Chapter 11

Vegito's aura slowly faded as he stared up in awe at the massive figure before him; towering over him, Majin Buu's laughter became more sadistic and unprecedented the longer he did it. Buu shrank slowly, over the span of a minute he shrank from being the size of a solar system down to just slightly taller than Vegito and as he shrank he floated closer to the Saiyan warrior who was at a loss for words. Once he was down to the right size, he stretched his fingers and smiled arrogantly, "So, nothing cute to say?"

Vegito was silent, tightening his fist by his side; he nearly choked on his own emotions.

"Seriously?" The demon chided, "Nothing about all the people I killed; nothing about the balance of the Universe or how I took innocent lives just to gain power?"

Vegito opened his mouth to speak but, almost choked, "You'll…" he took a deep breath and cleared his mind, "You'll pay, in full, for what you've just done."

Buu was taken slightly aback, normally; Vegito was a calm, friendly and joking person. He never took anything very seriously and arrogantly considered himself superior to most but, there was something in his voice that had changed, something was… darker.

"I've just absorbed the being from dozens of different galaxies, how do you intend to stop me all by yourself?" Buu asked confidently, after absorbing thousands of different abilities and techniques, he had no doubt he would win this.

"You think you know all about my powers? Everything I can and can't do?" Vegito smiled slightly, looking up at the demon with a raging wild-fire burning in his eyes, "You don't have a clue, though."

Vegito disappeared, teleporting several miles away from Buu as he began to focus his Ki, "I've never actually tried this technique but, what the hell," a white light formed around him, lining his features with a god-like illumination.

"Sealed Light Beam!" Vegito shouted to the heavens just as Buu became impatient and flew towards his opponent getting caught in the beam of inescapable light that struck him suddenly, wrapping him in light energy and restraining him quickly.

"And what is this supposed to be?" He asked as Vegito furrowed his brow and began the second part of the technique, "Condense!" he closed his hands from which the light came and as he did so, the light around Buu began to condense, shrinking Buu down to the size of an action figure.

"Garlic Jr. once used this technique on Kami, Goku never really needed it but, he was glad he learned it in his spare time," Vegito chuckled as Buu looked around anxiously.

"Did you really think this could hold me?" Buu looked up with a smug grin as he used his matter manipulation to grow once again causing Vegito to frown and back away slowly.

"I had a hunch but, I couldn't be sure," The Saiyan warrior thought for a moment, raising his left-hand to eye level, he allowed a purple sparking aura to surround his fist, "Binding Wave!"

A wave of electric-like energy flew from his fist at exponential rates, slamming into Buu and surging all around him, "A paralyzing technique, another one I don't use often." Vegito rushed in while his opponent was still paralyzed, his speed was far beyond Goku and Vegeta's top speed in his base form alone so, he was already moving at an excess of a few quadrillion times the speed of light but, instead of blitzing Buu like he assumed he would, his attack stopped mid-air, slamming into some invisible force.

"I absorbed so many telepathic aliens that I think I could quite literally kill you with a thought," Buu reached his hand out and finger flicked Vegito's forehead sending him through space and into large chunks of rubble that couldn't even be seen because of the darkness. The continent sized rubble didn't last long as Vegito imploded it from the inside as he charged his Super Saiyan Blue aura and finally began fighting at full power.

"Now you'll see… the HORRORS!" Vegito warped through space and time appearing behind Buu and throwing round-house kick to his neck, "Nuclear Kick!" the attack landed and sent Buu spinning in place as the Saiyan came in and sent a wave of destruction over Buu that vaporized his entire body, "Vaporize!"

Vegito huffed for a moment, "I'm really pulling these techniques out of the wood-works; I'm not even completely sure how to perform most of these!"

Buu quickly reformed, smiling arrogantly, "Well it's nice that you tried and all but, I'm afraid you won't-" Vegito cut him off by slamming his knee into the demons gut and following up by right crossing him in the face sending him back through space.

"Photon Destroyer!" a purple wave of energy exploded forth and took chunks of Buu off of him, peeling away the armor easily, "Galactic Buster!" Vegito backed up and formed two basketball sized orbs of lime-green energy that expanded until they became the size of cars completely surrounding his hands and wrists. He pulled the energy together and launched it as one massive energy that flew through space and engulfed an already injured Buu; the demon screeched as the energy disintegrated him once again, but, his atoms were still intact.

