Chapter 12

All the sound around him dulled out, like a white noise was being pressed up against his brain. He watched her float back, slowly drifting with pools of blood hovering around her in zero gravity; he just stared as the only thing audible to him now was his own steady paced heartbeat. It was like something snapped; something just broke inside of him, his mind shattered like a vase. He stared in disbelief, I mean, how could he accept this? He just figured out how to cope with this new condition and he fought with everything he had but, none of that would or could bring her back.

Buu laughed manically as Arasia stared in awe at the scene before her, "I was wondering where you could have possibly gotten the emotional strength to make a comeback like that and then it hit me," Vegito turned to him slowly, with the same horrified face as he had when staring at Diana, "The only other person I've seen you with this entire time is the Amazon Princess; Goku risked everything to save her from me, she followed us across the cosmos, she followed us HERE, I knew she had to be your tether so… I broke it."

Arasia looked over in rage, raising her ring and opening fire on his gum-like body that simply absorbed her attacks, each emerald blast bouncing off of him like rubber. She let lose a long grunt and unleased a powerful beam that pierced Buu's chest and went straight through the void, illuminating the space around it as it traversed through the blackness. This caused Buu to release Vegito from his telekinetic grip, allowing him to float towards Diana, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her lifeless body close to him. He moved his hand over her face, shutting her eyes, and wiping the blood from her cheek.

Arasia lashed out sending a volley of energy blasts that did little to even annoy Buu as he waved his hands and created an impossible blast of wind that knocked her back and past Vegito whom didn't seem to notice their current battle at all. With a gesture, Buu sent multiple beams of Ki energy from his finger that cut through the lanterns shield like a knife through butter, piercing her head and shutting off her brain instantly.

"NO!" Vegito screamed as his godly energy was sent into an emotional flux, like nothing he had ever felt before in either of his lives. His muscles tightened to an odd degree, his eyes flooded with a white energy that illuminated through the darkness even more than his old aura could.

Buu took notice of this as he kicked Arasia's body out of the way and floated towards Vegito whom let go of Diana and faced the demon, "YOU DEMONIC BASTARD!" he shouted, it didn't faze Buu as nothing he said was untrue, "I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THE DAY YOU WERE BORN!"

"Well, part of my plan is to learn exactly when and where I was born or created so, if you could answer those questions that would be great," Buu chided nonchalantly as he folded his arms across his chest and completely reforming finally.

Vegito floated back, "What!? You killed all of these people so you could hear your origin story!?"

Buu frowned floating forwards, "I don't know anything about myself! And normally that's ok but, I've become too smart to be so clueless on my own history. There were two parts to my plan, step one: defeat and humiliate Son Goku, check. Step two: absorb as much power as possible and find my creator."

"Your creator? You mean the Omni-King?" Vegito asked his eyes still as white and illuminated as an angel's halo.

"Of course, once I get enough power I can challenge him and take his place as ruler of the Multiverse, after I get my answers obviously," Buu closed his eyes in cocky superiority but, what he was aiming for was simply something he couldn't possibly comprehend.

"You don't want to fight him Buu; he'll annihilate you with a thought!" Vegito pleaded with the demon as his Ki continued to flux inside of him, his godly essence fused with a new emotion and power he'd never truly experienced before.

"Well if he's anything like Diana over there," Buu pointed casually over at the Amazon's floating corpse as he continued, "I think beating him shouldn't be too hard."

Vegito's Ki began to flux again, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter as his muscles condensed and tightened; he could feel his raw emotion surging through him, powering him. It was so unique, so completely new to him, like nothing he'd ever felt. His raven black hair began to spike up oddly, growing in length slightly as well, "I won't let… you get away… with this…" The Saiyan tightened his jaw and balled his fists up by his side; trying to quell the energy bursting up inside of him.

