Day 2 of Cabin fever

Having the other guys here with us at the cabin has been nothing but pure joy and fun. Hyde is so funny, and Kane just gives you the sense that everything is going to be ok. Kane never really complains, I've never seen him get upset or raise is voice ever. Even Hyde whose known him the longest says the same thing Kane has always been cool head and chill. The has been filled with jokes and laughter, even fun games. "Most Card games, or football. As we played, we lost track of time, we had taken a short break, when I glance over toward Suga.

Yoshi no suga has a hidden talent for grilling. I could smell the smoky scent of barbeque sauce lingering. The smell of grilled meat made my mouth water.

I feel like I'm getting to know him much better as time goes on. Same with the others even Parker. After our little chat we had earlier, he came up to me while I was sitting by the lake. "Hey Aissawa, do you mind if I sit here?" He was shirtless, sporting his swim trunks. "nah, have a seat." "Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question." I asked him. "No, what is it?" he said looking curious. "Why is it you think I'm a girl?"

Even though things might be fine right now, there's still a part of me that doesn't trust Parker quite yet. I mean I know he has his own reasons for being suspicious, but I want to make sure that I'm not blowing this thing out of portion. Especially after what happened at the diner. Has he let this mission go? Do I need to use what Suga taught me in that boot camp? I still have so many burning questions. And with that there's no better way than to just be straightforward hopeful I won't regret this.

I could tell that Parker was going to be the hard type to read but I also figure he be honest about his suspicions and why. That's at least the impression I get from him is that he needs to explain his self to people, so they don't get the wrong idea about him, Suga is the complete opposite in that regard. He doesn't seem to care about there being misunderstandings.

"My reasoning, you say?" Well if I'm being honest you really don't seem very manly to me. You seem very soft, not to mention your physique is quite feminine. However, I guess that really doesn't mean that you are a girl. There are guys who have a feminine look to them. "uh huh, so what part of me do you think is unmanly?" Hmm, he paused turning his gaze towards me. He looked me over as if he were examining me.

Sigh, it's not important, he said looking away from me. I'll admit that kind of pissed me off him say that. You put me through so much frustration to only tell me it doesn't matter?! "Not important…...?!" "How can you say that after everything you put me through?' He still seemed unphased, which only made me angrier and angrier. "Horima", he said bring my attention away from my own thoughts. "What?" I answered sounding a bit annoyed. "I like you!" I froze, trying to process what was just said to me.

"Say what?" I paused caught off guard to his declaration. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You what?"

He stood to his feet as he laughed at my reaction. I said I like you Horima, you have this air about you that makes you seem like a girl. An I couldn't allow myself to believe that I was falling for a guy, so I thought if I could prove you were a girl, I could justify my own feelings. If I'm being total honest, I still have my suspicion but I'm going to except that fact that you aren't for now. I'm not asking you to do anything, just wanted to get it off my chest. Just like that he walked away from me….

I was left sitting in front of the lake, and I decided to stay there a little longer. I honestly don't know how to feel about Parker and what he said. Same with Yoshi no suga.

It started to get dark, as I made my way back inside. The house was unusually quiet. The only light shown was from the kitchen, giving off an illuminate glow spilling into the other room. A body laid across the sofa. Follow by light breathing. I closed the door behind me as quiet as I could be. As I walked around the couch to see who had fallen asleep across it, was no other than Yoshi no suga. He looked to peaceful, innocent, and even more handsome. I had leaned over to fix the covers that were over him. As I reach over, a pair of arms grabbed me pulling me down an on to the couch. It had happened so fast, before I even noticed what had transpired, I was on top of him.

S s suga, what do you think you are doing? "I saw you speaking with Parker by the lake. He spoke in hush tones." "yeah, I was…

His mouth was so close to my ear and neck, I could feel the warm sensation from his breath. "I don't trust Parker; be careful of how close you allow him to get to you."

"If I didn't know better, I would say you were jealous." "Cute, but I don't have a reason to be, and you should be more concern about him not finding out…

I know, but I think I'm safe for now. He pulled away from the side of my face and looked me in the eyes, the way his eyes had glowed you'd think, he was planning to devour my very soul. "Horima Aissawa, don't you forget what I said, nothing has change "

I haven't forgotten you know, about her, that woman in your bed. You say that I can't trust Parker but how is it that I can trust you? As I climbed off of him, he remains silent allowing me to walk away. "Trust is a choice, Aissawa." "when you get down to it, everything is determined by choice." Why are you worried about a woman who means nothing to me? If I wanted her don't you think I would be with her, but I choose you, to be here with you. "Don't make it seem like it that black and white" "If you think about it, isn't really just that simple." "You choose to come here to prove the girls deserve a chance to join the major of there choice without being affected by gender. "We both made choices that lead us here. So I say again my feelings towards you haven't changed. ''