly far faster than Arasia or Hal, he was closing the distance between himself and Buu nigh-instantly. His ferocious fighting style and wildly uncontrollable power were something like she had never seen before.

"He wont win," Goku mumbled slowly as Buu quickly reformed only to receive a round house kick to his ribcage, dispersing his midsection and splitting him in half.

"How? He has Buu on the ropes and his power is like that of the Gods," Diana marveled at Vegeta as he blitzed around the demon sending attacks that could easily end the universe itself.

"He's stronger and he even managed to overcome the difference in speed even with all that muscle but, his fighting style… its completely off," Goku narrowed his eyes, "There's no skill, no technique, it's all just raw strength."

Diana took a second look and saw it, he was throwing wild hay makers and unrefined kicks that even she could counter if she had the right amount of power, "I see it, he will lose then?"

"More than likely," Goku responded as Vegeta came from above and slammed his elbow on top of the demon's head, sending him crashing into the ground.

"YOU WANT ME TO KNOCK YOU OFF THE PLANET!?" Vegeta screamed at the top of his lungs as his remaining Ki accumulated into his palms, "HOW ABOUT I DESTROY THE PLANET INSTEAD!"

Buu healed his wounds quickly and looked up at Vegeta as he charged his energy to the breaking point, "FINAL SHINE ATTACK!" The energy in his palms exploded forth, shooting down towards the Planet and directly at Buu.

Goku jumped and grabbed Diana by her waist, pulling her in and creating a dome of energy around them as rubble and debris disintegrated against it. The beam slammed into Buu pushing him into the ground for only seconds before the planet begun to shake violently, even more so than earlier.

The entire mass of the planet soon became unstable, popping like a balloon that was filled with too much air as it exploded and sent country sized debris across space. Vegeta, still in his God Form, huffed proudly as he finally thought he did some damage. Buu was nowhere to be found, his superiority was secured and his position as the greatest warrior in history was cemented.

His aura of rage disappeared and his pupils became visible once again, his muscles returned to their normal size, decreasing by multiple pounds. He managed to maintain his God Essense as Goku slowly floated towards him with Diana in tow.

"Was that really necessary?" Goku asked as his dome of aura stayed intact.

"It was, now we don't have to deal with Buu anymore, there's no way anything could have-" He was interrupted by a manical laughter erupting from below them.

Majin Buu floated upwards, elevating up to meet them eye to eye, "Sorry, Prince but, you'll have to do much better than that!"

Vegeta slumped over, "H-How? H-How could you survive that?"

Buu's smile grew cocky and arrogant as ever, "Oh, you see, I got an upgrade when I took this form. Now, I can reform from any single atom left behind. I mean you destroyed most of me but, my cellular regeneration is so advanced that if there is any trace of me, even on subatomic levels, I can reform completely to what you see before you now."

Vegeta's face was of confusion, shock, and utter humiliation; he thought he was superior when in reality he did no better than Goku had.

"You know, Vegeta, I don't like rule breakers," Buu raised his palm, using his matter manipulation to reform the planet, quickly drawing all of its smallest fragments in together and melding the planet back as it once was. Goku lowered his dome as the atmosphere slowly returned around them creating oxygen and the reddish sky that was present before the apocalyptic battle. No more volcanos or earth quakes, it was all completely intact again as the three heroes looked around in shock and awe. "I think it's time I break a few things of my own."

Buu disappeared, appearing behind Vegeta slamming his heel into the Saiyan's back with so much force that his foot was visible through Vegeta's chest. He flew through the air like a dart; being intercepted and batted away once again by an impressive upper-cut that seeming shattered the Saiyan's jawline. Vegeta was then back handed in the face, nearly snapping his neck, through the air landing face first on the ground, digging a crater until his momentum finally stopped.

His face wasn't visible as it was shrouded completely by dirt and rock but, his air slowly shaded itself back in, going from neon blue to raven black.

"And… winner!" Buu announced loudly as Goku and Diana backed away, "I think we have our next challenger?"

