Operation: Horima Aissawa is a boy

"Be honest with me, Aissawa, your a girl aren't you?"

(Flashback to 2 days ago)

"Your secretly a girl right?" I froze in a panic, how the hell did he find out so quickly? What gave it away?? I can't be found out this way...

I have to say something, I need to do something...

(deny, deny, deny, ) Deny everything!!

" Girl? don't be ridiculous " I said trying to laugh it off. But it was easy to see he wasn't buying it. He raised an eye brow in suspicion. Still wearing that smug grin on his face.

" Look you don't have to lie to me if you are. " he said as he lend back in his chair with his arm crossed. I started to feel anger rising from within me. I wasn't mad that he was right but I was more upset that he could possibly ruin this for me if the truth came out.

This situation looked like this was assuming to him and this wasn't a joke this was serious. An I had to put a stop to it. Right here, right now! I looked Parker in the face I could tell he was trying to read me. "I can see your being serious." "let's just call it a feeling. "

"Feeling huh, tsk"

" Look if this is supposed to be some kinda joke, I don't find it very funny " I stood up from my chair . He remained quiet not saying a single word. Just looking straight at me.

"Don't waste my time on so called feelings, when you don't have proof to back it up "

I walked back over to Kane and Hyde leaving him alone.

"So it's proof that I need, huh." he said to himself. Ok I'll go get it then.

Parker's POV

"Are you a girl? " I figured I tease him at first just to see how he would react but when I saw his face, i knew then that it was more than just an accusation. If I'm being completely honest there is just something off about Aissawa. Whenever I'm around him I get this weird feminine vibe. It be easier for me to understand if he were really a girl. I hate to admit it but Aissawa is a pretty damn good looking guy, he's what you would call feminine. He has such small delicate hands and his skin is just flawless. Only recently have I started thinking about it and besides there is just way to much evidence pointing to the fact he might be a girl.

Parker thought back to all the time where he thought Aissawa was acting strange.


There was the time Aissawa was smelling really good, like how a chick would smell, all flowerly. I remember I had bumped into him when he came out of the bathroom, he smelted like roses.

Also he takes showers at strange hours throughout the day and he refuses to use the same clothes basket as me and Yoshi no suga. which isn't to weird but he is extra nervous about it when I ask him about it.

In the midst of his flashback Horima spoke out.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm a guy" ...

hm there was a slight pause before he answered.

"Look you don't have to lie to me if you are " I said to him.

Then he stood up and looked at me with these cold eyes. If this is supposed to be some kind of joke, it's anit funny.

He got up and walked away from me.

hmp your not getting away from me that easy

You can't walk away from this Aissawa, I will provide that you are indeed a girl.

[End of Flashe back. ]

Ever since then I feel like Parker has been watching my every move. What should I do?

I know I've been super careful. I lefted all my girlie stuff at home. I even bought boxers for crying out loud, I even cut my hair. I'm even dressed the part. So how is it he thinks I'm a girl.

In my moment of panic I remembered the conversation me a Yoshi had.

(Yoshi no Suga)- "I'm here to help you succeed " "I'll do what ever I have to help you make this integration happen.

That's right Suga main objective is to help see this task through.

Without thinking I ran out my room , headed towards Suga. I opened the door without even thinking to knock. "Hey Yoshi no Suga!"

I shouldn't have rushed in.... Why did I have to see this. There was a long awkward pause.

I couldn't unsee what I just saw. I felt really..really..

Suga looked at me, us both quiet. Ai..... before he could finish saying my name I ran out his room, hell I ran out of the apartment.

I just needed to get away from him. Far far far away from what I just saw. I couldn't process the scene that laid before my eyes. As I headed for the front door I raced passed Parker. "Hey Aissawa " he shouted after me. An before I knew it I was outside in the parking lot. I rested my back up against the wall of the building. To catch my breath.