Buu's cocky grin suddenly faded, as he watched his opponent undergo this odd transformation, he felt a strange power flowing in the air around them, like tiny particles of raw power just floating out in front of them. He backed away slightly as white bolts of electricity began to spark around him, feeling the dark matter that made up the void bend around Vegito's charging aura. It wasn't a base form aura, no that aura would appear as a see-through clear aura. This one had a glow that could literally bend reality around it's user, resembling the pearly gates to heaven itself.

His energy kept growing substantially and consistently, without stopping. His skin stretched over his muscles as they bulged within him, absorbing and producing the white sparks that flew across his body. Buu was at a loss for words, he couldn't understand what was happening, it didn't feel like a transformation but, his eyes told a different story. The energy in the air wasn't hostile but, calm and serene and, at the same time, it had a furious surge to it. Like it could flip from benign to lethal in the blink of an eye, easily over shadowing that of a Super Saiyan Blue or even the Kaio-Ken Berserker; this new strange power was in a league of its own.

Buu nearly lost his balance as the entire Universe around him quivered in fear of Vegito's new power; the near empty galaxies and planets that weren't useful to Buu literally shook to pieces as the vibrations pulverized them and reverberated across the cosmos. The demon was shaking so vigorously that he couldn't aim a proper attack at the Saiyan, even his manipulation of the molecules around him was useless through the waves of raw power that surged through space and time. Vegito's hair flickered like a light, from white to black to white in a continuous cycle that felt as if it could last forever but, only seconds later, he changed. The explosion of holy aura around Vegito lit up the Universe around him, making the dark of space briefly appear to be a clear sky. His pupils became visible, now a gleaming platinum color, his entire body was covered with glowing lines of white Ki reaching from his eyes down his arms, legs, and back. His hair was a piercing white and silver shade with a white gleaming aura. His lightening sparked about illuminating the space around him; Vegito looked himself up and down, staring intently at his hands and his aura, he'd never seen this before, what could it possibly be?

All of those thoughts faded as an orb of anti-matter shattered on Vegito's distracted form without so much as making a scratch. Anger flooded his mind, body and soul as his aura exploded around him, but instead of experiencing things as a blur of speed, Vegito felt like he was moving at completely average speeds except Buu was frozen in front of him, his surroundings had changed, space had changed to look like a mirror that had shattered only, in a strange mix of odd colors. It wasn't until less than a microsecond later, when Vegito had flown past Buu completely, that things returned to normal and Buu began to look around for his opponent. Turning around and seeing Vegito behind him confused him, "Did… Did he teleport?"

Vegito looked himself up and down before looking back up at Buu, "Was… Was that the Time-Skip Technique?" Hit's renowned Time-Skip that could freeze time for up to 0.0000001 seconds or 1 microsecond; the irony was that the universal assassin, who created the technique, was able to reach a far greater level of time-skip that could freeze time for over 10 seconds by doing intense training with Goku and Vegeta but, the Saiyan's never thought they'd be able to pick up his technique just by adapting to it for so long.

"I don't understand, even you can't teleport that fast! What are you up to?" Buu shouted as he flailed his arms around angrily. Vegito smiled and froze time once again, moving through it and slamming his fist into Buu's right cheek; as time unfroze Buu flew through the endless void slamming through continent sized asteroids, floating planet debris, and lost moons. Goku moved through time as he flew trillions of light-years and came up behind Buu hammering him with a right-cross which, even stronger now, cracked through the fabric of space and time. As he flew off and after his hurtled opponent, he left a massive hole in space-time resembling a cross between a TV playing static and a shattered window. He traversed through galaxies in a millionth of a second coming behind and round house kicking Buu in the abdomen shattering his molecular structure and sending him into subatomic oblivion.

Vegito knew this wasn't the end, after absorbing the 90% of the Universe's population; he could most likely reform from anything aside from utter-annihilation. He felt his Ki surging exactly as it had been when he first transformed, he could feel this transformation was nothing like Super Saiyan God, it was higher; it felt somehow like it was heavenly Ki straight from Lord Zeno himself. He could feel that this power was only beginning, he could feel the amount of energy waiting for him as time passed his energy grew; he could feel it clearly that he was only using a fraction of his true power, "I could be STRONGER!" His Ki exploded around him as his voice echoed through the Universe in a cosmic higher-being tone, as if the transformation was enhancing his Kiai Scream as well.