Goku tightened his jaw, closing his eyes he forced himself to think of a plan, a strategy of some sort but, it was no use. Everything they tried was useless against him, the last this happened they had to…

Goku's eyes snapped open as an idea popped into his head; He darted towards Vegeta at high speeds leaving Diana confused, "Goku?"

"What do you suppose you'll achieve by waking him up? He's useless now," Buu chided as Goku kicked Vegeta in his side quickly, flipping him over on his back.

"Vegeta wake up!" The Saiyan's eyes opened slowly, trying to stand but, being almost unable.

"Kak… Kakkarotto…" Speaking his native tongue, Vegeta was in a daze.

"Vegeta, we have to do fusion… stand up before it's too late!" Goku grabbed the Prince by a shoulder and supported him until he pulled himself to his feet.

"Fusion?" Vegeta mumbled as his thoughts slowly returned to him.

"We used it against Janemba, remember? The dance?" Goku shook him by his shoulders before Vegeta pushed him away and shook his head.

"So, What'll it be boys?" the Majin announced as he tried to over hear their conversation, "Are we going to fight as a team now?"

Vegeta reached into his armor and pulled out a flat black case that gleamed in the sun light, "That dance was both humiliating and time-consuming; this is a far more efficient technique."

Diana ran up behind Goku and shook him by his arm, "Perhaps if we all fight together, we could possibly defeat him."

Goku smiled, "Diana, please, trust us; we can defeat him on our own," he placed two fingers on his head quickly while she was still making physical contact and warped away in an instant. They appeared atop a canyon miles from the battle field, thousands of rock formations surrounding her.

"You'll be safe here, for now," Before Diana could say a word, he disappeared leaving her alone to watch the battle from afar, something she couldn't stand doing. She crossed her arms across her chest and placed her back against a rock, sliding down until she sat against it.

"Please, don't die…"

Vegeta opened the case just as Goku materialized next to him, "Vegeta, did… did the kai's give you those?"

Vegeta nodded as he gently pulled a gold earring with a green orb decorative hanging off of it, "I didn't want to use it, and I still don't but, if it's necessary to stop Buu then…" He finished his sentence by snapping the earring onto his left ear.

Goku smiled, "You know we can't undo this once it's done," Goku lowered his hand before grabbing the jewelry, "Maybe we should think for a bit before we rush into this."

Vegeta scoffed, "You didn't let me think about it last time! Put it on, Kakkarot!" The Prince pulled the earring from the case and attempted to hand it to him.

He scratched his head looked over at Majin Buu, "Hey, Buu, How much of your power have you used so far!?"

The demon raised a brow before folding his arm and floating down towards them, "I don't know, somewhere between… 50 and 75 percent give or take."

"Kakkarot what are you waiting for?" Vegeta whispered loudly towards Goku who scratched his chin, still deep in thought.

"Alright, Buu is bored, you have thirty seconds to decide a path of action or I will destroy this Universe with a single blast… 28….27…"

Goku's eyes widened, he looked over at the counting Buu and back to Vegeta, "Fine!" He grabbed the earring and snapped it onto his right ear.

Buu raised a brow, "Wait, a second… that looks like exactly what they did before…"

Both fighters began to illuminate bright green, completely silhouetting them in the luminescent energy. The two Saiyans lifted off their feet and flew towards each other, like two magnets scientifically drawn to each other by the forces of nature.

Buu screamed as they collided, "No!" he shouted sending a volley of energy blasts at them, each one creating an explosion of untold magnitude. After several seconds of this, he stopped and huffed to catch his breath.

The cloud of smoke, ash, and dirt that had been wrenched up by the explosions concealed what had happened; perhaps Buu had killed them before they could fuse? If only he were so lucky.

Just then Buu managed to spot a shadowed figure, his eyes glowing bright red before slowly fading away, an echo of both Goku and Vegeta's voice speaking simultaneously spread through the battle field, "I heard… you've been naughty, Majin Buu."