
Next day

Friday morning 10AM

The atmosphere since last night has been pretty rough. After what went down yesterday, it was only Kane, Hyde and Me left when the food had arrived . We hope the glorious smell of cheese and tomato sauce would lure them out of their room's to eat but it didn't.

Parker and Suga haven't left there room since.

It's 10 in the morning and I'm preparing breakfast but it's so quiet I feel kinda scared to knock on either of there doors. Just then I heard a door open and close and a pair of feet headed my direction. Is it Parker or Suga?? or.... I saw a shadow of a silhouette then a head pop up around the corner. Blonde hair, uh it's Parker. He entered the kitchen heading straight toward the fridge, he wore shorts and a white tshirt and had a pair of head phone's on.

Is it wrong to say I'm totally attracted to him like this. "Uh" I heard him say as if he could sense me staring at him. He looked up and toward my way as I quickly looked away at the same time. Taking off his head phone's he spoke out. Good morning Aissawa, I'm sorry I didn't see you standing there. I faced him feeling awkward knowing I had been checking him out. "Morning, are you hungry I'm making breakfast ?" Thanks but Sorry I usually take a morning run before breakfast but if you don't mind putting it aside for me I'll eat it when I get back. Oh sure no problem. Great, he said with a big smile. An headed out of the kitchen. " Sigh, oh Aissawa " I jumped in surprise hearing him call my name. Yyes Parker? About last night..he pause before he continued on, I hope I didn't offend you.

"Offended?! Why would I be offended "

Well you know, with what I said, I don't want you to think I hate women or anything, it's just...he paused again. It looked like he was trying to find the right words. I just don't think that integration is a good idea for this school. It has nothing to do with me not thinking girls aren't equals but more of, how should I say it. Think of it like this, some guys choose this school for a reason because there weren't females here.

Honestly I wonder why he has such an issue with this, did something happen to do? But I can tell that he's struggling, maybe it's a sore subject for him.

Parker you don't have to explain yourself to me, I'm not offended at all, we are all entitled to our own views on things, that won't change my opinion of what I believe and as long as we respect that we might disagree than there's no problem here. Right he said he kinda sounded defeated; however it didn't stay there long. Well I'm going to go take my run. "m'kay later Parker "

(Parkers POV)

Leaving the house head phone's on, phone strapped to his arm. He takes a deep breath and ran.

"Aissawa seems to be one pretty understand guy" Kinda mature for some one so young too.

He stood in front of the door getting lost in his own thoughts. "There's something not right about him, I can't pinpoint what it is but I know that there's something about him "

Shaking his head he dashes off to the stairs. Jogging downstairs pass the end of the hall he saw Kane and Hyde coming off the elevators. They glanced over to see Parker but he was off in a split second before they could even say anything.

Pacing himself down the flight of stairs he made it to the parking area out side. He headed off down the side walk. An that Yoshi guy, what was his deal, he didn't need to be harsh.

Who am I kidding I suck at explaining stuff but still he didn't have to come at me so hard.

Yoish no suga, is a scary guy....

(Back in the kitchen)

"Well something smells good!!"

Oh Suga, I didn't even heard you come in.

"Of course not, I'm as stealthy as a cat " He had this funny expression on his face while trying to act like a cat.

"Dude, never do that again," I said trying not to laugh.

"So I see your in a good mood this morning." "Yeah, why wouldn't I be." " Well I assume after last night with you an Parker "

"huh, Parker?" "Oh you mean blondie"

"Yeah, I don't let petty things like that bug me, besides we're in college now, no need to act like children " I'm surprised at how mature Suga is being about this " Plus we live together so it be pretty hard to avoid him seeing how we are under the same roof.

"Anyway enough about blondie what you cooking?"I'm gald you asked, on today's menu we have Bacon, eggs and Pancakes ".

Yesss!! Sign me up for a super stack of pancakes please! I couldn't help but smile, Yoshi is pretty charming in his own way too.

"Coming right up"!

It had been 20min later and I heard the front door opening.

"Parker, is that you?" " I set your plate to the side "

Thanks I'll get it after my shower he replied walking passed Suga and I in the kitchen.

Yoshi didn't seem to be phased he just kept eating. He was already on his 2nd helping of food. His first stack was like 4 pancakes, scrambled eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. I can't believe he's still hungry. He went for another 3 stacks of food. Jeez dude, you're like a bottomless pit clam down.

He cocked his head up and to the side confused. Then laughed. I have a high metabolism and I work out 2 times a day a week. So I'm usually always hungry. I tend to eat a huge breakfast then a small lunch and dinner. Wow! Now that you mention it you are very toned. He blushed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. Thanks Aissawa! The time he finished his plate, Parker walked in without a shirt on and some sweat pants.

My eyes drifted to how fit he was, you would have no idea he was that ripped wearing a shirt. Wow Parker you're pretty toned too. I felt myself speaking this out loud with out realizing it. He paused an just looked at me caught off guard and Suga had too. It started to become an awkward silence. Suga spoke out first trying to break the awkwardness. Aissawa, I thought you thought I was ripped, whose got more muscle me or Him.

"wha?! Uh , i don'"

Parker started busting out laughing at my timidness. What's the matter he said as he stood in front of the fridge, why so shy all of a sudden Horima?" He had grabbed a water bottle then closed the door facing me with his towel still around his neck. He twisted off the cap to take a sip of his water. I've never been so hot for someone taking a sip of water. If this keeps up I'll never make it.

"Well Horima, who has the better body, me or Su ga." he said mockingly.

Suga glared at him then looked back at me.

"Um well would you look at the time, I gotta head to class already." Sorry boys but your on your own , gotta go bye. I rushed off passed them and headed to my room.

Well that was entertaining, he was so flustered Haha. Parker took another sip of his water before looking at Suga. Hee, enjoy breakfast blondie you don't want to lose those muscles Suga teased. As he walked out the kitchen. tsk whatever he said as he went to sit down an eat.