Let's plan a trip

If I'm being honest it seems like everything has finally cool down here at home Between Parker and Yoshi no suga. The way they fight you would think they knew each other. On the upside I noticed that Parker hasn't said nor mentioned anything about me being a girl. I don't know if I should be concerned or joyous regardless I'm going to bask in this moment as for now I am in the clear.

When I came home the other day I was Surprised that they were both sitting in the same lounge area together. That kind of caught me by surprise. They both said It was because they were waiting for me to come home. To talk to me about a proposition.

A day out with Parker, Hyde, Kane and Yoish no Suga. It should be fun but I'm still a bit nervous about this trip. Can we really go out on an outing Without Parker and Yoshi no suga trying to kill each other? I like to believe such a thing is possible but I won't get my hopes up. "So where are we going?" I had asked them, it's a surprise. When it comes to those two I don't know if i should be to enthralled by this surprise.

I'm currently sitting in my room studying when Yoshi no Suga enters my room followed by a "Knock knock" Aissawa I'm coming in.

seated at my computer desk I twirled around to face my door to see Yoish no Suga looking oddly suspicious. "Aissawa what are your plans for today? " I was a bit caught off guard by his sudden question, Yoshi doesn't usually ask me about what my plans are.

"Why?" I asked. Are we doing more boot camp training? hmm, Why so suspicious of me Aissawa. I figured we could get to know each other better. I me the real you, not the fake persona of you.

I must be dreaming. He went from looking so confident to now looking so nervous.

"Sure I would like that". Just like that he was back to normal. um Aissawa, he looked like he wanted to ask something. yes Suga. Looking at him now he wasn't the same happy Yoish no Suga he was a minute ago. He looked to have a far away gaze in his eyes that was now consumed with longing. "Ah just make sure you get ready soon" Just like that he had left.

20 minutes later

Ok Yoish I'm ready, he looked like much nicer and put together than usual like he put a lot of thought into what he was wearing.

I wanted to compliment him but I wasn't sure if Parker was around. We headed down stairs to the Parking garage area. "what are we doing in a parking garage? " He laughed amusingly. This is where I keep my car. "You drive I didn't know that." What else are you hiding I teased. Hmm i guess you'll have to follow me and find out... Ms Aissawa he said in a hushed and flirty tone. Um Yoish I wanted to say this early, you look really nice today. He just smiled , thank you Aissawa. He opened the back door to his SUV and told me he had something for me. "What is it?" See that shopping bag in the middle of the back seat. "Yeah" That's for you to wear for today. "Wear but I'm already wearing " Ms Aissawa I told you today I want to get to know the real you. An that'll be kinda hard if you are dressed like a guy. Plus I figured you would be more comfortable in these. I opened the bag to see a beautiful Laced Blouse and a miniskirt that complements it perfectly. Part of me was dying to try this outfit on but another part of me was hesitant. Should I really? What if I blow my cover. "It's ok, it's just for today, where we're going, no one will know who you are."

So, what I just change in the back of the car?

Yeah, I'll stand out here till you are finished. Knock on the window 3 times to let me know you are done. An don't worry I won't peek he said teasing me with a wink. I felt even more nervous but I climbed in and he shut the door after me. Are you sure you can't see in here.

He chuckled, I'm sure the windows are tinted so only you can see out no one can see in.

I nervously took my top off and tried on the blouse. I was amazed that a fit me perfectly. I slid off my pants and replaced them with the skirt and just as he instructed I knocked on the window 3 times. He had opened the door.

See that wasn't so bad I heard his voice as he came around the door and his perfectly sexy smile faded in to one of awe. Hor Horima?! He was speechless as he helped me out the car to examine me. From head to toe. You look beautiful he said. My face flushed hot, I knew I had to be blushing. "But you're shoes have to go" I looked down to my feet to see he was right, my beat up sneakers don't go with this look. He popped open his trunk and pull out a box of shoes. Here try these on. I opened the box to reveal a pair of black wedges they were perfect. He walked me around the other side of the car and helped me in . I wait for him to join in on the other side. "So where are you taking me?" You must really not like surprises he said sarcasticly. "I'll have you know that I love them." unless it's a sucky surprise haha.

He started the car, the engine almost purring quickly. Well Ms Aissawa your just going to have to wait and see.

Excitement welled up within me I couldn't wait to see what this little adventure would bring me. As we reved up the engine and back out we were on the road.

