Chapter Eight

To the stars that listened and the dreams that were answered ✨

Durango's POV

Knock knock

"Come in",

it's thirty minutes into my break time and I was still conducting interviews. I was so tired of all these interviews , who knew getting a new secretary would be this difficult.

"Good morning Sir" a brunette greets as she got to my desk.

"Have a seat. What's your name?"

"Chelsea Hart"

"Your CV?"

She hands it over to me,I go through it , it is quite impressive compared to the others I've looked at. She had worked in one of the best companies in Manhattan for five good years, but the question is why did she quit?

"Why did you stop working for 'The Bronx'?" I was quite curious.

She took a deep breath in before she talked.


"Not so many people know this but The Bronx high-key sucks. To be very honest their creativity is so low. I for many years have been their creative director but with the change of CEO a year ago everything became worse . I couldn't take it anymore and I had to quit."

"You do know that your doing an interview for a secretary position?"

"Yes I do. I'll be a secretary but with a lot more to offer", she says . I noticed an aura of confidence around her. I liked it, I would love to work with this one.

"I--", my phone rings .

"Excuse me.  Hello?"

" Good day Sir Titan Jnr" , Monsieur Jacque stutters.

"Good day? What is it?"

" It's's ...I , she"

Ugh, I sigh irritated, " can you quit stuttering and talk to me. I'm in the middle of something important here"

"She ran away"


Those three words and I was already seething with anger. Not only because of his carelessness but the fact that Khloe nurtured the thought of leaving me.

" But I ...I ..I can explain sir. She said she wanted to go the church and I took her there , I was waiting for her in the car the next thing I knew she was on a power bike and some girl was driving her away"

"How could you have been so gullible and careless. You let an innocent nineteen year old deceive you."

"Desole master, I'm so sorry It will never repeat itself I promise"

"Of course it won't happen again ,I can ensure that. "

He understood exactly what I meant by that and started to beg,his voice turned coarse filled with emotion. I couldn't care less , I gave him simple instructions ," don't allow her out of your sight".

"Je suis desole monseiur,"

"That's enough of your whines. Get the fuck out of my Mansion" with that I cut the call, he knows better than to disobey. The consequences will be mightily grave.

"I'm sorry , where were we?"

"I told you my reasons why I left The Bronx", she spoke . I could sense the little fear in her, she should know from now that I'm a no nonsense person.


I hand her back her CV, right now all I could think about was Khloe . Where in the world could she be?

"Sir Titan", she interrupts my thoughts as I clear the documents off my desk .

"It's seems like your in a hurry and about to go out. You haven't said another word to me".

How many people could be this bold, determined to get what they want  and yet not sound awfully rude ?

" Forgive me ,you got the job. "

" Omigod thank you."

"You start tomorrow , you should be here before eight in the morning. Here have the spare keys"


" I'm just so happy for you, I can't wait for you to start this new phase in your life although I know you'll become so busy and you'll rarely have time for me."

"Aawwwwn. Don't say that I'll always have time for you Rianne, your my mf sister and that's 4L".

"Thank you",she hugs me tightly. Rianne is a person who needs reassurance of your love for her and that's totally not her fault.

Such insecurities started when her mum abandoned her and her brother with their dad.

"I'll always be there for you I promise"

"I believe you".

A retriever runs pass us as we converse, "I can't lie I need a dog,look at that cute thing",I gush.

"Yeah it's cute. I guess you want it cause your lonely at Durango's place"

"Holy cow am I that easy to read?" I question in a fit of laughter. It's either I'm that easy to read or she has known me for too long.

"I really need one but I can't make up my mind on what breed to get"I moan.

"Hellooooooo , hey are you even listening to me"

"Earth to Rianne", I snap my fingers to gain her attention.seemed like she had already zoned out of our conversation.

"Prince of doomsdale found you", those words sent chills running down my spine. I knew exactly what she  meant.

I turned only to see the devil standing few feets in front of us. Speak of devil and he appears they say.

"Get up and come here!", He ordered. All that was on my mind was how he found me, how??

"I didn't come with you so what makes you think I'm leaving with you!" I sign.

"You better come here before I create a scene" he says trying so hard to control his anger.

The rage in his eyes were enough to make chicken out and follow him like some coward. But then I was no coward, not all Kerrighton's are.

"Khloe I don't want to do something we'll all end up regretting. Don't test my patience" I couldn't believe he was bullying me right now with words.

"Khloe just go it's no big deal",

It was no big deal but I really wanted to teach him a lesson. Not everyone would kiss his feet, I'm not everyone.

He came closer to me," if I lay my hands on you you'll probably get hurt"

"That's a probability", I roll my eyes at him.

In a blink of an eye he was in possession of my arms ,his grip was so tight ,"your hurting me".


His glare changed from being cold, he removed his hand. My upper arm was feeling so numb.

Now he was looking at me with worried eyes , what the hell. He caused the pain.

"Rianne"he called out her name ,She glared at him. He cared less.

"please direct me to where you packed the car. I want to transfer the stuffs into my car."

She led the way, he followed her behind with me. He kept on looking at me in a way that showed compassion yet he said no word . We got to the car ,then Rianne helped me get my things and put it in his car.

"What about your car?"

"You drive it, I'll be following Durango"

Her eyes widened in surprise ,well the day has finally come she gets to drive my baby with her 6/10 skill.

She pulls me into a hug,"if he does anything to you I'm just a one call away as well as the police. Later babygirl"

"I love you "that's all I could say at the moment.

I'm really updating late. so sorry , really trying to update fast for y'all.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share😭🙏❤️ means a lot to me.