"Man, you did a better job of killing when you were separated," Buu reformed behind Vegito as the Saiyan sighed in exasperation.

He rushed the demon but, just before he reached his target he was blown back by a force that was unlike anything he's felt before in all actuality; he was forced back by a pulse of pure water so strong it could easily cut through Neutron Star Material. He could barely see his opponent at this point as the water completely engulfed him, creating a large floating bubble of water floating through space. Before Vegito could send a very simple pulse of Ki outwards, the water around him froze. Crystalizing around him just as he realized what was happening; the water reached absolute zero in literal seconds as Vegito no longer had any traction to force himself out from. He tried to charge his Ki but, instead, it wasn't taking. It was like the water was forcing itself to keep him inside the floating ice.

"You see, monkey, I have hundreds of abilities now and one of them is complete control over water and water molecules. I can strengthen them and weaken them, freeze or unfreeze, shape or create, I control it all," Buu laughed arrogantly as Vegito stayed frozen in the ice but, not for long as the ice began melting, even against Buu's will.

"What?!" Buu shouted in surprise as a red hue of energy briefly surrounded the Saiyan, melting the ice and causing huge clouds of steam to float and dissipate into the void. Buu forced the humidity down and back into the ice but, it was too late, the ice trap he had created exploded outwards as Vegito charged a bright red aura briefly. The aura died down and Vegito smiled brightly, "Looks like neither of us have techniques that are completely infallible."

"I've gained more techniques than just that," Suddenly, the demon's body disappeared from sight but, not as though he was teleporting but, as if he simply couldn't be seen. "The ability to manipulate light in such a way that it completely reflects off a user's body and renders them invisible; should be interesting, right?"

Vegito scoffed, "Not very," he immediately threw his right arm up, guarding against an attack that was aimed right for his neck, "I can still sense and hear you, dolt." Vegito threw a reverse back-kick that slammed into Buu's invisible gut; the Saiyan smiled at choking sound that could be heard.

Buu suddenly reappeared behind Vegito, no longer hiding himself, "Alright, not a smart decision on my part but, that's not all I have." Buu cleared his mind for a second as Vegito flipped into a defensive stance, "Take this!" From Buu's palm came a blast of sound so powerful and so loud it literally blew Vegito away; his defensive stance was useless against the omnidirectional attack that pushed him from his stance and hurled him through space, he Saiyan clutched his head hoping to cut off the sound but, it was impossible. The decibels were high enough to shatter every glass substance in the Universe and Vegito was only feet from it; the demon took this opportunity and dematerialized, reintegrating himself behind Vegito and slamming an elbow into his back, stopping his momentum before round house kicking him away.

Vegito stopped himself with a quick pulse of Ki but, his vision was blurry and his ears were ringing loudly, making it near impossible to concentrate, "What's wrong? hard of hearing?" Buu rushed in sending a knee into Vegito's gut and an elbow in the back of his neck simultaneously. The demon forced a Ki blast into Vegito's back forcing him downwards through space, "I've gained an array of new abilities, Saiyan but, you still have the same old tricks."

Vegito coughed for a moment, trying to gain his second wind, "You're right, I need to think… outside the box," Vegito concentrated for a moment, focusing his Ki on a single point in his body, "Multi-Form!" as he shouted, his body began to separate and form five other Vegito's identical to him.

"Oh, a cloning technique? Very interesting," one of the Vegito's disappeared using Instant Transmission leaving no trace of him to follow, "So I guess 1/6th of you is a coward, then?"

"Not even close, Buu!" The other five charged the demon as he stepped into a fighting stance and engaged in battle with the clones.

Diana searched the planet for nearly an hour, simply looking for a sign of the green lantern that had escorted her here, simply looking for a way to help Goku… or Vegito… or both? It was all very confusing for her but, she had to have hope that she would see him again when this was all over. So she trekked, moving across the planet at hyper sonic speeds in hopes of catching some glimpse of her would-be escort. It was then that a person appeared before her, causing her to nearly crash into it unwillingly but, instead of crashing uncontrollably, his powerful telekinesis stopped her without effort or calamity, she simply floated before him.

Vegito smiled, "I was hoping you were still here, we have a huge problem though."

