Chapter 10

Buu heard their voice or rather, his voice and nearly trembled in terror. His entire body shook with fear as a nerve thickened on his forehead; he flexed his muscles and floated towards the ground. The smoke cleared slowly revealing his opponent.

Vegito hadn't changed much at all, his hair was still in the style of a Super Saiyan but colored raven black instead, his attire had changed in accordance with Goku and Vegeta's consisting of Vegeta's grey jumpsuit with Goku's orange Gi over it, Whis' symbol still emblazoned on the right hand corner of the Gi. White boots and gloves covered his feet and hands respectively; his eyes opened slowly revealing them to be just as black and plain as the two Saiyans that created him.

"You can't be here!" Buu tightened his fist by his side as he gained a closer look, "You aren't apart of my plan!" The demon was angry once again causing his energy to skyrocket, he had accessed all the power in the Anti-Monitor but, refused to access any other powers he'd absorbed as a handicap in favor of his opponent, it was generosity that he didn't need to grant them. "You broke another rule! I hate rule breakers! Now, you'll see all my power!"

Buu's head and hands burst into flames suddenly as he accessed Firestorm's power as well, flexing his muscles as his raw strength increased ten-fold as he accessed two Kryptonians, his eyes flashed as he used Red Tornado's mechanical mind to analyze his surroundings and his opponent, the demon allowed a green ring to form on his left hand and a short Nth metal mace to form in his right hand. But, instead of attacking physically, he used Martian Manhunter's mental prowess to launch a telepathic assault on the fusion's mind.

Vegito stood firm, not flinching at these developments until; he felt another presence trying to enter his mind. He shook the feeling easily as he used his own mental defenses to repel the demons assault, "So, you have Manhunter's power too, not surprising but, Vegeta and Goku have been defending against planet level telepathy since we fought you the first time. Even Babadi couldn't invade Vegeta's mind without him letting it happen," Vegito laughed and folded his arms as Buu tightened his grip on his mace.

"I will END you!" He flew forwards at amazing speeds as Vegito dematerialized from his spot causing Buu to fly passed where he was, coming to a slow stop and looking around for his opponent.

Vegito smiled as he tapped into his Godly power, "You've done a lot of damage here and I think it's time I end this for good," The Saiyan fusion flexed his muscles and charged his energy as a neon blue aura sparked up around him, slowly changing the color of his hair to match it. Buu felt his power growing and looked up towards the sky to find Vegito nearly complete with his transformation; The Saiyan closed his eyes and allowed the energy to fully encompass his body, completely enveloping him in God-like power.

His aura sparked around him sporadically, obviously at an entirely new level than neither Goku nor Vegeta could ever achieve. The space around him nearly tore and collapsed just by his mere existence and Buu trembled at the sight of a Super Saiyan Blue Vegito.

"I won't let you win!" Buu created a massive emerald green hand structure that radiated nuclear flames all around it, with the energy of Firestorm and multiple Green Lanterns enhanced by Buu's own physiology along with Superman's will power and Anti-Monitors limitless energy, the reached towards the sky attempting to charbroil the Saiyan with a single grasp but, instead, the Saiyan reeled back and slammed his fist into the construct's palm, shaking it and causing it to shatter to pieces. Buu was surprised but, didn't lose his traction as he shot multiple beams of emerald light at Vegito who simply side-stepped each blast as it approached him.

Buu flew upwards with a green hue surrounding him, increasing his speed drastically, he sent a flurry of accurate mace swings in Vegito's direction, missing each time as the Saiyan bobbed and weaved around each swing. "Why… cant… I… hit you?!" he said in between each swing as he turned and threw the mace at high velocity but, Vegito dodged it anyways as it flew right passed him.

"Because… you didn't ask nicely," Vegito smiled and rubbed his nose coyly enough to aggravate Buu to no end.

"Fine then…" the demon mumbled as his eyes heated up with a crimson red color, "PLEASE!" He shouted as he fired his heat beams which made direct contact with the Saiyan fusion, passing over him with the heat of a billion supernovas but, not even his arm hair was singed by the power. As the heat slowly subsided Vegito scoffed, rubbing his arms slowly and chuckling.