Buu had nearly returned to his full self, he grunted with a furious anger, ripping his armor and tossing it into the void, piece by piece tossing and dismantling it with his bare hands. Once he was finished he was left with nothing but his traditional white baggy pants and 'M' emblazed Majin belt. "Where did you get this power? Answer me NOW!"

Vegito scoffed in content, "I don't know where it came from, but I can tell you where it's going." Vegito time leaped behind the demon and locked him in a chokehold, placing his hand over his mouth and letting an orb of silver Ki explode inside of him, briefly funneling out of Buu's steam-holes. Buu slumped down beside him trying to catch his breath and floating around aimlessly, "You… brat…"

"You'll pay for what you've done you MURDERER!" Vegito flew forwards and time-leaped in front of Buu sending right cross that flung him across the galaxy, flying past distant stars and traversing light-years before eventually slamming into a life-less planet that completely shattered under the pressure of the impact, sending it drifting apart slowly. Vegito appeared seconds later making ground fall with a thundering planet shattering landing; he approached Buu who tried to stand to his feet, bleeding and wounded, trying to reform as quickly as possible. As Vegito time-skipped his way to the demon, it appeared as if the Saiyan was flickering in and out of reality as the distance between them closed in less than a second, "That's it! I give up, I surrender," the demon put his hands up and pleaded but Vegito didn't even flinch as he continued to walk; this was different, Buu no longer had the right amount of time to properly heal himself. If Vegito kept coming at him with this speed, he'd be destroyed soon enough.

"There is no more surrender!" Vegito round house kicked him in the throat pushing him off the planet and leaving a massive crater around him. He followed using his Time-Skip to appear behind Buu even as he hurtled at quintillions of times faster than light, slamming his elbow into Buu's face perfectly indenting his skull. He turned the demon around and punched him across the solar system, until he managed to stop himself just before he hit the outer rim of a Super Gas-Giant. He turned around just in time to witness Vegito grabbing his throat and squeezing it tightly, enough to shatter Kachin and any wind-pipe in existence but, Buu had no wind-pipe. Vegito pushed Buu into the massive Star, passing through its 3 billion degree flames like one would pass through air; The Saiyan shoved his free fist through Buu's abdomen and pulled it out painfully.

Suddenly, Buu reached up and grabbed Vegito's hand that still remained gripping his throat, slowly prying it off and away from him. With all of his strength he managed to throw a surprising right-hook that struck the Saiyans nose and knocked him backwards a bit. He still had two Kryptonians inside of him and their innate ability to super charge their physical attributes with solar radiation was currently boosting Buu's strength and speed dramatically while in the massive super-star.

Vegito reached up and wiped his nose, some of his blood immediately burnt up and disintegrated from the super intense heat, he looked over at Buu without flinching and time-leaped his fist into the demons face knocking him miles away through the star before Buu stopped himself and began super-charging his cells by sucking the energy into him.

Vegito immediately noticed it, he could kill Buu now if he wanted but, that would be a blessing to him compared to what the Saiyan had planned, if he wants to absorb this Giant Star to obtain more power, then by all means but, he should know that Vegito will be using his full power, as well. Vegito tightened his muscles and balled up his fists, shouting lowly as he charged his Ki with a bright glow of heavenly power.

Buu began to shout as well as the star around them shrank slowly being sucked into the demon's body, powering his every cell. His aura sparked up only this time, his entire body had been flooded with the unfathomable solar energy causing his skin to be layered with a golden glow of solar radiation, almost looking like he was made of gold itself. Their massive auras clashed, creating reality warping shockwaves that tore through space like a baseball through a window; Vegito continued to charge his endless supply of energy as Buu super-charged his cellular structure furthering his golden aura.

Slowly but surely the star was sucked inside Buu's now golden shining body, every muscle in his body pushed to their absolute limit as he stretched and observed his new form, "This just keeps getting better and better, huh?"

