First day of torture?

It's been a week since I started living in the dorms. An its officially my first day of classes since moving in. I've noticed Parker and Suga are trying to avoid each other more and more but they still act civil while I'm around. An I didn't realize before that they were super polar opposite. They disagree on just about everything but personally I think Suga's just trying to purposely piss him off.

Anyway, I'm on my way to my first class computer science, Kane and I are in the same class and Kagura wasn't kidding when he said only 20 kids get into a class pre semester. I was one of many to arrive to class early. I wanted to get a good spot.

When I got there the room was huge, it felt like I was standing in a mini theater/ lecture hall, if that makes sense. The way the seats were organized was like rows of bleachers. I Sat in the middle row. Slowly the room started to fill with students, getting more and more crowded. Till finally our instructor walked in .

I saw Kane seated to the far left of me towards the second to front row.

"Good morning class, I will be your instructor for the next semester." I work with another teacher who will be doing your labs. My name is Mr. Hellburt and just like my name this class will literally feel like hell but you chosen few made it in this class because you are smart enough to handle the pressure, let's see if I can make diamonds out of you .

The class stood silent as he went on and on about the class and how difficult this was going to be.

He went on to talk about some of the other courses will need to take like:

Mathematical foundations.

Algorithms and data structures.

Artificial intelligence.

Communication and security.

Computer architecture.

Computer graphics.

Concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems.

and Databases.

Even though I knew I would need to know these concepts a part of me was saying, Horima what have we've gotten ourselves into , but there was no turning back now. I'm already here, think of the other girls who wish they could be in the program they want but can't because of sexist viewpoints. I can't let them down.

The lecture was about 3 hours....I honestly thought I would die. The first hour was just about him explaining the course for us and baiting students to drop out now if they thought this wasn't for them. That this school and class are for serious students who want something out of life. surprisingly enough no one got up. the rest of the time was spent talking about our first concept.

[End of class]

An that is all class, make sure you get today's assignments done before your first lab. See you next class. If you have any questions you can see me if my office. An with that everyone filed out of the class except Kane who approached me. " Hey, so what did you think of today's lecture?" "I honestly thought my head would explode " He laughed, yeah I can tell that this class is going to be hard core. What are you doing after class?" "Why don't you join me and Hyde for lunch." "Sure I said "

We headed out of class together when I noticed Yoshi no Suga walking passed from the opposite side of us. He had his head down tilted to the side. He looked more attractive than he usually does. He had this too cool for school type look, He definitely pulled it off well. I saw he had two small piercing on the side of his ear. He looked up just enough to where I could see those beautiful light brown eyes of his. This man he just so dam handsome. I guess he could sense that I was looking at him cause he lifted his head up as

he glanced my way and smiled. He had made a sharp be line and headed our way. "Aissawa!" he called out cheerfully! He was like a cute puppy excited to his master. How's my bud doing? he said "Did you just get out of class to" I asked him. "I wish, I'm headed to my class now, I hear the guy who teaches the class is a real hardass, sigh but it ain't nothing Yoish no Suga can't handle " he said with a big grin.

"Cough cough " went Kane basically saying yo I'm here too. Yoshi looked over an saw him standing next to me. He had this memorize look on his face like he was annoyed but it vanished as quickly as it showed up. "Yo, Kane what's up ?" Didn't see you there. "Right," Kane said sarcasticly. Yoshi pushed me over to the side so he could be in between us. So where are you two headed? "Kane invited me to lunch with him and Hyde." Sounds like fun while you enjoy your self. and with that he left." Later Aissawa, " the way he said my name like that gave me chills. Like he was being flirty without being flirtatious. Maybe I'm reading into things. "He must be very fond of you Horima " Kane said catching me off guard by his sudden statement.

w w what do you me? "We just met each other the day I moved in" "Really, you guys seem like you two have history." What?? don't be ridiculous. " You don't see it do you, he treats everyone like there invisible when ever you're around. " Now that Kane mentions that Suga kinda does do that, he does the same thing to Parker. " Yoshi no suga you are one hard guy to read.


