Chapter 13

It had been nearly a week since Buu was defeated by the Omni-King and after explaining to everyone, especially Batman, exactly what had happened, they all had a simple question in common with each other.

"What exactly is a Super Saiyan White?" Batman asked as Goku pulled on his tie in front of a mirror in his own room on the Watchtower; he moved on to brush the dust from his black slim-fit suit and sighed loudly in response.

"Does this look too, I don't know, flashy to you?" Goku asked as he looked himself up and down in the mirror, it had been years since he wore a suit like this and wasn't sure if it was even on correctly.

"You look fine, but we still need to better understand your powers before you accidently destroy the Universe the next time Diana gets a paper-cut," the Dark-Knight stood from his seat next to Goku's bed and folded his arms, "I don't like wild-cards, Goku."

"Yea and you don't like a lot of things like sunny days, warm kittens, a fresh meal, or even friends and family," Goku fiddled nervously again with his tie before loosening it a bit, "Besides I don't know anything about that power, even Vegito couldn't control the energy properly and he was way stronger than I am."

Bruce grunted in response, "Exactly why you shouldn't be out on the town getting drunk, you should be training to harness that power or at least keep it from destroying everything."

The Saiyan scoffed, "Listen, I don't even know if I'll ever be able to use that power again let alone hurt someone with it. I have a date with Diana tonight and it's kind of my first date in, well, ever," He scratched the back of his neck nervously and tried not to sweat too much over his lack of experience.

Batman passed him with a grunt and headed for the door, "I hope you two have fun but," the Knight turned and gave his best Bat-Glare, "You should start focusing on what's really important here."

After he had stepped out Goku perched his lips comically sighing to himself, "Jeez so serious; he's more of a party-pooper than Vegeta ever was."

Goku as he looked out at the Earth below him through the observation deck's glass wall and sighed, it would be much faster to fly down of his own power but, unlike his Gi, the suit would most likely burn up on re-entry to Earth's atmosphere and he still needed to return the suit considering it was a rental.

And so instead, he waited for Diana by the javelin bay so they could use a high-powered jet to return to Earth but, she was taking an awfully long time to arrive even though they had reservations in forty-minutes. Goku sighed loudly, looking out at the Earth once again, "This Earth is so much different than mine, hell, I haven't seen a single dinosaur since I got here!"

Diana cleared her throat as she approached, "Dinosaur? I think your Earth's history is greatly different than ours, Goku."

The Saiyan turned and nearly passed-out from the sight before him, she flaunted her curves by wearing a tight purple gown that extended down to her ankles, just barley covering her magenta high-heels and matching perfectly with her violet shoulder-bag that hung at her waist.

"Diana, you look… you look just uh…"

The Amazon chuckled at this as she approached the Saiyan, "Speechless huh? Well you clean up pretty well yourself," She joking placed her hand on his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his suit, "Where did you get a suit like this anyways?"

"For some reason Clark wanted to thank me for saving the Multiverse by renting this suit out for me," Goku chuckled lightly, "I've never really asked for anything in return for saving lives but, considering I don't have any money I couldn't find a way to say no!"

Diana smiled fixing his color slightly without looking into his eyes, "Well, I'm glad everything has worked out, come now, it's a twenty minute flight to the surface and we all know how you hate the teleporters here."

"I don't see why I can't just teleport us down myself, I think it would be a lot easier that way," Goku sighed as they entered the massive hanger with dozens of jets prepped and ready for an emergency.

"Tonight, we are not Saiyan and Amazonian, we are not super powered beings with ultimate power and responsibility," Diana leaned over pecked Goku on the cheek before wrapping her arm around his own, "Tonight, we are boyfriend and girlfriend out for a nice evening in Metropolis."

Goku smiled as the Princess leaned her head into his shoulder as they approached their designated Javelin.

After landing in a nearby air-strip in downtown Metropolis, the couple hailed a Taxi and made their way to the city of tomorrow's main strip with hotels, restaurants, casinos, and the monorail system that ran throughout the city.

They made their way to a fancy Japanese restaurant, they decided getting dropped off a few blocks away was a better choice so they could spend some time walking down the sidewalk passing shops and stores and dozens of people. It made them feel very normal for a change.

As they walked, Goku leaned over and glanced at Diana, "So, what's Themyscira like anyways?" he asked casually as they passed multiple street vendors and entertainers.