"What… are you?" Buu asked as he stepped back slowly, realizing the Saiyan's power was completely overshadowing his own.

Vegito smiled, "I'm just here to avenge those who've fallen against you, including the Saiyans who had to cease to exist just to defeat you," Vegito chuckled as Buu began smiling.

"Well, looks like you got me, I lose," Buu smiled as his mace came flying back towards Vegito from behind, aiming straight for his head at the speed of light; the weapon grew closer but, it slammed into something before it hit Vegito's skull. An invisible force stopped its momentum completely without any effort at all. Buu's eyes widened as he looked around and saw nothing that could have stopped it until Vegito raised a brow.

"Oh, you didn't know? Both Goku and Vegeta had telekinesis but, now that they are me and I am them, that ability has been enhanced drastically," the mace floated into Vegito's hand slowly as he gripped it, it sent an electrical shock of massive proportions throughout the Saiyan's body as Buu began smiling once again. Vegito winced as the electricity surged through his body at an alarming rate.

"That's 1,000,000 Megavolts of electricity, Vegito, enough raw electric energy to turn a planet to dust!" Buu laughed maniacally as he continued, "It may not hurt or kill you but, it will keep you in place long enough for me to do this!" He pumped his Kryptonian energy into his veins increasing his physical strength even further; he also allowed his ring to glow as it formed gauntlets of emerald energy around his fists further increasing his strength as he flew in the opposite direction of Vegito, flying the full circumference of the planet in less than a nanosecond gaining more and more velocity as he approached his target he slammed his fist into the back of the Saiyan's head. The reverberations of the attack sent a shockwave across the Universe, destroying surroundings stars and planets whilst keeping the one they were currently on barely intact. Vegito flew through the air, released from the electricity's grip and sent through multiple mountains and canyons.

Diana felt that intense shockwave pass over her, causing her ears to ring and her brain to rattle in her head, she noticed a figure flying through the canyon she was standing on and passed her. The figure cut through multiple other rock formations behind her before finally coming to a stop miles from the battle field.

"Please, be ok," she whispered to herself as she saw a blue neon rocket fly up from the rubble and towards the battle field once again.

Buu smiled to himself as he created extreme wind conditions with Red Tornado's ability, the high speed winds were thousands of times more intense than anything ever seen on Earth but, it hardly fazed Vegito as he flew through the storm. Buu used the storm as cover to come from above with a massive flaming hammer construct, enhanced by anti-matter and swung with the strength of a thousand Supermen, it slammed into Vegito and sent him into the ground. Buu formed a multitude of flaming fists that sent a flurry of attacks towards the ground where the Saiyan landed, colliding with the planet, it nearly shook a part as continents crumbled and the planets magnetic field destabilized from the shockwave. Finally, Majin Buu used his radioactive fire and condensed it into a small orb before forming a layer of Ki over it, with a layer of anti-matter energy over that, and then another layer of emerald will power over that one. The demon marveled at his creation, just as Vegito stood from his crater in the ground and looked up at his opponent, "Say hello to Batman for me, Saiyan!" Buu launched the orb of untold power which quickly collided with the fusion warrior and engulfed him along with anything for a thousand miles.

Diana disappeared in a flash of speed, dashing across the barren planet and barely avoiding the dome of energy as it annihilated the landscape and everything around her, once she reached the ocean she began to fly above the dome to escape it by out running its altitude instead. The dome was small in comparison to its actual destructive force which is quite possible able to destroy multiple universes at once but, this was just a guess from a Princess who was way out of her league.

Buu laughed manically once again as he witnessed the giant fireball that engulfed most of the continent they fought on, "How do you like that?! Not so fun when you're on the receiving end, huh?" he continued to laugh outrageously for several minutes until the energy began to die down.

Buu laughed for several moments until he felt something from the dome, "I-Impossible, nothing could have survived that…" he felt the energy approach him until Vegito materialized before him, unscathed by the attack.

The Saiyan smiled as Buu backed away from him, "Before you accuse me of running from the blast," Vegito put his hands up in surrender, "I swear I stood in the explosion as long as I could before getting bored."

