Bitter sweet dreams pt2

He went ahead of me towards the back room, I took a deep breath and followed after him. but when I got there I saw the room was already decorated from top to bottom. "So, Yosh....." "Please call me Suga " he said before I could finish. Ok Suga um....I honestly didn't know where to start. I glanced back over to him unintentionally avoiding his gaze.

He gave me a playful bright smile, I guess he was trying to ease my mind.

"You don't have to be nervous, I'm fully aware of the situation and I support this integration fully." I think it's about time Alloma combined the two schools together. The Male campus has the highest rating number in the country but it's extremely hard to get into. Coming to this school means pushing yourself pass your limits and knowing your here to work. That's not to say that there aren't any slackers here.

We'll have plenty of time to go over all that.

"So tell me Horima why'd you chose this campus over the female department?" Alloma is mostly known for their arts department on both campuses, Theater, music, dance, animation , you name it; Alloma is the best choice, however, most people don't know that there technical department is the best also but that department is only offered on the Male campus.

My father was a great computer genius and I took an interest in the technical aspects of it instantly but more specifically I took an interest in the engineering aspects of it. I love building things, I guess you can say I'm a real nerd when it comes to that kind of stuff. They don't have it on the women campus because they don't believe a woman has any business being behind a machine. That we can't handle the pressure...." it just makes me"... Suga went on to finish my sentence.

"Mad, yeah I get it " he said looking annoyed.

Alloma University isn't an easy school to get in to an even though it's ideal , we have the lowest graduation rates because of how intense the curriculum is here. "They make it seem like we can't handle the pressure. "

" There are alot of women who can do alot of great things and jobs like men. We still live in a world where you still have people who live in the past. But how can you create a better future if you don't take the necessary steps to move forward to change it.

Hearing him speak his point of view is very insightful, I watched him look so in depth in thought. He was leaning up against one of the corner walls by his bed.

"Anyway, I hope you can show them that you too are capable of handling this environment, an of course I'm here to help as well."

"Knock" "Knock" we heard at the door. "come in." The door opened slowly and we saw a familiar face pop up. "Oh Parker, what's up? " "You guys need to come quick " " There are these guys at the door looking for someone"

Yoshi and I looked at each other then back at Parker. " Well what are we waiting for let's go" Yoshi headed to the door and I followed after him. It was hard to see passed both Parker and Suga since they were so tall but once they moved to the side I saw two familiar faces at the door. Those are the guys I saw by the elevators. The small one saw me looking his way. "Kane! that him!" he shouted excited. He ran up to me, with a huge grin on his face. "You remember us, right?" We figured we'd stopped by to check out the place. " Hyde! give him some space", the taller one spoke out. "S sorry" he said rubbing the back of his head. It's not a big deal I said trying to reassure him. "Where are my manners, I'm Hyde and this is my bud Kane , we live across the hall in G210." Nice to meet you, I'm Horima and these are my roommates Parker and Yoish no suga. Yo! called out Yoshi. Parker nodded and said hey.

So, what are you guys studying?

Parker spoke out first, I'm here mainly for there gaming program, more specifically Coding.

Yoish ponder for a second and said, I'm not here for any specific reason, I guess you can say Business. Parker looked at him like he was surprised. "What specifically in business?"

"Don't know, I just want to help the little guys in life I guess, maybe like a small startup. " Hyde went next said he was in animation but he really came here on a sports recommendation. He's on the school basketball and tennis team. Wow I said, you must be really good to be on both teams. He laughed. It's not ideal because of my height but I like proving people wrong. Just because I may not be tall, or my arms and legs might not be long doesn't mean I can't do the same things someone taller than me can. My jumps and speed make up for what I don't have in height and length. If you could only pick one, which would it be. hmm tennis is more of a hobby for me so basketball, I love being a part of a team. Kane went next, said he was in computer science program. Then all eyes fell on me.

So Horima what about you? I came here for there engineering program. There eyes widen. You must be smart than if you are going for such an advanced degree. It's similar to Kane but I hear it's like hard to get in that program said Hyde. Parker had chimed in as well. Yeah I heard only a max of 20 student pre semester are chosen. You must be a genius Horima. I I don't know about that, I just have a nag for putting things together. All this sudden praise has made me feel a bit shy. Specially coming from so many handsome men. Parker and Hyde exchanges at each other than back to me. Maybe you can help me with my games Parker said playful. I doubt a smart guy like you would need my help.

Suga seemed a little annoyed, maybe it was because he was so quiet but I kinda got this feeling that he doesn't really take a liking to Parker that much. We spent the rest of the day talking and hanging out in our apartment, bonding and getting to know each other. Hyde even decided to treat us all to pizza and wings. Parker and Suga played video games trying to decide which one was the "Hell race " car champ. Kane and Hyde watched from the couch. while I went into the kitchen to get drinks. Hey what do you guys want to drink? Hyde asked if we had any Coke, as did kane, Parker and Suga were to involve in their war fare to even pay attention. I toss over two cokes. Nice toss Horima, maybe you should join my B-ball team. we both laughed. Thanks but I don't think it's for me.

The atmosphere in the room was amazing till it suddenly changed. Parker and Suga had taken a break and I noticed Parker looking at his phone intensely. tsk! I heard him say. What's wrong? I had asked him. Can you believe this there trying to integrate the women and men campus. Word gets out quick, I thought to myself. " I know it's amazing" "huh?, Amazing? he repeated confused. "Amazing, no not at all." Hyde and Kane came over to interject their own opinions. I think it's cool said Hyde, hot smart girls around, the school won't be so as intense and overwhelming. "The last thing we need are girls here, an that one reason right there." I chose this school to get away from the distraction that women bring. "So because you have a hard time keeping it your pants, girls shouldn't go here, that's the lamest excuse I've ever heard " Yoshi called out from behind.

Parker seemed to be annoyed but trying his best to hide it. "Ha that's easy coming from the guy who doesn't expect much out of life."

Your right, I don't even see why stressing to come to a big fancy elite school even matters, especially since you want to be a game developer, you could have went anywhere but you decided to come here because you can't handle being around a female. Tsk....

This suddenly just got personal, The rest of us could till this wasn't going to end well if no body stepped in.

"Hey guys let's just calmed down," Hyde said trying to stand between the two.

Hey no problems here, I would respect his view more if he had a better reason but all I'm hearing is BS. "Oh so now I need your approval to have an opinion?" Parker seemed to be getting more tense than before. Look I don't want no girls here, guy deserve to have a place where they don't have to worry about any female drama. He opened his mouth to speak but no word came out. He got up headed towards the kitchen for a drink then stormed off to his room. Hyde sighed "Well that was intense." "No, kidding " said Kane.

Should I check on him? I said to myself. I guess Kane knew what I was thinking cause he answered by saying just give him some time to cool off. Yeah right.