This made her smile brightly as she looked back towards him, "It's a large Island, perhaps the size of this Earth's Manhattan, with lush green forests, mystical or otherwise extinct beasts and animals roaming," she once again wrapped her arm around Goku's whom currently had his hands in his pockets, "The Amazons spar and train during the day and have wonderful celebrations during the night. Sometimes to thank the Gods for their good fortune and other times to simply celebrate the happiness they all share but, one thing is for sure they always have an amazing time in each other's company."

Goku smiled when he saw Diana's enthusiasm, "You must love it there, can I ask though, why exactly did you leave?"

Diana looked to her feet as they continued to walk, "I left because they were stuck in the past. They considered all men disease and filth and almost didn't allow me to leave at all but, I was able to get them to accept that some men in the world are good," She sighed woefully and leaned in to the Saiyan, "But, they still don't trust a man without my reference first, they'd kill you if you stepped foot on the island without me."

Goku chuckled lightly, "They'd try anyways."

Diana smiled and slapped his shoulder playfully, "I'd love to show you the island some time, introduce you to my mother."

"Is she an Amazon too?"

"She is Queen of the Amazon's, answering only to the Gods themselves," Diana laughed whole heartedly, "Sometimes she lets it go to her head more than she admits."

"So she's like a Supreme-Kaio and the Gods are like the Gods of Destruction! Yea that makes sense," Goku went into deep thought as he went through the list, "And you could be the Grand-Kaio while the other Amazon's would be like normal Kai's!"

Diana raised a brow and chuckled, looking down ever so slightly to look into the man's eyes, "Goku, I have no idea what you're talking about," She said covering her mouth in a chuckle.

"Sorry, the Kai race pretty much look after the Universe and protect it as best they can, dispatching warriors like me to defeat enemies and save lives," Goku explained simply as he tried to rethink the explanation, "That's sort of how it goes."

Diana sighed, "I wish the Amazon's were more like these 'Kais' you speak of, the Amazon's, while generally good people, are selfish towards outsiders; they feel man's world should defend itself."

"But, you don't feel that way?" Goku looked over and curved a smile, "That's what makes you so special, Diana."

The Princess felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his compliment, she wanted to pounce onto him and kiss him until the night was over but, she withheld herself with a small, "Thank you, Goku," and deep crimson blush that crawled across her cheeks.

They approached their restaurant and entered, being escorted to their table and handed menus by a female hostess who informed them a server would be right with them.

Diana smiled and red her menu over before looking over at Goku, "So what'll you be having, Goku?"

The Saiyan practically drooled over his menu as he smiled, "Clark was so right, I guess my culture really was similar to the Japanese!" he read over some of the sushi and sashimi choices and smiled, "I haven't had some of these meals in forever, although; I don't see any Paoz Boar meat and there's no Giant Salmon Bass here either."

"As I mentioned earlier, there seem to be a difference in the agriculture of your Earth compared to ours," She smiled and read over her menu and closed it quickly, "I think I'll have the Sushi boat for two, how about you?"

Goku looked over the Sushi Boat options and squinted at the page for a moment, "Do ya think they have a Sushi Boat for 8 or something?"

Diana chuckled in amusement and sighed, "We can get two boats for four if you'd like."

"Mind if I join you two?"

Diana's eyes immediately widened as she stood abruptly to face their uninvited guest, a man with charcoal for skin and bright yellow glowing eyes, wearing a vest and button up shirt underneath along with slacks and leather belt. He pulled up a chair and sat beside Diana, placing his elbows on the table analyzing Goku.

"Apollo, what in Zeus's name are you doing here?" Diana asked frantically looking around for others to be following him.

"Relax, Amazon, I came alone this time, my Father didn't want to make a scene," He smiled and sat back looking up at Diana, putting a hand on her arm to ease her down into her chair, "Zeus wants to see you, Hermes said it was urgent."

Goku raised a brow as he watched the two converses but, didn't say anything for lack of anything to say in the first place.

Diana yanked her arm from Apollo's grasp, "I'm quite busy at the moment if you didn't realize."

Apollo looked back over at Goku and smiled, "Yes, it seems you are, and this is him?" Apollo stepped over to Goku who gave him a suspicious look as he looked over the Saiyan up and down, "And he's as strong as Zeus says he is?"

Diana narrowed her eyes intently, "Stronger."

Apollo chuckled, "Well, I'm impressed, but unfortunately Zeus won't take no for answer and frankly neither will I," Apollo grabbed onto Diana's wrist and pulled her towards the exit before being intercepted by Goku who materialized in between the doorway and the two demi-gods.

"She said she was busy," Goku's face turned to one more serious than before, "Let go of her."