Buu was flabbergasted as he floated back and smiled, "You won't be as tough when you're…" the demon's iconic antenna flipped forwards shot an electricity-like purple beam of magic at Vegito who didn't bother to dodge, "Turned into chocolate!" the beam struck Vegito's chest spreading over his body but, not changing him in anyway.

"You know, Buu, at one point, Goku and Vegeta became so strong they could literally overpower Shenron's wishing ability with raw Ki alone. I couldn't be sure until just now but, I think I can resist magic and reality warping like yours," Vegito smiled slightly as he looked his body over and watched the purple energy retract into Buu, "If it makes you feel better that magic definitely would have worked on either Vegeta or Goku alone but, if you combine their individual resistance and durability… well, you know."

Buu tightened his jaw as he outstretched his hand, enveloping it in a purple hue, he attempted to use his matter manipulation to turn Vegito to dust but, it didn't work. Vegito felt his molecules shifting on a subatomic level; he focused hard and charged his sparking blue aura, resisting the reality altering effects as the planet below them began to warp instead. The storm around the raged as lighting struck the ground around them but, the alterations to reality around them began to take effect as the lightning turned into bubbles before hitting the ground on occasion. The planet's surface below them began to melt and shift resembling a lava lamp, random patches of bright green grass would sprout and, massive rock formations around them began turning into piles of sand randomly.

A drop of sweat slowly fell down Buu's temple as he released his grip on reality purely from exhaustion, allowing everything around the to turn back to normal, Vegito relaxed and allowed his aura to fade slowly, "Wow, that might have actually been hard if you weren't so bad at using your powers."

Buu growled, "I will not let you beat me!" he tightened his muscles and began growing exponentially in size, easily becoming ten times as big as any Oozaru and even bigger than a continent itself, "Let's see you handle this, Saiyan!"

Vegito folded his arms in disappointment, "Size doesn't equal power; you should know that."

Buu simply ignored him and ignited his fists with radioactive flames once again; "Die!" the demon brought his fist down on Vegito's head but failed to move him at all. Vegito had caught the massive pink demon's fist mid-swing, with one hand! He formed a ball of energy in his hands the size of a baseball and flung it into Buu's midsection causing all the air in his lungs to be ejected as the explosion turned him to ash instantly. Buu screamed in pain as he reformed form his ashes quickly, this time as the size of an average humanoid, "I HATE YOU!"

Vegito smiled and listened as Buu ranted, "Every time I get close to ultimate power, you step in and ruin it! You've ruined all my plans! I'm going to kill you!"

"I've already proven that you can't do that, Buu, if you give up everyone you absorbed now, I promise I'll kill you quick and painless," Vegito bargained as Buu looked him up and down.

"Unfortunately, Vegito, I'm afraid I'm a sore-loser so, I'm, going to have to pass on that opportunity," with that Buu dematerialized, using Goku's instant transmission that he had learned nearly a century ago to teleport away to some unknown corner of the Universe.

Vegito sighed as he looked around, the planet was in ruin but, there was one living being still left to spectate, although; she couldn't see much from fifty miles away. The Saiyan quickly lowered his power level and allowed his neon blue locks to fade back to raven black; he placed two fingers on his forehead and instantly appeared beside Diana.

The Amazon gasped in surprise but wasn't too relieved to see her visitor wasn't who she expected it to be; she stood and took a step back, "G-Goku? Is that you?"

Vegito closed his eyes and sighed loudly, "No, unfortunately you'll never see Goku nor Vegeta ever again, they sacrificed their lives to create me in order to stop Buu."

Diana felt tears welling up in her eyes, "T-They performed some sort of fusion? T-Then they can separate just like Gotenks did, correct?"

"No, this fusion is different, it doesn't combine two people… the two volunteers cease to exist in order to create a single entity made of both their individual powers but, Goku will never exist again," Vegito turned away as a tear slipped down her cheek, "If it's any conciliation I have all of his memories- both of their memories and I can tell you he cared dearly for you."

Diana turned to hide her sorrow, quickly wiping the tears from her face, "Did you kill that monster?" she asked coldly.

"He ran… he knows I can kill him and he's grasping at straws because of it," Vegito's essence was suddenly filled with that of the Godly Ki as his hair turned ice blue again, "I'll go after him and from the looks of it, he's out near the center of the Universe."

