
It's been a few days since the cabin trip and Yoshi and I still haven't spoken. I mean it's not that I'm purpose fully ignoring him but what do I even say to him.

When he told me he be leaving and that he see me later I honestly couldn't respond to him. I'm still kinda confused about my feelings towards him.

Yoshi POV

7hours before returning home

walking out of the old man's office I couldn't believe my eyes. As the doors open I saw the one person I honestly wasn't in the mood to see. "You".... ?! "Yan?!" She just smiled as she walked passed me without saying a single word. This woman is like an out of control flame and of course I had to play with fire.

I watched as she walked away through those doors, closing behind her heels. This is not good.

Meanwhile back at the cabin.

Parker, Hyde, and Kane all packed there things preparing to. Hyde and Kane were outside packing their car. I noticed Parker looking some where lost in thought. "is everything ok, Parker?" He turned to face me.

"Aissawa? " he paused before continuing on.

I'm fine just trying to make sure I remember to grab everything.

"well I hope you didn't for get anything, I'm going to check up on Kane and Hyde. walking away Parker smiled. He watched as Aissawa walk outside towards Hyde and Kane.

"Horima Aissawa, you are one interesting character " Parker went to go upstairs to see if he had forgotten something.

Or so it appeared, as he walked up stairs he stepped into the guest bedroom and pulled out his phone. 1-(567)-×××-××××

"Hello, Mr. Charmin...yes I think it's time "

With that he ended the call, Horima Aissawa I will find out what it is you are hiding. He placed the phone in his pocket as he walked toward the window to see every one, including Aissawa talking outside.


Beginning of the school year I received a call from the Chairman to keep my eyes on a new student who would be attending the university. At first I didn't understand but it wasn't my job to understand it was my job to make sure I did what fath...I mean the chairman wanted me to do. The order was to make sure Alloma University never goes through with integration. Personally I don't see the problem with it but I don't have a choice. The chairman is keeping way too many secrets...like how I'm not the only one doing his dirty work. Or how I'm not allowed to meet him in person or see my step brother because it's a conflict of interest, but I can see my mother whenever I want.

Things aren't adding up, what's so special about this Aissawa character???

Other than getting to tease him , I don't understand why I must bother.

An even though the chairman scares me, I honestly haven't been pressuring Aissawa like I should. Seems like a normal guy except for he seems like a chick for real...

I just didn't realize about your lap dog Yoshi no Suga, he's the problem I need to deal with. An what better way then take what he values most.

I'd love to see the look on his face....

What is this ominous feeling? Looking up towards the guests room window Aissawa thought she saw a figure but it was gone before she could really get a good look at it. I don't like this....

5hours left before returning home

Yoshi had just walked out the building, standing out side waiting. An just like clockwork his target appeared. "Yan!"

Ms.Yan Vikkers was The president's secretary her job was to ensure that what ever needed to happen, happen and to inform him. However, Yan always had a soft spot for Yoshi no Suga.

"Suga?, what do I owe this encounter. " Don't tell me you're in need of my special services.

"Down girl. " I'm not interested in anything physical. "Oh darling, you know my physical therapy services always put you in the greatest moods" Rolling his eyes in disgust he made sure to cut to the chase. "What did the old man want?" "Sorry that's classified information " Really, now he said sarcasticly "

"You know my price but I know you won't pay" I told you we don't have that type of relationship. haha, " oh honey relax, I'm not interested in you, I found me a new toy and there name is Horima Aissawa.

I already told you he's off limits.... An why is that hmm? I've never in all my 8 years of knowing you, have I ever seen you so over protective over anyone. So why him???

I'm warning you Yan, you are head down a path you don't want to be on.

She smiled as she marched right over, her face lingering over his. "Oh but I do darling, if you are this heated up over this guy, I like to know why" You can expect to see a lot more of me now Su-ga.

"You know what they say, keep poking the bear and you might just get bit"

"Later suga" she walked off unafraid of the war she just started. Horima Aissawa is mine and I'll be damn if I let that snake sink her teeth into him. Suga pull out a cigarette from his pocket due to the stress of dealing with Yan. "Damn that infuriating woman" looking down at the box in his hands he crushed it and through it out. I'm not the same person I used to be.....

3hours left

Kane and Hyde finally finished piling up the car after they load the last items of Parker's.

Yoshi tried calling Aissawa to inform her/him that he was on his way back over the cabin. However Horima never got the call, so he left a message. "Is she still upset with me?" He wondered. Hyde decided he rested up till it was time to go, Kane went out to go get some food and fill up the car before leaving. Leaving only Parker and Aissawa alone together. "You know Aissawa I enjoy being able to get to know you better "

Me too, I feel like you're not as bad a guy as I thought you were. He laughed rubbing the back of his head. That bad huh, I hope you know I didn't mean any harm. Its just your so ease to mess with. haha, the look on your face is always so priceless. He glanced over my way, he could tell I was a annoyed with him but not in a way I was seriously bothered with him. We joked for what seemed like hours. We even talked about Yoshi no Suga. He had whispered something strange to me and befor I knew it some how he ended up on top of me pinning me down. His eyes locked on mine, I don't know why but I didn't push him off and he didn't pull away or any closer.


Yoshi no Suga had pulled up to the cabin, exhausted and worried about Aissawa. Getting out of the car he headed straight for the door. Parker heard the twist of the door as it opened and before Aissawa or Yoshi no Suga knew what had happened. Parker had planted a kiss on to Aissawa lips.

Mom if you are seeing this from heaven I think my life just entered a whole new level of complexity....