Vegito frowned as Buu chuckled slightly at him, "You get a new form, I get a new form, you get another new form… who's gonna run out of miracles first?"

Vegito didn't answer as he Time-Leaped across space, closing the gap between them at incredible speeds but, even with the Time-Leap activated, Buu managed to react just quick enough to predict his opponents movements and perfectly catch the Saiyan's fist in his palm, sending shockwaves to the end of the universe and back. Buu grunted slowly, using his raw strength to keep Vegito's fist in place. The Saiyan raised his foot, kicking upwards just as Buu pulled his head back causing him to miss completely; Buu gripped Vegito by the ankle and spun him around tossing him into space and away from where the star had once been.

Vegito stopped himself quickly, raising his power level even further while expanding his snow-white aura, he rocketed forwards Time-Skipping through space towards Buu. The demon smiled as he could still perceive events during the frozen time, which wasn't too far off considering his power. Superman could spend 15 minutes inside a regular sun and become ten times as powerful as he normally is; Buu not only stayed inside of the sun, multiplying his strength over ten-fold already considering this star was bigger than Earths but, he also absorbed said massive star multiplying his power further by an unknown extent. Whatever the case bay be, he was more than fast enough to move through frozen-time, reeling his fist back and colliding with Vegito; a pulse of raw energy exploded in a ball of fire that ripped apart the fabric of the Universe as it expanded outwards. The two clashed, even during a time-skip as they sent unrelenting attacks towards each other at unfathomable speeds; Vegito sent a reverse side-kick which Buu side stepped sending a pulse of water at Vegito whom time-leaped out of the way. Buu's eyes began glowing a scarlet red color as his heat-vision powered up, his chest began glowing as well as the enormous amount of solar energy funneled through his body and into his eyes. Heat flew from his eyes just barely grazing Vegito's arm as he time-skipped backwards to safety. As time began again, the Saiyan clutched his chest, ripping what was left of his grey jump-suit off his torso leaving only the spandex bottoms; his aura exploded around him once more as he flew in for a right hook, missing terribly and receiving an uppercut that sent him up wards into space at incredible velocities.

Buu followed him as Vegito activated his time freezing ability and rushed back at the demon who was still able to counter in time, literally defying the rules of the fourth dimension and fighting during a frozen instant.

Their clashes reverberated across time and space, shattering the boundaries of all existence, tearing the very fabric of reality apart at the seams as the one microsecond passed and Buu managed to land a single strike to Vegito's abdomen, shattering several ribs and kicking him across space even further.

Vegito caught himself and charged orbs of silver burning Ki, launching them at Buu who could barely manage to see the energy let alone dodge it as he relied on his durability to outlast the energy barrage, throwing up his arms in a defensive stance. He swiped one of the orbs away and made an opening for him to disappear in a flash of speed, rushing the Saiyan with all of his strength. Vegito used his time stop to counter just in time with an out stretched fist of his own; the two colliding forces met with awesome power sending shivers through Vegito's arm and bones, Kryptonian cells don't actually have a limit to how much solar radiation that can be absorbed so, he was currently utilizing all of the power in his body plus that of the massive star he absorbed. Vegito quickly placed his finger to his forehead, teleporting away quickly and cupping his hands by his side.

"Divine Kamehameha!" His trademarked blue energy sphere formed slowly in the palm of his hand surrounded by a layer of silver heavenly energy which powered up his beam even further.

Buu outstretched his arm and gripped his wrist with his other hand, channeling the intense solar energy from within him into his hand, charging an attack made of pure solar energy; he gathered every last bit of radiation that he absorbed from the star and condensed it into his palm.

The two shouted at the top of their lungs as they launched their individual attacks, beams of unparalleled power flying through space and colliding ripping apart the concept of space and time and obliterating the Universe around them sending them into a white void of nothingness. There was so much nothing it almost resembled the Room of Spirit and Time back in his home Universe except it had no ground to walk on either; Buu and Vegito floated for either minutes or literal eons, the concept of time no longer existed so it was completely impossible to tell the difference between the two time-frames.

