To the stars that listened and too the dreams that were answered ✨

I don't know why but a part of me was feeling some kind of way seeing her hurt emotionally and physically.

       Normally I wouldn't have given ten flying fucks about it but she, there's just something about her .

       Maybe it's her innocence or her fiery soul ,either ways I didn't like this feeling. 

        Feelings such as these often lead to sentimental decisions, and one thing I didn't like was emotions getting in the way it always fucked things up.

    She kept on holding the part of her arm that I held unto and her eyes were constantly on the road.

"Khloe?", She didn't answer but I went on anyway.

"Well I don't care if your going to snub me though. Next time do as I say to avoid me hurting you like this."

She still didn't say a word and her eye contact with the road didn't drift.

" Me scolding at you in public isn't good for our contract you know? News spread like wild fire and I don't want my reputation to be ruined ....."

"That's it .it's always about you. Want Durango wants ,What Durango gains .... aren't you disgusted by your self centeredness??!" . Not going to lie her sudden outburst was shocking and left me speechless for a while.

"You don't know anything about me , I advice you shut the fuck up".

"I'm disgusted by the least I know"

"Look I'm sorry for hurting you out there but then again it's all your fault. Your acting all stubborn like I'm not doing your petty ass a favor. And besides if you eat healthily you wouldn't be as fragile as you are"

"Oh wow ,Durango the devil is also a dietician", she retorts in the most sarcastic tone ever. "Didn't see that coming", she rolls her eyes just after.

I laugh at her little fuss, she looked at me angry .


He burst into a long throaty laughter,

'what was so funny?',

"You know I'm saying the truth, truth hurts ", he says with a silly grin on his face.

"Oh please spare me"

He looks at me again with that silly grin still on his face . I didn't say anything . Mentally I note to my self to visit my doctor. I thought I was getting better apparently I'm not and I hate it here.

The drive became a silent one although Durango kept stealing glances at me ,which made the silence even more eery.

    I was at least glad when we reached the his house. Yes house I could never call that place home even though Nanny Isabelle tries her very best to make me feel at home.

     "What is he still doing here?", Durango asked in rage. He was so quiet at first and all of a sudden he's this angry?

"What's going on?" I ask one of his security men.

"Durango did what?", I couldn't believe my ears.

      Why would he fire Monsieur Jacque for my own crime.

I felt so terrible seeing him beg Durango this way ,he was almost shedding tears.

"Please I need this job to support my wife and children"

" Why didn't you have that in mind when you let my fiancee out of your sight,she could have been kidnapped you know!"

"Je suis desole monseiur", he begged in his native language.

"I already told you I didn't want to see you here and you still disobeyed , please leave my sight!".

I couldn't just stand there and watch all these harassment especially when this is all my fault.

"Get her things from the car", he instructed another guard ,with that he stormed angrily into the house.

"I'm sorry Monsieur,I'll go talk to him. Just stay where you are relax. And-- none of you guys should harass him"

With that I followed him inside.

"Why is he so angry?",Nanny Isabelle asked me.

"It's my fault", I just reply and run up the stairs. I enter the room to find him changing into casuals .


    He had a very annoyed look when our eyes met .

"Durango you can't just fire him for what isn't his fault, it's my fault"

"I can't just?? I already did"

Why did he have to make this so frustrating??

"Please Durango I feel so terrible , he has a wife and children to take care of . Please give him a second chance", I couldn't just imagine being the reason a family won't be able to live fine again, all because of my childish act and pranks .

"Second chance??--these are foreign words to me".

Urghh why is he so difficult and insensitive. I looked at the window and I could see how miserable Monsieur Jacque was, the guilt pangs increased . All of a sudden my eyes started to water, I couldn't hold it anymore. How long could I have?

"Durango Please I promise I won't run away again , please don't do this to him. Please I'm begging you on anything you love, please give him a second chance"

Durango's POV

Her voice totally changed, sounded like tears were clogging her breathing making her voice sound different.

"Are you crying?"

She looked away from me. Yes , yes she was definitely crying. Why would she cry? Why is she so darn sensitive.

"Please I'm begging you just give him a second chance",she begs still not looking at me.

That feeling came again, that feeling that always occurred when she was hurt emotionally or physically. Sadly I've been the reason behind it.

"Just stop crying", I couldn't just stand this baby attitude right now.

"If he does do it again he's done for",she turns around surprised with a lil smile finding it's way on her face.

"Yes , promise"

I pick up my phone,"Augustine,give Monsieur Jacque back his keys".


     I look up to see Khloe smiling from ear to ear urghhhh did she just play me?

"Did you just play me with feign tears?",I ask.

"I did the needful", she replies. What a cun, she outsmarted me but this will be the last time. I look at her back , "you just wait and see", I  chuckle.

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Kodinna 🦋

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