"Last time you said that, Buu appeared and absorbed the Justice League… or maybe it wasn't you it was him but, it was maybe part of you. I don't know how to process this," Diana brushed her hair behind her ear, allowing it to uncover her eyes.

"It's a very complicated technique, it's very confusing for me too," Vegito said as he released her from his telekinetic hold, allowing her to float on her own accord.

"How so?" She asked.

"I love you, or at least half of me does, the other half wants nothing to do with you and to further explain, it's not like I'm two people smashed into one but, I have both of their memories and both of their emotions and when I look at you I…" Vegito choked on his words once again, looking away as Diana put a hand on his cheek. He was taller than her now by several inches, but before Goku was actually slightly shorter than Diana, this amused her as it proved physically he wasn't Goku. Mentally though, there was part of him inside Vegito and she could feel it. They floated towards the ground slowly, setting down in silence for a few minutes.

"I can't stand being with you but, I can't bear being without you," Vegito turned around, waving her hand from his cheek, "It's a constant confliction, I hate it and I hate you… but then again I really don't." Vegito clutched his head in confusion on the matter, trying to assess his own thoughts and feelings but, failing to do so.

Diana smiled slightly, "It's ok, you don't have to feel anything for me right now; the focus should be on the battle correct?" She tried to take his mind off the situation, to jar him from his conflictions.

Vegito's eyes snapped open instantly, "Of course! I came to protect you!"

Dian raised a brow, "From?"

"Buu absorbed all life in the Universe from what I can tell, it's all gone." Vegito sighed and looked down, "This is why I hate you so much! If I hadn't been distracted talking to you, I could have tracked him down before he assimilated every living thing in the Universe!" Vegito stomped into the ground causing earthquakes to tremble across the Planet.

"Are you truly so angered with me?" Diana asked in a soft whisper, looking towards the ground.

"No, I'm angry with myself, I have these feelings and none of them make any sense!" The Saiyan turned and walked slowly, looking out towards the horizon of the desolate landscape.

Diana grabbed his hand from behind, intertwining it with hers, "And what does Goku feel about me? You said you have their emotions, yes?"

Vegito closed his eyes, "Warm, secure, I want you in my arms," he said softly as he tightened his hand around hers; she pulled him around to face her but he kept his eyes closed.

"Focus on that feeling, embrace it, feel me powering you," Diana stepped closer, close enough to feel his breath and smell his scent, like an intoxicating aroma that she couldn't get enough of, "Use that feeling and fight for me, fight for us." She leaned in and pressed her lips to his, pulling him in close and savoring his taste, the goosebumps that traveled up and down her body, the blush that crept up her cheeks, his warm hand as it clutched her slender waist and pulled her in closer. He felt her warmth radiating onto him like a volcano ready to explode, their embrace became so passionate they unconsciously floated upwards in place, levitating several feet off the ground with both their eyes closed and completely unaware that they were flying.

Diana pulled away slowly, keeping her face inches from his, feeling his essence as it passed over her, "Fight for me, fight for us."

And with that, he disappeared in a flash of instant movement, she prayed to the gods that he would come back to her, she needed him- she needed Goku to come back.

When Vegito reappeared, he was surrounded by dozens of Buu clones and his other clones were injured and exhausted but, Buu didn't have a scratch, "And the prodigal clone returns, how was cowering in your own fear for a change?"

Vegito smiled as he absorbed his counterparts into him, "I wasn't cowering, in fact I just got the strength I need to beat you," Vegito smiled confidently as he still tasted her cherry lips, he needed that again and he couldn't get to it dead.

"I tracked your Ki back to that planet we just left," Buu thought for a moment, "What could you possibly have gotten from there?"

"Conviction," Vegito whispered as his aura charged instantly sending his Ki into flux, his neon blue aura sparked forth once again, all of his power came forth at once using all of his energy to boost his physical capabilities, he would need it for what he was about to do, "Kaio-Ken!" a blood-crimson aura shot up around Vegito's neon blue aura and surged through-out his entire body, his veins pulsed with raw Ki, his muscles bulged and his facial expression turned to that of pure determination, "Times Twenty!" his body was stronger now than before, he could handle the twenty times boost much easier than Goku ever could; he rocketed forwards with tremendous speed slamming his fist into Buu's head using Vegeta's technique to obliterate every molecule in his head, dispersing it like a cloud of atoms.