The car ride started out a little quiet and started to turn into awkward silence the anticipation of what to talk about made me crazy. The desire to talk to him but not knowing what to say was driving me crazy. Being dressed like this and being alone with him was different than usually. In this moment I was Horima Aissawa the girl not Aissawa the male roommate. I was alone in this car with some one I not only admire but someone I was extremely attracted to. Could I really let go and be myself. The sound of my heart racing became apparently loud. Can he hear it? I was beginning to get sucked into my own thoughts. Until the sound of his voice brought me back to reality.

So Aissawa tell me something about yourself ?

Well what do you want to know? Just start by telling me how you ended up attending Alloma University. What was the girl campus like?

Why'd you choose this school?

"Well as you may have figured out I'm by no means what you call rich." Put my family, thanks to my dads hard work and clever brains we aren't what you call poor either. I guess you could say upper middle class but still middle class. During my senior year of high school my father became very sick. He wanted nothing more than for me to achieve my goals in life. Even if it meant sending me to the most expensive school in the country.

Your father sounds like a great guy. He really was the best. You see my father went to Alloma University when he was my age but he never graduated with his degree. "Really why is that?" The summer before he started his college classes he met my mother, I guess you can say it was love at first sight. He met her at an Alloma party, this was before the school was whipped into shape and is so strict like it is now. That day they were glued to the hip.

After he had started school they continued to see each other and he ended up finding out my mother was pregnant with me. He had a choice to get his degree or to drop out. My mother told him to finish but he just didn't see how he could. So he dropped out and started working. "Wow that must have been tough for him." He made me promise to finish and get my degree. So naturally I decided to come here. I've always known that I wanted to work with computers and to build things but When I came here I didn't realize that wasn't an option on the female campus. Life on the woman campus was simple but not at all easy. I was taking all of the requirement classes that qualify you for the technical department at the men campus. Once I got the grades to show that I could take the course I requested a meeting with the school president.

We talked on for hours after that point, we laughed, and Yoish had moments where I thought he was going to cry from all the laughter. This moment meant everything to me and he listened, liked really listened.

I felt like he actually understood me. He told me about his family and some of his hardships.

We decided to lighten the mood from all this serious talk by listening and singing to the songs on the radio. Suga is a terrible singer, but that didn't stop him from singing his heart out. I mean I'm not one to judge, I know I can't sing either but he made me feel safe where I could be myself.

We finally turn off and came to a complete stop. Looking out the passenger window. I noticed a little town festival. With different vendors and a large park with a lake. I quickly turned back to face him. "Is this my surprise " he smiled with a sly grin on his face. "Nope " this isn't your suprise but I figured we've been driving for awhile, so I figured we stop to grab something to eat. We both hopped out of the car and he grabbed my hand as we walked over to the festival grounds. This kinda feels like we're on a date. The butterflies in my stomach went rampant. Yoshi didn't seem to notice my discomfort. I looked down at our hands entwined with each other, I honestly didn't want him to let go. I wanted to stay just like this with him. "Anything caught your eye?" "Something caught my eye alright " ....did I just say that out loud. Maybe he won't notice. "Great that makes things easier. "

Did he figure out what I meant . "So which food stall you want to stop at"

He totally didn't get what I was saying.

I pointed out in the distance at the first stall I noticed. "Thai " never had that before, let's try it. Walking up to the Thai vendor we could smell these amazing spices and flavors.

I order Geng Kheaw Wan Gai is a (Green Curry Chicken). Yoish ordered Massaman Curry.

Waiting for our order I didn't realize how close he was standing up behind me."doesn't the food smell go Yoshi no suga?" I said trying to distract myself from thinking about how close he was to me. I could feel this breath close to the side of my face. "That's not the only thing that smells good " He said in a low husky tone. I squealed in excitement and quickly covered my mouth. I he tried to hold back his laughter but was having a hard to stopping. "Ms. Aissawa you seem a bit flustered " Our food was ready, we walked over with our order and sat a a far table away from prying ears. I started eating first unaware that I was being watched. I looked up in embarrassed as I covered my mouth. "Wha?" is ther somthin on my face? Trying not to talk with my mouth full. "Your cute when you eat, I wonder if you taste just as good ". Hard swallow. I swear I almost choked on my curry. He watched my face and started cracking up at my expression. I'm sorry Horima, I just couldn't resist. "I stood up embarrassed and a little upset ". Aissawa where are you going? "To the bathroom I'll be right back " A few minutes went by an when I returned from the bathroom there was a group of girls maybe a few years younger than me, surrounding Yoish no Suga. He seems to be talking naturally with them but there was one girl in particular who stood out and seemed like she really was trying to get his attention. She was about 5"6 and had curly red hair, blue eyes and seemed very forwarded. I walked over towards them, we she looked up shooting me a death glare. She wrapped her arms around Yoshi no Suga who looked some what displeased by her sudden clingy behavior. He noticed me standing only a few feet away from him. He wave ,calling out my name.