Eventually, though, Buu's eyes shot open. He looked around for any sign of anything but; he found nothing but a black speck thousands if not millions of light years in the distance. He practically zoomed in with his super-sight which he stole from Superman as well, it was Vegito, still alive and in his transformed state.

He flew for what seemed like millennia across what could have been an infinite distance but, eventually he made it closer to the black speck. Vegito was awake but, he didn't move, he just stared out into the distance; floating in the void aimlessly. It wasn't until Buu came closer that he realized what had happened; every single bone in Vegito's body had been shattered by the impact of their collision. He looked around until his eyes fell on Buu's approach; his jaw tightened but, that too caused searing pain to rush through his face and mouth. Without Buu's healing factor, Vegito simply couldn't survive the impact of a multi-universal attack like Buu's. If it hadn't been for Vegito's accurate striking technique adopted from Goku, the entire multiverse would have been obliterated by the sheer force of their attacks.

Buu floated down next to Vegito and smiled, looking him up and down, "How the mighty have fallen," he reached out and grabbed the Saiyan by his snapped neck and pulled him closer causing blood to run down his chin, "You were so sure of yourself but, you just couldn't handle the pressure." Buu tightened his grip on his opponents neck, causing choking sounds to erupt.

Vegito couldn't let it end like this, he couldn't let thing end… like this. Vegito pushed through the searing pain that currently burned every nerve ending in his body; moving his lips and whispering as best he could, "Kaio-Ken Times… Fifty!"

Buu's eyes opened quickly as he heard what he had said, "I-Impossible!"

Vegito sprouted a crimson flashing aura surrounding his white one, this technique at a time like this would certainly kill him but, he had to try. Vegito raised his arms and shouted, "Four Witches Technique!"

As he focused his energy, two arms, identical to his own, sprouted from his back just above his two original arms. He placed his hands in the shape of a triangle and placed his two new extra hands out in front of those in the same triangular shape, "Shin Ki Ko HO!"

From the triangles came a square shaped beam (somehow) that struck Buu and obliterated him completely, throwing his atoms into a flux of disintegration. Buu began to reform again, using the last of his solar energy to push against the attack; "Ki Ko HO!" the beam struck again, obliterating the demon once more.

Buu reformed time and time again as Vegito used the same attack, time and time again. "Ki Ko HO!" Buu was blown apart more time then he could count as Vegito shot the energy over and over at fifty times its normal power but, the Ki Ko Ho absorbed an exuberant amount of life energy to perform so once he was done, Vegito would be out of luck.

"Ki, Ko, HO!" Firing the attack in-between each word the blast would constantly obliterate Buu as he consistently came back molecule by molecule.

"Stop it! Stop it! ANGRY!" Buu shouted in pain in-between blasts as he continuously felt the burning sensation of being atomized over and over again.

"Ki Ko Ho!" the beam pushed Buu back into his basic elements for the last time as the Saiyan warrior huffed, trying to catch his breath as the two arms on his back disappeared and his aura faded. He fell limp, floating aimlessly with every muscle in his body now completely unusable; He watched as the pink gum formed slowly but surely.

As Buu reformed, he pulled himself into his humanoid shape and sighed, growling at the pain he had just felt, "Ya know, if you want my personal opinion, 'Ki Ko Ho' seems like a pretty sad choice of last words but, to be fair," Buu extended his arms and gripped Vegito by his neck which caused him to grunt in pure agony, "It's far from the worst decision you've made today."

Vegito spat blood onto Buu's face in spite, "Ki… ko... fuck yourself."

Buu smiled as he raised his fist above his head and shoved it through Vegito's abdomen, spraying blood throughout the canvas white void they fought in, "See? That's the spirit."

Vegito couldn't hear anything as his hair and eyes returned to normal, his aura dissipated and his body lost all of its tension, "You fought well, Saiyan, longer than most but, death has come for you now and he won't take no for an answer."