1:15 pm

Kane took me off campus to this cool burger Joint called "Don's bomb'n burger " They have over a hundred burgers you can choose from.

Hyde was all ready there waiting for us. Once he saw us he practically waved us down. Hyde's a funny and cool guy. He kinda gives of this older big brother vibe. Before heading over, Kane stopped "Hey Horima you don't have to worry about what I said earlier, it's not a big deal. " "huh?" I said confused. Hyde is the same way with me. He's like a little lost puppy" we've been friends for a long time.

"You guys hurry up I'm straving." "Sigh, calm down Hyde we're coming "

"So Aissawa, you decided to join us " Hyde said sounding cheerful. Kane invited me, this place is huge! it looks so small from outside. "Hyde smile wide, I know this place is great, Kane and I have been coming here 3 times a week". Three times a week, they must have some pretty good burgers " So what were you guys talking about anyway? Nothing Hyde, just some class stuff. I already ordered for us, hope that is ok with you guys. "Sure but what did you get " They have this signature burger called "The Don King special " supposed to be a double burger with the works, I'm talking lettuce, tomato, onions, bacon, fried egg with special sauce, my mouth is just salivating just think'n about it " "We know we can see the drool" , Kane teased. He wiped the sides of his mouth and laughed. "Sorry Kane but it sounds so good!!" So Aissawa Yoish no suga, he's a bit intimidating " Suga? no way, he's so sweet " "Yeah he's a real sweet guy, he said teasingly, haven't you ever seen the way he looks at people, he's got this vibe like he could take you out, just with the way he looks at you ." Aissawa wouldn't know Hyde, since Yoish treats him differently than the rest of us." "wha ya mean?" " There just really good friends." Wait, I thought you guys just met? "We did, but I guess you can say we really hit it off as friends. " Now that you mention he is like super nice to you " You guys must be tight. Well, what about Parker? I feel like Yoshi secretly has it out for the poor guy. Kane and Hyde continued talking amongst themselves as I became lost in thought. Parker really isn't a bad guy but I could sense from the first day they met something wasn't right between them. Yoshi no suga, isn't the type to hide behind his feelings. An even if Suga says otherwise he really doesn't seem like he cares to get along with Parker.

Speak of the devil look who it is said Hyde. We turned to look towards the door. Right when the door opened our food came out.

[All together] Parker?!

He look up at us surprised to see us. He wore headphones and had on a leather jacket , Jeans an average shirt. He walked over towards us an seat in the chair next to me. every one but me greeted him. All of a sudden I felt so nervous and shy being around him. I didn't really understand why I felt so weird. He looked over to me an smiled, Hey Horima how's it going. Hey you come here alot too? Hmm no , a classmate told me about this place, thought I would check it out. He looked over at my plate. "So what'd you get?" As I explained the type of Burger I got he stole one of my fries and said it sounds and looks good. Hyde and Kane froze staring at him. I think I'll try it too be right back, he said as he got up and took another fry. He looked me in the eye an smile like nothing was wrong. Kane and Hyde looked at each other while holding their burgers in hand then looking my way. I was fixated on Parker as I grabbed to eat one of my fries. Hyde and Kane kept quiet as they resumed eating.

Did he seriously take two of my fries without asking....I said to myself. I took a bite out of my sandwich and Parker made his way back over.

They said it should be 15mins he said as he reclaimed the seat next to me. He smiled and looked at me again an attempted to take another one of my fries. "SMACK" I popped his hand. An glared at him, he gave me this look like he wasn't even phased by me smacking his hand away.

He reached over again in a second attempt to take another fry. I ready my hand, preparing to strike when, swipe, he took two more fries before I could even swat my hand down.

"Parker!!" I fussed, glaring at him. He just snickered as he ate my fries. Hyde just shook his head and Kane tried to ignore the exchange that was happening. "Your such a child!" I fussed at him. He laughed some more.

Aissawa do you think we can have a second alone. He asked out of the blue. um sure...I said.

We got up and walked over to another table.

"Uh so what's up?" He looked at me long and hard. I thought he was going to burn a hole through my face. Then he leaned forward and smiled.

" Be honest Aissawa "

"Your a girl aren't you?"