Sorry ladies, but I have to go.

Awe they whimpered in unison. Do you have to go? The red head called after him. He walked over to me and tilted my head up and his gaze fell upon me. His eyes leap from my eyes to my lips and stole a kiss. His lips they lingered before pulling apart from mine. Aissawa let's go get something to drink and head back on the road. All I could is nod. The red hair girl seemed annoyed and walked off with her group. That kiss was it just for show or was it for real?

We grabbed some drinks for the road and a Churro to share. We walked back to the car. As we drove off my mind wander back to that kiss. "Aissawa you ok"

"That kiss?" Hmm what about it? Why?

"No reason just felt like it "

"Why are you toying with me?"

He glanced over my way, seeing my facing the window. Aissawa he said as he tried reaching for my hand but placing back on the wheel.

"Let's just get to our destination" he nodded and before I knew it was get dark.

We made another stop in the middle of nowhere, he had pulled up in front of an old cabin. with a decent size lake. "Who house is this?" "Mine, he answered stepping out of the vehicle. " You own this? "Well my family does but they don't come out here often. This is my surprise?! "Close, what's in side is your suprise ". We headed towards the cabin.

Opening the door Yoshi slid his hands across the wall feeling for a light switch. "Click "

Bright light filled the room. The inside of the cabin was quite quaint, it was very simple but homie. There was a fireplace, a small kitchen an a flight of stairs that led up to the bedroom. There were pictures that covered the walls and little knick knacks sitting up on the shelf . He took the drinks we bought and placed them in the kitchen. He set up a cozy fire and put on the TV . "Get yourself comfortable, I'll be back" He had left the room and headed upstairs. It seemed like he was gone for a long time till I heard hurried footsteps making there way back down.

Alright the surprised is ready. He grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs. That lead to a long narrow hallway, and at the end of the hall there was only one room with light on. The butterflies in my stomach returned and this time more intense. We entered into a decent size bedroom. "Who room is this?" Mine he said as he walked over towards the window. He had set up a telescope by the window and told me to take a look. I looked out the window up at the night sky. "Click" the lights went out but the night sky was all the lights I needed to see. The view was breathe taking. I stood back from looking at the telescope.

Warm strong arms wrapped around me. An a low voice soon followed.

"Yoshi?" shh he said. Horima Aissawa there's something I need to tell you. Just listen for now please. "Im falling for you Ms Aissawa."

I'm sorry about teasing you earlier but I couldn't help myself.

Yoish no Suga has feeling for me? I couldn't believe those words I was hearing

(Yoish no Suga POV)

Those words came out slow and tasteless. I've tried for so long to fight theses feelings but there no use when you are my achilles heel  , my only weakness.

" You are just really cute when you get flustered."

If I'm being completely honest I've had feelings for you the moment I first met you. I know you don't remember but seeing you at the dorms wasn't our first meeting.

"Horima Aissawa you are my achilles heel"

I'm not asking you to do anything at this moment but I needed to tell you how I feel.  

He is warm and yet he's so cold. "Yoshi" Please call me Suga. "Suga" He released his grip around me and went to go turn on the lights. I grabbed ahold of his sleeve like a child not wanting to be alone. Stay like this with me a little while longer. "Suga " his name rolled off the tip of my tongue. I embraced him as he embraced me. Even though it was dark I could still see him, those lips. He came closer to my face. We can't go any further than this. I broke the distance between us connecting our lips together.

They were soft, and tender it was different from the kiss earlier. I could feel him conveying his feelings for me through this kiss. His kisses became hungry, and ravenous. Kissing him was intoxicating, I thought I would lose consciousness. My knees felt weak as if turning to jelly, his arm wrapped around me holding me up. We stumped backwards as we fell on top of his.

His lips parted from mine, he's breath was quick as he hovered over me. I'm sorry he said, staying to his feet, I definitely want you but we can't go any further than this. He walked over to turn on the light. He stood in the door way afraid to look back at me. "Suga?" Please don't make this any harder for me than it already is. I need to cool down.

With that he left, seconds later I could hear the shower running.

What happens now? I ask myself lying alone on top of his bed.