This is Alloma University

7:30 am Tuesday morning,

Alloma University Board Meeting

Inside the president's office

There it stood two glorious wood doors, an a overall sense of dread. Behind those doors I knew what awaited me, yet here I was still nervous. Just seated here waiting made my stomach turn. A brightly dressed woman sat in front of me behind a desk as if I were non-existence. In the waiting room I was forced to stand in was unbearably silent. The tics of the clock became apparently loud. My senses became overwhelming. When would my suffering end? Just then the phone rang, would this be my saving grace? The phone call was straight to the point, then she placed the phone down. Anticipation crept as I stood to by feet but just like my presence she was quick to leave. Through those back doors she vanished and through those doors she returned again.

"Mr Aoi the president will see you now" Time has finally come for me to step behind the curtains, and to see the puppet master at work. Heading through the other side of those doors made me feel like I was entering into another world. In away I guess you can say I was. On the other side of those door sat a far reaching desk, with a tall chair facing away from me.

I made my way towards the man sitting behind the desk. "That's far enough" he spoke signaling me to stop with his hand. "Why am I here?" "Bold of you to address your superior in such a manner. "not if said superior is your own farther." "whoosh, he whipped his chair around to face me" I don't care if you are my son, you will call me "Mr. President" are we understood. "Loudly."

"This is about your assignment over at the University"

"Assignment?' "What assignment?" A few days ago a student from the Alloma's all girl university requested a meeting with me. "Uh huh, ok, what she want?"

She came to me to talk about one of our degree programs. "Which program?" Our Engineering program. "Which one?" We have over several different ones.Computer Hardware Engineering,Computer Software Engineering, or Computer Architecture, Processing, and Robotics?

Does it really matter which one. Those programs are on on the mens campus. Not here on the womans campus. "Ok so why not make it available on the campus then. Don't be ridiculous there wouldn't be enough student to fill the class. Plus there hasn't been any request for the program in the past. I would need there be a significant amount of request for the course just to consider it. Since Ms. Aissawa is the only student who requested it I had to deny her request. "An how did that go?" "Not very well I'm afraid, that is why I have requested you to meet with me today." "Let me guess you want me to convince her to choose another program that is convenient at the woman's campus. "Precisely!" "In that case I refuse" "e excuse me?!" State your reason why you can not come ply with my request?"

Simply really, I don't see why you shouldn't give her a chance to attempt it.

"Have you gone mad boy!?" Allow a female student to attend class at an all male school" "Never!"

I don't see whats the harm in it, Alloma male campus is the most unorthodox, ball busting private school in the country. Lets test to see if she can really tough it out there in that environment. It seemed like my words were actually getting to him, however I never believed he would actually listen. I figure he blow me off as he did always . My father was good for that. He had ended our meeting there. Said he wanted to reflect on our conversation. Normally that's code for get out of my sight, I'm done with you. A week later I heard through the grape vine that he held another meeting and he had request to speak with that girl. At the time I didn't realize the huge role I would play in this, nor could I have foreseen what he was planning. Another week after that I was called back into his office to the biggest surprise of my life.

"Integration, the old made said, " He was going to combined the men and women campus together." "The world must be coming the an end because my father, not this imposter in front of me, would never , ever recommend such an idea." He rather be put in an early grave than integration. An then after he explain it, it all made sense, this was my father, Alloma university President.

Aio you are going to represent this girl, and each month you will send me a monthly report on how she is doing in this program. He explain the terms of agreement for the integration of the two university, and what was require for it to be a success and if we were to fail, not only would she be kick out of her program, she would be kicked of the university all together and the topic of integration would never be brought up again. Just Like Ms. Assiawa there were condition I had to follow as well. One: No one was to know I was the Presidents son, two I was to send timely and consistent report to his assistance. Three, ensure ms. Aissawa ture identity is never revealed. To this plan my father stated that there were 3 phases of integration, Phase one: the trial stage. Phase two: The Demand , Phase three: Decision.

I was to also to attend Alloma as a student under an alias .

Known as Yoish no Suga. I kinda like it .

Remember Aio from here on out you are not to have any contact with me unless you are sending in your report. Phase one is a go, you start tomorrow. Pack your things up tonight and have them sent over to the dorms. Now if you excuse me my next appointment should be arriving soon. " If you don't mind me asking why is this such a big deal to you. "

Those were the last words I spoke to him.

I remember his words clearly.

He said to put it simply Aoi this is Alloma we have a reputation to up hold. This transition could make or break our University.

That was over a month and two weeks ago . Now here I am living life under cover at Alloma University. A school for the rich and genius. A cut throat environment that only the best of the best can survive. At least that's what they would have you to be.

Aissawa is late. I wonder if he's ok? His class ended about an hour ago.

"His" training is going well, but will it be enough to convince Parker.

I heard the front door open, so I assume it was Aissawa. I headed out to the front room to only be greeted by non other than Parker.

He looked like he just returned from an intense run. "Yoish no Suga?" I'm surprised your home, Usually Aissawa is here and you're off to class by now. This is a rare sight indeed. I had off today, as for Aissawa he should have been home already. Probably is busy. "So what do you think about Aissawa, Parker?". He dropped his bags to the floor and head to the kitchen. "hmm" Honestly not sure, but he is definitely an interesting and fun roommate to have. "What about you " Not sure yet but I agree that he is indeed interesting.

Hey Parker why don't we all go hangout we can even invite Hyde and Kane if you like.

He stepped out the kitchen looking tired yet content. "Why, not it'll be the perfect chance for us to all get to know one another. "

"Great I'll let Aissawa know when he returns. "

He nodded and headed off towards his room.

Time to put Aissawa training to the test.