Heavy breathing, that's all I could hear, was me breathing heavily. I felt weak.



My mind went back to what I just saw. That image is burned into my subconscious. When I opened the door, I was so excited to see him, to get his help but sitting there was some woman. She laying in his bed. She was so close to him, she was laying next to him.

so many questions.....So many...questions

Who was she? Why was she there? Is she his lover? Why was she so close to Suga? Why do I feel so sick? Why do I feel like crying.

I mean Yoshi and I aren't a thing, but I thought we were getting closer. Was I imagining it? If I'm being honest I've met him once before, it was a brief encounter but I still remember. Even then he didn't seem like the type too....why does it even matter. I don't know why I feel this way. An it doesn't help that she was beautiful too. Her body was more mature than mine. She had beautiful long hair like I once had before I cut it. She seemed so feminine and beautiful. Why do I feel like its so hard for me to breathe all of a sudden. Damn!

Stupid Yoshi no Suga.

Yoshi no Suga POV

Yoish dear who was that? was that a friend of yours? No one you need to be concerned about. Hmm, he seemed a bit flustered, with the way he ran out. He sigh.

"He was kinda cute though, I could have some fun with that one," hehehe she giggled.

tsk, he's off limits Yan

"Hmm, what's this, jealous are we, hm Yoshi you will always be my favorite."

"I'm serious Yan."

"Fine, I want touch him", she said while crossing her fingers behind her back.

Climbing out of the bed with only sweatpants on , Suga took a deep breath.

"Huh, where are you going, Suga?" Forget him, he'll be alright, just lay here with me.

"Didn't I already tell you I'm not interested in dating clingy girls " Tsk, clingy huh, if my memory serves right it was you, who begged me to do this arrangement.

I guess we both remember different, now don't we and besides Yan, I don't remember you laying up in my bed half naked being apart of our agreement.

She crawled over to him across the bed as if trying to seduce him. This is just a bonus, I mean your a handsome man and I'm a beautiful woman, why not play together for a bit.

Pass, he said as he grabbed a pair of sneakers and slipped them on.

"Yoshi no Suga don't you dare leave this room!"

"You can see yourself out "

An with that Suga was headed out.

"tsk damn you Yoshi no Suga, you can be so cruel "

He head toward the front door, on his way out he passed Parker. Parker said a few things as he made his way out the door closing it behind him.

Aissawa!! Hey Aissawa?! I shouted and shouted but nothing. Sh*t! where did she go?

"Horima !" "Horima answer me!"

huh that's sounds like Suga...

Hey Horima!? I turned my head around to see a shirtless Suga, he was out of breath like he jogged around the whole building.

"Aissawa I f fin finally found y you. "

He ran up to me still looking out of breath.

"why? why did you come after me?"

Because Horima Aissawa he paused briefly as he pull me into him. My only interest is in you.

"Smack" before I realized what happened I just felt my hand move on it's own. "Bull! " don't give me that crap.(what am I saying) why am I getting so upset. I didn't realize he caught my hand. So my hand never connected to his face. As I peered into his face he wasn't upset, but when I looked into his eyes I could see hungry in his eyes. He was serious about what he said.

Before I let him speak I spoke out first. We can talk about this later, we have a bigger problem.

"What happened?" "Parker knows "

His eyes widened then turned to a frown.

"How?!" He sounded irritated

He looked at me and repeated himself "How Aissawa?"

I explained what happened down at Don Bomb'n Burgers. He listened intently until I was finished. "Basically he's just guessing, he really doesn't have any solid evidence that you are , you know. " "A gi.." He place a hand over my mouth. shh he could be listening, and I'm sure there are probably others who would not be to thrill having you here" So you shouldn't use that word so loosely in public. "Sorry Suga"

"Well will just have to prove to him that you're really a guy"

"An how do you plan on doing that? "

"You just leave it to ol Suga " he had this wide grin. It was the first time I felt scared

What will he do?