Diana raised a brow, though still not facing him, "You can sense all the way out there?"

Vegito sighed, "Right now, I'm so powerful that I can sense every living thing in the Universe down to the smallest bacteria. It's overwhelmingly dull," he placed two fingers on his forehead once again, sensing out Buu's energy, "Something isint right, though…"

"What is it?" Diana asked turning around quickly.

"Life is… ending," He muttered as he looked around frantically when in reality he was sensing all across the Universe, "Buu is destroying galaxies, dozens of them."

"Ok, so he's a sore loser, wants to kill everyone before you take him out," Diana reasoned, "They can be brought back with the Dragonballs, right?"

"Probably but, something still isn't right," Vegito's eyes widened suddenly, "He could destroy this Universe and more in a single blast as could I, he doesn't need to destroy galaxies at a time."

"Then what is he-" Diana was cut off by Vegito having a sudden realization.

"He's not killing them… he's absorbing them."

New Genesis

"High Father! Haigh Father!" a young man in a red suit landed some sort of hover craft right outside of a massive castle like building before stumbling in and nearly tripping.

"Orion, my son, what troubles you?" the ten foot tall man on his crystal-like throne waved the formality out of him as the one known as Orion heaved from moving so quickly during his approach.

"Apo… Apocalypse… it's… it has…"

"Breath, young one, what is it that ails you so?" The king of New Genesis stood slightly as he looked out the window closest to him, "Has our enemy begun an invasion to rescue their master?"

"No, High Father… Apocalypse is… gone," Orion finally finished his sentence as he pointed into the sky through the window directly above them and, instead of seeing the deathly planet that normally orbited them, they saw nothing, "It disappeared minutes ago, before my very eyes! Swallowed whole by an unholy beast!"

High Father frowned, sitting back down and dropping his scepter, "This is the end of us, then, I fear whatever has taken our enemy isn't necessarily our allies."

"High Father?"

"Prepare for the end my son and pray it comes quickly…"

Darkseid looked out of the barred window from his holding chamber, although; he could barely move his neck due to the massive dwarf-star alloy chains and restraints plus the immense 500,000 times Earth gravity pulling him down. It wasn't standard but, Goku had mentioned the idea at some point and High Father had liked it so much, he incorporated it into the warlords imprisonment.

Darkseid mumbled something to himself as he flexed his grey muscles, "…"

The guards outside looked at him slowly before turning back to each other, "He hasn't spoken in months, maybe we should tell High Father?"

"Let's figure out what he said, first," the guard lowered the gravity and stepped inside, tightening the shackles for security, "Repeat that and I'll report it to High Father, if that's what you want, scum."

"I said," Darkseid started as his eyes began glowing a sinister crimson hue, "Hail Darkseid."

An explosion engulfed the prison building as a massive pink gum-like creature began to swallow the planet whole, but, Darkseid would not be denied.

He jumped into the atmosphere with his powerful legs, being under such intense gravity for so long made his agility effortless and simple as he reached the stratosphere he fired his Omega Beams, cutting through the gum, just in time to make it into space.

He floated for several moments before looked around, nothing but utter darkness. Every planet for light-years had been consumed, "What has become of my Universe?"

Darkseid rocketed into the void, hoping to find something more than rubble and death, after all, how useful is the anti-life equation if there is nothing left to kill or enslave?

Vegito materialized in the darkness of the void, the only light being projected by his own neon blue aura. He looked around and tried to sense his opponent but, he felt like he was everywhere suddenly, all around him. He looked around but, saw nothing but, darkness; suddenly there was laughter coming from… everywhere.

Vegito charged his aura, grunting and sent a pulse out around him that nearly shattered space and time but, it also managed to illuminate the area for light-years. What he saw was a massive titan sized Majin Buu, bigger than planets, bigger than stars, in fact he could crush those stars under his boot if he so chose.

"Looks like you miscalculated, Saiyan!" Buu began laughing manically and hysterically as his voice practically carried across Galaxies; his laugh resembled the insanity and pitch of The Joker and that wasn't a good thing.