Cabin fever

Last night was such a strange night. After Yoshi no suga brought me here to his family's cabin. He not only kissed me; he also confessed his feelings he had for me. I'm not in tiredly sure if I believe him, though he did seem genuine. I honestly don't know how to feel about the whole situation. Not to mention I still have no idea what his surprise was supposed to be.

After our whole kiss incident last night Yoshi been acting like it never happened between us. Once he left to take his shower, he had made his way back to the room and told me that I could stay in his room for the night, while he took the couch downstairs.

Early this morning I was greet by the bright rays of the of the sun shining into my eyes. As I made my way downstairs, I was in for a little surprise. Standing on the end of the staircase I glanced out the window to see a car parked beside Yoshi no suga. Exiting the car was Kane, Hyde and Parker. Anxiety set in as I ran back up the stair, heading straight for Yoshi no suga's bedroom to change. I knew I had to change back into my everyday "guy" outfit, but it was almost bittersweet for me. I guess you can say this was my Cinderella moment where I turn back into a pumpkin.

Lost in my thoughts Yoshi no suga came to the door. "Aissawa?" Its Suga can I come in. I heard the door handle twist as he knocked on the door an announced that he was coming in. Aissawa I'm coming in he said. As the door open, I was in the middle of putting on my top. My hair a mess, and my small build exposed Yoshi eyes diverted from my half-dressed body. Pulling my T-shirt down he darted his eyes away, avoiding to meet my gaze. Don't tell me that things are now going to be weird now between us. I thought to myself. "You need me?" I asked him, trying to break this deep awkward silence. "no, I just came to tell you that …..." his voice trailed off as if he were embarrassed. "Parker, Hyde and Kane are here" he continued. I'm a where , I saw them from the window." "Right, he said " still trying not to meet my gaze. Is he blushing? I asked myself, trying to read his expression. He tired to hide his now beet red face, but it was for not. This was obviously going to be a problem, if the others start to sense that there is something off between me and Yoshi it won't be good, especially if its Parker. "Yoshi no suga, I think its best if we pretend like last night didn't happened. We don't want the others to... He just smiled like nothing had happened like he wasn't fazed by what I was suggesting. "Consider it forgotten" there was a small delay in pause then he Just said to come down when you are done in here." Further and further, I watched him get away from me till he was gone. The only thing left was the sound of his footsteps trailing even further away down the stairs. I fell on to the bed and sighed, is today going to be ok.

(Mean While outside)

Hyde! Why'd you bring so many damn bags? "Wha'ya mean?" I only brought the essential things. Dude you have as least six bags here. Look I was thinking about all of us what if we get bored here? Someone has to bring the fun. He said with a huge grin across his face. Rolling his eyes and palm facing his face Parker stated that they would only be staying here for 3 days. "Awe, Parker your no fun!" Parker shook his head grabbing his back and suite case and heading for the front door. Waiting at the door he noticed Horima. "Hm, hey Horima!" Horima waved back in response then walked away from the door. Parker had eyed every inch of the cabin, from the wooden exterior, to the oversized lake front view, to what he could see from the inside. Once he stepped inside the cabin his eyes fell over all of the décor and the rest of the cabin. "Quaint" he said setting his bags down beside the door. "So where can I put my things?" Emerging from the kitchen Yoshi no suga instructed Parker to follow him. Before leaving he turned toward my, "I'm looking forward in getting to know you better Aissawa" I walked on in front of me following after Yoshi. I couldn't tell if he was serious or just messing with, but I knew he as up to something. My "girlie outfit I had on the other day was taking by Yoshi and placed back into his car, so I wasn't to worry about Parker finding it. However what Parker said stood out to me. He's right, despite living under the same roof for a month we still don't really know each other. With the craziness between Yoshi no suga and Parker going I honestly would like to get to know Parker better. Even if its only a little bit, I feel like there is more to him that meets the eye.

Later that day after everyone was finished settling in their rooms, Hyde and Kane spent their time by the lake. The view of the lake was honestly breathe taking. Yoshi had started a Barbeque out back leaving Parker and Aissawa inside alone.

I was under the impression that Parker had lied down to take a rest after there long drive here. So, I took this chance to catch up on my reading. When I heard light footsteps trailing down the steps it was Parker. "Aissawa?'

I felt like prey who was being hunted by a hunter, the way he looked at me looked like he was going to pounce at any moment. ...…..

