Cabin fever: day 3

Flash back

Suga! Why haven't you been answering your phone?

Sorry president I was busy...

His back is always facing me, like I'm not even here. Yet here I am at his every beck and call. why do I feel like he's going to ask me something stupid.

"Your mother called" he paused as if he were waiting for my reply but I just didn't answer. The woman he is referring to isn't my real mother just some women who he remarried. I think she's wife number 4 or 5 ....I don't know something like that. "she's been trying to reach you. "

uh huh I replied. Not really all that interested in hearing about her. she's not my mother or anyone I know, she's a stranger. If we're honest I'm not even his son. I'm just some guy who does his bidding. I'm to be forever invisible, I am to be seen, not heard, I am here to observe....

So if that is all, why call me to discuss a stranger I've never met.

"She would like you to meet your brother "

Thanks but I'll pass.

"That's fine with me, I don't care what you do in your own time, just wanted to get this thing with your mother out of the way.

"I wish you stop calling that woman my mother "

My mother is gone remember, now that I work for you i can't ever....

enough Suga! I didn't call you here to fight about her.

Now, how is everything going over at the school.

peachy! "I thought we discussed this, you are to give me a thorough report of how ms. Aissiwa is doing.


Speaking of which I wonder if she's still upset with me. I wanted to speak to her to clear the air but then I got a call from the president saying he wanted me to come in. Damn old man, always with his terrible timing.

I remember walking out from the bathroom as she left my room. She looked unphase, not thrilled yet not sad to see me. She didn't even bother to say a word to me.

So is this is how it's going to be from now on? I wondered. This trip is turning into a disaster

but how would I fix it? Never mind that as I check the time on my phone . sheesh let me go before the old man gets ticked off cause I'm late. An even though I told her I'd be leaving, she still didn't seem phase at all, it didn't seem like she care one way or another.

which brings us here, in this uncomfortable situation.

He still waited for me to respond to his question, about why I hadn't given him a report on Aissawa. Sigh....some one put me out of my misery already.

"How can I give you a report when the semester isn't close to being over."

"There wouldn't be a point sir if I gave you that report now.

He was silent. His long pauses always made me feel uneasy. I could never tell if you were in a good mood or a sour on. The longer he went with out speaking, the more I knew he was angry about something I said.

oh crap I piss him off?!

"I'll only say this once, you better be taking this seriously, get that report to me Suga.

Guess I was wrong , he's not mad...I think.

He paused again, as I stood and said nothing. "Well why are you still hear you are dismissed. "

This ish is getting old...him and his dramatic freaking pauses.

So I left, I really hate him sometimes but I hate myself for putting up with it for so long but can I say. Or rather what can I do?

As I walked out through those big wooden doors I am greeted by a former face.