Reacting like a headless chicken, Buu barely managed to defend against a round house kick went straight through the demon's midsection, splitting him in half and dispersing more of his molecules but, it wasn't enough. Buu's head reformed and he sent twin beams of Ki lased with heat vision towards Vegito whom dematerialized to avoid it. He reappeared behind the demon and brought his fists down on the demon's head, plunging through his torso and sending him downwards through the void. His red and blue aura began to surge and grow further as his pupils disappeared behind a white veil of focused rage, "I WONT LET YOU LEAVE HERE ALIVE; I'LL DRAG YOU BACK TO HELL WITH ME IF I HAVE TO!" Both of his auras grew brighter as violet-purple hue slowly engulfed them both; his rage grew as his screams grew louder, he had to focus with all of his remaining will power to avoid ripping apart the multiverse with his sheer power alone. All four auras, all four techniques combined into one, powerful… God. He flew through space and landed a flurry of molecule obliterating strikes that reduced Buu to ash more times than he could even count; he was losing mass and losing the ability to keep up with his opponent.

His Super Saiyan Aura mixed with his Godly Essence, the Kaio-Ken's multiplying power, and Vegeta's Berserker Aura all combined into a single entity; Vegito's veins and muscles were stressed and bulging with more raw power than he thought was ever possible, "THIS IS IT!" He formed two orbs of yellow Ki in his hands and coated them with a godly neon blue energy, he charged their Ki until they were at their peak and then brought them together at his center combining them into a single orb, he then brought his palms to his side and charged the 'Kamehameha Wave' energy within the orb he already created only increasing its destructive capability. He multiplied its power with the Kaio-Ken and condensed it into a tiny orb the size of a pea; Buu finally managed to reform completely as he felt the tremendous Ki that surged before him.

"I-Impossible…" he muttered as Vegito's quadruple aura of radiant colors were slowly sucked into the orb, enhancing and fueling the beam's power as it still charged; to the naked eye, it left Vegito defenseless.

Buu immediately sent powerful orbs of Ki/Anti-Matter that struck a force field that protected the Saiyan from the space shaking explosions, "He's still protecting himself?" it was true, Vegito was smart enough to leave himself just enough Ki to protect himself from any counter attack while he charged his ultimate attack…

"FINAL DRAGON RAINBOW FLASH!" From Vegito's palms came a massive dragon resembling Shenron but, instead of having a single distinct color scheme to work with, his scales were made of a vibrant rainbow of different colors including ones that weren't in Vegito's aura mere seconds ago. The dragon flew forwards at insane speeds, completely engulfing Buu within its terrifying jaws of unlimited power, it literally tore through Buu's sub-atomic structure with its essence alone, completely annihilating his molecular structure, seemingly leaving no trace of him on any level.

Vegito huffed, his god aura dissipated, his hair returned to normal, his body slumped over in the zero gravity and his eyes drew close together slowly as he fell into unconsciousness but, he couldn't just yet. He saw an emerald glow in the endless void, slowly approaching him but, not slow to anyone but him. The green lantern Arasia approached slowly with a load in tow, at billions of times the speed of light, Vegito managed to chuckle at the fact that he considered that slow.

The emerald bubble around Diana slowly dissipated as she floated into his arms; she hugged him gently and smiled, "Is it all over?" she asked as Vegito tried to answer but, nearly choked on his own exhaustion.

"I think it is," he murmured into her ear as he pulled her in closer.

"I'm still here, ya know," Arasia commented as she put her hands on her hips, "I'm starting to think I'm just a supporting character in this story…" she was about to leave when her face turned as pale as sheet of copy paper.

Vegito turned to see Buu slowly reforming, only his upper body was even close to 'intact' but, he was still scowling at them with pure hatred. Vegito tried to move but, he literally couldn't, Buu was using telekinesis restrain him and without any Ki he had no ways of countering.

"By the way, not dead; kay thanks, DIE!" From the demon's finger came a purple beam of Ki energy that passed right by Vegito and Arasia and pierced through Diana's chest sending her back with a splatter of crimson blood, floating aimlessly though space.

"Did that random Green Lantern girl just break the fourth wall?"

Yes, yes she did.

"Is that ANOTHER team four star reference?"

Yes, yes it is.