Apollo did so and released her wrist, taking a few slow steps towards Goku who didn't even flinch as he got face to face with the man, close enough to feel the heat radiating off of his skin. Apollo pulled his hand back and with a single slap sent Goku through the front-window of the restaurant and through a car in the street, slamming into a building and causing screams and frantic shouting to begin as the people around the began to either run or pull their phones out to record the fight.

As the restaurant evacuated and people ran for the emergency exit, Diana grabbed Apollo by the shoulder and turned him around quickly landing a solid straight punch to his jaw, sending him into the street until he stopped himself with his fingers digging into the asphalt, "Watching your boyfriend lose a fight is pretty demeaning, right? I mean it can only go downhill from there."

Suddenly from behind Apollo, a 2 ton chunk of concrete broke over the demi-god's head and back turning him around enough to see a Super Saiyan Goku emerge from the hole uninjured, smiling brightly as he dusted his suit off.

Goku dematerialized dodging a blast of sun-energy that shot straight through the building and came out the other side destroying another building on the opposite street; the Saiyan rematerialized behind Apollo sending a round house kick to the back of his neck only to have his foot caught without the man so much as looking back at the alien.

"Well at least you aren't a total push-over," Apollo turned to Goku and smiled, "Let's see what you got."

Apollo punched Goku square in the chin sending him back towards the restaurant, only to be caught by Diana who skidded back on the asphalt from the force, as she put him down she growled, "This is my fight, you don't have to do this."

Goku growled as tiny sparks of blue electricity began to surge around his glowing golden aura, "Trust me, I want to," Goku flew in with a flurry of accurate punches and kicks which were rapidly blocked and countered until Apollo spun around send flaming kick that blasted Goku back and partly blinded him at the same time, long enough for Apollo to come from behind and slam his balled up fists down on Goku's back dispersing his aura and sending him into a crater in the ground.

Apollo smiled as Diana jumped towards him and grabbed his wrists, "You shall leave here at once, Apollo."

Apollo squinted, "I am not going to be the one to come to him empty handed," he pulled his wrists back and push-kicked Diana back on her heels, just barely avoiding his next advance which came with a cross-hook combination.

Apollo opened his mouth and spewed a wave of hellish fire which Diana could only counter by using her blessed silver-bracelets, although; her dress was ripped and torn revealing her Amazonian armor underneath.

Goku smiled as he stepped from the crater, "Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one!" He ripped his suit off revealing his bright orange Gi which he felt far more comfortable in.

Diana smiled as she saw this and immediately dispersed Apollo's blaze, tearing her dress off and tossing it aside she grabbed hold of her golden lasso.

Goku charged his Ki past Super Saiyan 2, furthering his evolution into a Super Saiyan 3 as his muscles bulged and his hair grew longer, his eyebrows vanished and his sparking electric aura grew more intense, "Now this fight can really begin."

Apollo turned to Goku briefly watching his transformation but, suddenly found himself wrapped in the golden lasso's grasp. The blessed rope tightened around his arms as Goku came in at ten times the speed of light and slammed his fist into Apollo's face pushing right out of the lasso's hold and down the city street, flying dozens of city blocks before hitting a tour-bus and slamming into a light-pole.

"Oh, Apollo, always thinking that your fists can solve every problem," a skinny woman with purple skin and no hair approached them from the street, gulping down a glass of Champaign before tossing it to shatter on the sidewalk.

Diana scowled in annoyance, "Strife…"

Goku turned and formed into a fighting stance, "Is she as powerful as the other guy? Cause we may need to team up to beat her."

Strife chuckled loudly, "How adorable, he thinks I'm going to fight him!"

Diana never took her eyes off of her enemy as she informed Goku, "She's a sorcerer of Chaos and Discord but she also has disabling spells that can immobilize us, so be careful."

Strife's eyes widened in excitement, "Oh, that's a good idea!" She raised her hands and disappeared from sight, reappearing behind Diana, she waved her hand in front of the Amazon's face causing her eyes to cross and her body to fall limp in Strife's arms.

Goku turned as quickly as he could when he saw what happened, "Ah, Ah, Ah pretty boy, power down or someone loses a girlfriend…"

Goku sighed looking around as Apollo approached them wiping his chin in pain; he sighed and allowed his aura to disperse, his hair returning to normal he reverted back into his base form and floated towards the ground silently.

Apollo cracked his knuckles and smiled, "Nighty-night kiddo."

And all Goku remembers happening next was seeing a charcoal black fist engulf his vision before blacking out completely. Needless to say, this was far from the night the couple had planned for.