Bitter sweet dreams

Alloma University! Where the rich and wealthy go to school, a place where you either have connection or you just have wealthy parents.

Alloma university is the most prestigious university in the country and yet her I am like a fish out of water.

I think it's been three or more hours of me walking around Aimlessly looking for someone, anyone who could help guide me into the right direction . At least that's what I had thought before.....

"Welcome, you must be Horima Aissawa,

I'm Kagura Shimyo, you're students liaison." " My job is to help make sure your transition here happen smoothly." " An if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them." "Think of me as your way to succeed here at Alloma. So anything related to classes, dorm life or anything at all I'm your go to guy."

The gentleman standing in front of me wore a huge friendly grin on his face. He seemed like he took pride in his job, just by the way he was talking about it. He must really like his job I thought.

is it wrong of me to say that this person is extremely way too happy go lucky and like really friendly. I mean like creepy friendly.

I'm not trying to judge but I couldn't help myself but feel taken aback by his so whole demeanor. Kagura is your average looking guy, not very tall but not short either, he dresses quite plainly as well, not very stylish. Which is surprising for the type of school this is, I wouldn't expect to see many students dress like him. He has this vibe about him like he could be every ones best friend.

Don't take me wrong, it's not a bad thing but you don't meet to many people like him every day.

Shrugging my shoulders I thought maybe I'm just reading into things. I don't want to come off as being too judgmental.

Even though I just met him, it's the first impression I get from him. I tried to listen to the rest of what he was saying but I just couldn't focus. He just talked and talked and talked...

So much information... Come on Horima keep it together! I tired to tell myself but no...

Sigh, am I making too much eye contact. Great now I'm panicking...

Just breathe, im supposed to be blending in, guys don't fawn over other guys, sigh.

You'd think I never been around a guy before but that wasnt it. I felt this overwhelming sense of pressure. An I'm sure it's written all over my face.

"Uh, Aissawa?" "Are you ok?" Dammit, he can see I'm I'm on edge. "hahaha, just fine." I said in an awkward attempt to assure Kagura everything was fine, I don't think I did a great job of convincing him.

"You can just call me Horima, and if I'm being honest I'm just a bit um, overwhelmed, haha."

"Did I say too much?" Kagura asked. I could since his usually happy good lucky persona fading away. Before I could open my mouth he grabbed my hands and started speaking very quickly like he was panicking. " I'm sorry! " "Sometimes I can talk to much, if it ever becomes to much just tell me to shut up an I'll get the message " "K K Kagura, its....." I tried to stop him but he just kept going...

"My job is to make your life easier not harder than it has to be"

Kagura!!! He froze when he heard me shout his name. "y yes? Aissawa?! "Sigh"

"You did a great job explaining, I'm sure you have capable hands. I look forward in your guidance." He blushed. "Um, but do you think you can release my hands, people might get the wrong idea,haha..."

"Right," he cleared his throat as he prepared to speak. "well like I said I'm here if you need me." I'm ....."I'll show you to your dorm. The dorms are set to where there are 3 people assigned to a room. One of your roommates is already there now." He lead me around back to the dorm apartments. On the way there he explained how dorm life here at Alloma worked. The campus has is own set of dorm apartments, all dorms are set up for 3 occupants living space, unless you are a teacher then it's a studio style apartment. Student have 3 bedroom, 1bathrom, a living space and a decent size kitchen. All bedrooms are the same size so no one fights over which is the bigger room. Classes are divided up into groups sessions. So for example if you have a math class you come to class on Mon , wed,and Thurs. and those days are divided into lab days and lectures. so Monday would be lectures and Weds Lab. Since this is a top school, not anyone can get in. There are three ways to get accepted into Alloma University. 1. is the long way which involves Entrance exam (placement test) 2 Interviews, one by the school admin and the 2nd by the school president .

2. way to get in is by recommendations by pervious school or someone of high "ranking " however you still need to take the placement test. An lasty even though I hate to say it but I must.

3. If you're rich, let's face it in this world money can get you anywhere, especially if you're parents are well known.

As we continue you on Kagura stopped a little ways ahead of me. Here it is building G, your appartment is on the 2 floor G202, here are your keys. Try not to lose them, the school will charge you a crazy amount to replace them. Each of your roommates have a key of their own but don't rely on them if you lose yours. Not everyone here is as kind a person. " What about you Kagura, your kind?" wha?! you really think I'm kind? Yeah.. He paused before he gave a gentle light laugh, thank you for thinking so but I wouldn't say that, at least not completely.

"Anyway," he grabbed the keys and placed them in my hand and gave me a push to the door. Go get settled, I'm on the 3 floor of this building in case you need me, its room G308.

He dashed off before I could say anything. "The way he ran off like that makes me a little"...sigh let's get going then.

(G2_ Second floor)

(heavy breathing) this is the second floor! Why the hell don't they have elevators! you'd think that the money they get in this place they would... I (paused) In the midst of my angry thought rant, I over hear a "ding" and some laughing. For the love of sweet ketchup, don't tell me. An of course there it was.. the elevator doors. I felt like one of those manga characters where you start crying inside, like why me. The two students who exited out stopped to look at me, as I did them.

One of them was a big guy, had to be at least 6 foot tall and the other was short about 5"4 in comparison. The shorter seemed like he was glaring at me. The way he kept eyeing me up an down. As if he were sizing me up. You must be new here, the shorter one spoke. "I can tell, since you're carrying your things up the stairs " only those who have been here long enough know about this elevator. Hmp, just because I take the stairs? " Maybe I'm just trying to get my steps in, ever think of that?!" "Huh, steps?" he started cracking up laughing, Steps in, you're funny new guy! "Which room you in? " I'm in room G202. Oh, hey that's across from our room, we're room G210. Just a bit of advice new guy, your house key also works the elevator, so don't lose it, it also unlocks other things here at the school. He gave me a wink as he went by me. sigh, I didn't realize accepting this mission would have so many bitter sweet surprises.

But I came here to prove a point, I'll show them, that girls can handle any challenge that comes our way. Walking down the rest of the way toward my new home, I came to G202.

I grabbed my key from my pocket and unlocked the door . As the door opened, i saw the most beautiful room ever. "This is where i live now?" " Pretty impressive right?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see a very tall handsome man, he had blond hair, green eyes, he looked almost to pretty for words. I stepped aside to make room for him to enter the room. " You must be the new roommate, hey, I'm Parker nice to meet you!" He had extended a hand out. I Grasped it, shaking his hand in return. Yo! I knew I heard voices coming from out here. Again stood another handsome man, he was slightly tan , tall, ear pierced and dress slightly cool looking. You must be Horima, the names, Yoshi no suga . But you can call me Suga for short, he said with a wide grin. "Cough cough" Came from Parker basically saying I'm here too! "Hmm" Yoshi said as he looked over towards Parker. Oh you must be our other roommates, Parker was it, he walked over to give him a high five. "Yeah, right" he said feeling awkward. " I'm just going to put my things into my room." Parker must have felt pretty awkward cause he left the room quicker than he entered. An with that it was only Yoshi and I lefted alone. "Well with him gone why don't you come to my room so we can get down to business." Why do I feel like he did that on purpose.