Operation: I am a guy?

How did it come to this....I ask myself this standing in the middle of Yoshi no Suga bedroom. Suga is dress from head to toe in Army gear. Honestly what have I gotten myself into. But I won't lie, he definitely makes this Army look work.

"Alright welcome to "the Yoshi no Suga's boot camp! " "Boot Camp?!" I repeated.

He stood tall with his hands on his hips, grinning. "Your enjoying this aren't you "

He started laughing evily. At that point I didn't know what to do but I felt like I should leave the room. "Maybe Hyde was right " I said to myself. Maybe he is scary....

Aissawa! he shouted out excited! Prepare your self, by the time I'm finished with you Parker won't dare to second guess your gender muhahah haha

Yoshi no Suga you have finally lost it. I shook my head.

First thing is first what type of guy are you going for? excuse me?? I said, not really sure I understood the question.

What do you mean?

To put it simply biologically you are not a "guy" but you are playing the "role " of one so since that is the case, if we are going to convince Parker that you are one of us, I need to know what type of guy you are going for so it's more convincing.

"I never really thought about it "

I see this is going to be harder than I thought. Yoshi sigh, he definitely has his work cut out for him.

"Maybe I should just come clean"

"Don't tell me you've given up already?" He asked "of course not, but I also didn't realize how problematic this was going to become.

"Are you not the one who begged for this chance to be here". "yeah but.." "Are you the one who says that women are strong and can push through anything " yeah I did "Then why are you giving up just because you hit a bump in the road "

Yoshi no Suga is right, if I give in now what was the point of me coming here. It's already been a week since I started school, a measly week but I won't let this get the better of me.

"Ok Suga let's do this!" He smiles

The next couple of weeks are hard, Suga basically breaks down the fundamental of being a guy and it was pretty confusing at first. We had to meet in secret since Parker was getting more and more Suspicious about me and Suga. It was later in the afternoon and Suga had went off to class. Today was my day off so I figured I would chill in our living room and watch TV. It was actually nice, I had the apartment to myself or at least I thought I did.

Week 4 of Boot Camp

I watched TV till Parker came back home from his afternoon Jog. I noticed that Parker works out alot. However, you wouldn't be able to tell.

I heard the front door open and Parker walked in looking sweaty and out of breath. Man he looks good. Anyway he drop his bag by the door and headed into the kitchen. Once he came back he approached me.

Hey Aissawa! Hey Parker how was your jog? Fine, um do you have a minute?

Can I talk to you ? Sure I said . Wonder what he wants to talk about? The last time we spoke was when I saw him at the diner. I followed behind him as we walked over into his room. He had closed his door behind him. I looked around the room it wasn't very decorated. I realize this is the first time I've been inside parker's room. It was more roomy than Sugas. So um what's up? I asked him. what did you want to talk about? He took a seat on his bed holding a water bottle in hand. He unscrewed the top and took a sip. Then closed it back up.

That lady that was here 3 weeks ago , do you know who she was? Lady? I said confused trying to think about what he could be talking about. Lady what lady? hmm, could he mean. Then I remembered, he was talking about the woman who was in bed with Yoshi no Suga.. The woman I was so desperate to forget.

Yeah I remember her, why? What about it? He paused before speaking again placing his water bottle on his night stand.

"What did you think of her?"

"What did I think of her, hmm" I thought back to when I first saw her. To remember brought back those foolish painful feelings. I didn't like her but I can't let Parker know that. He'll definitely think there's something wrong with me. So instead I pretend to not know.

"I don't really know, I saw her for a split second why?" Why is he interested in what I think any way? Maybe he likes her too.

"She approached me about you " He turned to look at me, then turn away. " "I told her, she wasn't your type." Wha? why would he say something like that for.

"How do you know what my type is?" He glanced back over towards me an smiled. He stood to his feet and walked over towards me, forcing me into a corner. I never felt so small in my entire life.

"Aissawa, you are not to be alone with that woman." I frown at him seriously and pushed him back. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" Listen or don't listen I don't care, I'm just trying to warn you. "

"Why would you care?" "I just don't trust her is all, an also your mine." I froze....yours...like hell I am. I'm getting tired of this Parker, I'd appreciate it if you didn't toy with me. He took a step back and then grinned, "never, I would never toy with you ". I walked out of his room.

Parker is really starting to make it harder for me. I hate this...damn his stupid handsome face.

Storming off all I could think about were his words trailing in the back of my mind. "Your mine." "What does that even mean?"

Parker you are one dangerous man.....