Quick hast he made his way over to the couch I was spread out on. He plopped down as I pulled my legs back, trying to save them from being sat on. "Clasp "I closed my book and set it to the side of me. "You seem eager Parker" Well it's not every day I get a chance to sit and engage it conversation with you Aissawa without Yo-shi no su-ga being around. "Also, I'd like to apologize about before, if you don't mind hearing me out, I'd like to explain why I acted that way. This outta be go….

Remember back to the day we first moved in together? "Yeah, you and Yoshi got into that disagreement. "Right" You also remember the day he brought that woman over. I had temporally forgotten about her… as if that kiss, we exchange whipped it away. "yes, I remember'

"If we fuse the two schools together, what's stopping what transpired between Yoshi no suga and that woman from happening again? Yeah it starts of with just her but then who's to say that their won't be more. I'm not interest in our room becoming a brothel, a hot house, you understand. I don't know if you know this but long ago Alloma use to be just one big campus for boys and girls, however the problem stemmed from constant rager parties, and a steady decline in overall student academics. It was so bad that one year the school almost shut down. To save Alloma from closing the pervious president had decide to do a social experiment where he separate the males and female into distinct campus and to see if it could thrive better. With new rules and structure, it became better. Listening to him speak, it almost sounds like he was just blaming womanfor whathappened to the school. "So, can you honestly say then it was just the girls then?" Sure, when you mix men and woman together plus hormones sometimes things can get out of control, however you can't solely blame that on only woman. As a man you are responsible for your own thoughts and actions, same said for women. "No one force those students to party; they were just out for a good time. "I do agree that it should have been dealt with in a better manner where it didn't involve just an extreme action but I support this union because, there are barriers in place that prevent some of the female student from taking the course that they want because it isn't offered on the other campus.

"Huh, how do you know?" crap…." did I go to far? Hopefully I didn't just blow my cover. I have a sister who attends the female campus, she's always telling me about her hardship an about how the curriculum over at the girls campus it much lacking in terms of choice. Why shouldn't she be able to take the class she wants just because it's only offered at the male campus. We live in the 21st century where men and especially women are doing amazing things ever day. Woman own business, fix cars, build homes, and more . why should a female student be stopped from exceling just because a sexes President refuse to offer the same courses that are offered at the male campu's offers at its sister campus? That is what this union is about, offering a fair opportunity for both female and male students alike. Parker fell silence it was the first time I've seen him speechless. Aissawa, this the first time I've ever heard you mention you had a sister. Wha he actually bought it ...? "I don't really like speaking about her" Well listening to how you speak about her, I can tell you care a lot about her. "She's lucky to have you as a big brother."

Me and Parker are actually having a moment, he seems pretty open, not closed off like he was before. We had spent over an hour talking and getting to know each other. I found out that Parker has 7 brothers one of which he's never met before. He's the fourth oldest out of the seven the oldest being his stepbrother. His mother had gotten recently married over 2years ago an in that time he wasn't allowed to meet his older brother. I wish I could be more honest with Parker but right now this is fine for me. Who knows maybe we could even become friends?

Rushed footing and heavy breathing ruin our atmosphere, it was coming from the kitchen. Hyde had rush into the room out of breath like he ran a marathon. "Come on!" "Barbeque time!" Parker and I gave each other a glance before we stood to our feet. "Why didn't you say something sooner. Said Parker teasingly. We followed him outside while Hyde and Parker engaged in back and froth banter.

Stepping outside with the warm sun kissing on your skin and a gentle breeze to carry away the humidity, was really was a nice day for a barbeque. The smell of mouthwatering grilled chicken smoked sizzling ribs from the sauce dripping off on to the grill. The sound of the hot dogs, nothing is better than grilling out and that lake view just makes it all worth it. Hyde was like a hunger dog stalking its master for food. "Hyde will you quit it!" The food is just about done.

He started jumping for joy. "I think that is the highest I ever seen him jump said Kane walking up from behind me.

"Really?" When he's playing basketball sometimes you can tell he's a little too much in his own head, if he was as hyped as he is for food as he is for a game, he be really scary on the court. "Come on before he eats all the food" Kane got a head start over towards the others. Seeing everyone together actually getting along made me feel like I genuinely had nothing to worry about. Then again it would be foolish of me to let my guard down when everything seems picture perfect. For now, I'm going to enjoy these threes days before reality sets back in at Alloma.