Buu released Vegito from his grip as he floated back in space, hearing nothing but his own heart beat as it slowed; the thumps became flower and had more time elapsed between each beat until, it just stopped.

Buu smiled as Vegito's lifeless body floated away inch by inch, "YES! I have won! Finally, I finally won!" Buu cheered and danced and laughed for several minutes before wiping the tear from his eye and looking around.

"This is horridly dull," he grew a sinister grin across his face and used his manipulation of space and time to easily rip a hole in the dimensional barrier open beside him, leading to his own Universe once again.

But, he didn't have plans to visit old friends, no, with this now technique he had, he needed to absorb. And so he traveled from star to star, regardless of size or age, he absorbed any radiation it would give him; although; he managed to be smart enough to steer clear of the Red Stars. Each star magnified his power exponentially, ending trillions of trillions of lives without a second thought.

After a day or two, the Universe had become dark and cold, a wasteland of death and ice; Buu absorbed every single star in his home Universe until he was over flowing with sun radiation leaving no light or life behind. He had regained his glowing golden skin and aura only now his mouth, eyes, and hands were leaving trails of flame as the radiation constantly leaked from those points. He felt unbeatable, even someone like the Omni-King couldn't stop him now!

"Time to put the theory to the test," Buu held his hands out and opened a portal to the Omni-King's domain, entering slowly; he floated inside and observed his surroundings. A long dimly lit hallway that extended reaching two massive doors with curvatures and engravings resembling ancient symbols and letters that were unreadable to him. He opened the door revealing a large room with steps leading to a golden throne; at the foot of the steps were two guards with metal staffs crossed blocking the way up the stairs, they didn't speak or move they just blocked his way.

Sitting on the throne was a… thing. A small man (presumably) with an oval shaped head, a rotund body, and stick-like short legs. His mouth was small and his eyes didn't move to look at him even after he barged in unannounced.

Buu walked, the guards attempted to stop him by pointing their weapons at him but, Buu simply walked past them as they turned completely to dust with a simple thought from the demon. He walked up the stairs and approached the throne as the man finally met eyes with him, "Who are you exactly?"

Buu was taken aback, completely flabbergasted; his mouth fell agape as his expectations for a King of the Multiverse were shattered immediately upon meeting him. He was expecting him to know everything, who he was, what he had been doing, why he was doing it, every single detail but, he was clueless.

"You don't know who I am?" Buu asked as he lowered his guard, "But, you created me!"

"I've created many things over the span of time; you'd have to be more specific," The King barely even flinched at the sight of his two dead guards and spoke nonchalantly furthering Buu's surprise.

"I am Majin Buu from the seventh Universe!"

The King rubbed his non-existent chin and sighed for a moment, "Oh yes, a creature of chaos, I remember now." He mumbled to himself for a second before looking back up, "It seems you have destroyed your home Universe as well as another that isn't under my jurisdiction."

Buu smiled, "Yes, I absorbed the life forms and energy from both Universes to gain enough power to challenge you!"

The King smiled, "Well, Mr. Buu, we have a problem then done we?" he stepped from his throne revealing himself to be less than 3 feet tall and actually quite adorable, "You see, that's breaking the rules, and I don't like rule breakers."

Buu was taken aback once again, that was exactly what he had said to Vegeta during their battle, was he mocking him? Surely even a king could see how much power Buu had in him at the moment.

The King smiled and blinked his eyes and, very suddenly, Buu felt every ounce of power, every life and star he had absorbed completely left his body, drained and sucked right out from his body, faster than even he could track or see. The King held an orb in his hand, presumably the concentration of all the power that Buu had accumulated during his invasion.

Buu fell back and down the stairs, hitting the ground with a thud, "Y-You… What did you d-do to m-me?" Buu looked himself up and down as he felt his intelligence, speed, strength and every other attribute drop immeasurably, "What did you do to my power?"

He smiled down at him as the orb in his hand dispersed, "I returned everything and everyone you absorbed to its rightful place in the right Universe. Everyone you killed has been brought back, every planet you destroyed has been restored and every sun you absorbed has been reignited in its rightful place," Zeno smiled heart fully as Buu choked on his own words, backing up on his hands and knees, trying to get away. He approached the doors but, they closed themselves before he could reach them.

"Buu, you came here to learn about your origin? Well I'm afraid I can't help you, I created you billions of years ago and I don't remember in the slightest as to why but, I can tell you that it all ends here, I will not send you to hell and I will not return your soul to the afterlife, after this you will cease to exist completely."

Buu lowered his head in disbelief, "How could I have been so foolish, to think anyone could ever come here and demand things from you!"

"You were under the impression that I could be fought but, like my compainons who rule over the Multiverse alongside me…" Zeno leaned in closely and smiled, "I am omnipotent and your existence simply isn't prepared for that."

With a blink, Buu was gone, not turned to dust, not destroyed on the molecular level, not atomized but, simply gone. There was nothing left of him in any shape or form, he was simply gone. Zeno looked around for a moment before recreating his guards and walking up the stairs to his throne.

He waved his hands and suddenly Vegito speared before him, alive and well.

"W-What? I… I don't understand?" the Saiyan caught sight of his savior and bowed immediately in distress, "Lord Zeno, I had no idea it was you."

"At ease, Saiyan, tell me why you wear those earrings?"

Vegito stood referring to his earrings he frowned, "In my attempt to stop Buu, I used them to fuse Goku and Vegeta together but, it didn't work."

"Buu is no more, I made sure of that so, there is no longer a reason for you two to be fused," Zeno blinked once more as Vegito began to glow bright yellow suddenly splitting in two and spitting Goku and Vegeta out skidding across the floor in opposite directions.

"V-Vegeta?" Goku asked looking himself up and down.

Vegeta sighed, "Kakkarot…"

Zeno smiled, "I think you for your nobility, Saiyans but, there is a problem. The Kai's of the 7th Universe have illegally brought Vegeta back from the afterlife to rectify Buu's escape," Zeno narrowed his eyes slowly; "This is against the rules."

Vegeta's eyes widened quickly as he immediately assumed a bowing position, "My greatest apologies, Lord, I had no idea!" The Saiyan pleaded quickly as Goku scratched his head and began chuckling.

"I'll allow it to slide because of your bravery in the effort to stop Buu but, I must return you to the afterlife where you belong."

Vegeta smiled, "Thank you, Lord, and Kakkarot…" Vegeta turned to face Goku who smiled and outstretched his hand, Vegeta smiled and gripped his hand tightly, "It was nice to see you again, old friend."

"Likewise," Goku smiled as Vegeta faded into nothingness before him.

"And as for you Saiyan, it's time I returned you to your rightful place on Earth in the Universe under the Presence's watchful eye," Zeno smiled, "Thank you once again for battling on my behalf."

Goku smiled whole heartedly, "No problem, any time you need me just, uh, blink!"

Zeno chuckled slightly at this as Goku disappeared from sight.

Goku materialized on the Watchtower, he looked around for a moment he was confused but, the confusion settled when he caught sight of the Justice League grouped together staring at him with bright smiles on their faces, each one happy to not only be alive but, that Goku was alive as well.

Superman and Batman approached him first, Clark embraced his friend tightly, smiling as he did so, "I knew you'd win, even after we all lost."

Bruce sighed loudly; "At least you can prove you're the best now, huh?" he smiled slightly, hiding his true emotions as best he could.

It wasn't until he felt the force of a mountain randomly plow into him from behind, sending him across the watchtower into a heap of metal and chunks of railing and electrical pipes. Goku pushed himself out of the wall and looked down at the arms wrapped tightly around his waist, immediately knowing who it was that embraced him.

"Diana… it's nice to see you too," He rubbed his neck and chuckled as the Princess let go slowly allowing him to turn and face her. She didn't say anything at first but, after a few seconds she jumped up and smashed her lips onto his own, pushing him back against the wall. Their lips connected for several moments as everything else faded away; no more Justice League or Buu or Omnipotent Gods but, just him and her and, he couldn't be happier.