
Silence....silence was all I heard before I heard a single word. I quickly looked through the gap between me and Parker. Yoshi no Suga just stood there in disbelief but remained calm. Suga thought that if he reacted Aissawa would be mad and he knew Parker was the type to start trouble to get a ride out of him. An even though he couldn't hide completely how he was feeling, he tried to pretend it never happened. "Aissawa will be leaving shortly, do you have your thinking ready?

uh...yeah she said in a low embarrassed tone. Parker didn't bother to turn toward Suga, he could tell it wasn't the reaction he wanted. So he lefted. "Sorry Aissawa, I couldn't resist " You are a very attractive young guy. " Or should I (girl)? That kiss definitely proves that he is really a she.

Left alone with Suga I couldn't bare to face him. After our fight, and now Parker kissing me , not to mention the situation with that woman I just don't know if I can really face him. "Aissawa?" he called out. "You don't have to be embarrassed about what happened. Let's just pretend nothing happened.

Right let's just pretend...

Even after saying that, the atmosphere between us was growing more and more awkward. I could hear him walking over to the steps before I heard a pause. I looked up in front of me to see Suga. He looked more concerned about me. " I think we need to clear the air " I said to him. "I think you may be right, but not here.

I'll meet you in the car when you are ready to head home. With that he went back outside. Not so shortly after Kane and the others came piling in. "Well this was a nice trip don't you think Aissawa? " It was definitely something...Anyway will catch you back at the dorms. "Parker, a word please?" Sure he replied with a please look on his face. "I'll catch up to you guys in a minute "

Fine, but make it quick I'm ready to get back home and lay in my bed said Hyde. Kane rolled his eyes as he dragged Hyde away.

"Take as long as you need Aissawa, his "bed" isn't going anywhere. Now left alone with Parker, his attitude suddenly changed. "This is about the kiss isn't it?" "yeah, I said feeling awkward "

"I'll admit I shouldn't have done it without your permission, but if you're looking for an apology from me you won't get.

excuse me? I was a bit taken aback when he said that.

I'm not sorry I kissed you Aissawa?? Is that what you thought I was gonna say??

He started laughing. It really is easy to mess with you.

This was starting to get on my nerves, what a butt bottom!

Seriously though I won't apologize for kissing you. I like you, Aissawa . Anyway see you when we get home, he said as he winked at me walking towards the door.

"Are you freaking kidding me, get your arse back here!!" He continued to walk away. "Parker!!" I've have had it up to here with Parker and his games. I was crazy to think we were getting closer, or that maybe we could even become friends. Regardless he's not getting away that easily.

I ran after him, but by the time I made it outside they left. "Ish" Damn it!! I Saw Suga face he could tell something was up.

I walked over to his car, he opened the door and I climbed inside. "Do I even want to know "

Those are the first words he says to me as I step inside. "don't worry about it "

Ok then on to pressing matters.

We should talk about our game plan for whenwereturn.

I cut him off, Suga before we get into business matters we should really talk about the other many elephants in the room...

Hmm, ok your, go ahead

First off the woman in your room, who was she? An what is your relationship with her.

Suga took a deep breath before he spoke. 'Some one I hope you never have the chance of meeting ' he thought to himself.

"Someone who I work with...." it's complicated. Let's just say she's some one who you don't need to be associate with.

Well that's vague but I guess it'll do. For now anyway..."Why did you bring me here, what was the surprise?"

"Hmm, you mean you still haven't figured it out Aissawa???"

I brought you here to get close to you, didn't you know that..?

I paused, speechless, unsure of how to respond.

"Wow, you sure are slow Aissawa, he laughed"

Suga's POV

Sitting in the car with Ms.Aissawa she looked a bit flustered.

She always looks even cuter when she seems flustered.

I started the car preparing to pull away when..

"Suga?" she paused like she was deep in thought, looking unsure if she should say what is on her mind.

Suga I think we should....

I wasn't prepared for her to finish that sentence. So I finished it for her...but I don't understand why it made me so nervous in the first place.

Aissawa don't worry about us...I think right now we need to just focus on you and this integration.

You have a lot on your plate so let's just focus on one thing at a type.

I thought if I said that it would reassure her but I think it gave the opposite effect. The rest of the ride home was awkward and silent. Usually these things don't get to me but with Aissawa it's different.

I'm usually not the type to dwell on things, I don't give unnecessary issues to much thought however, ever since this whole thing started I've been thinking about a lot.

I have a reason, instead of just going with the flow or deciding things on a whim. (sigh)

Feels like hours I've sitting in silence and honestly it's starting to get to me. But it's not the only thing getting to's that sneak Parker also.

After what seemed to be a painful drive home, everything seemed to be returning to normal...

It's been a few weeks since the cabin trip and everything seemed to be good....expect that Aissawa been avoiding me.

[Aissawa POV]

Classes are as long as usually and I'm not in much of a rush to go home, so I started spending most of my time here at the or with Kagura.

You remember him, the funny guy who first introduced himself to me at the beginning of the year.

Kagura sometimes stops by the library looking for me, hoping that I'd need him for something. so I usually ask him qed questions about school life or his job as a student liaison.

He has just a friendly personality and he pretty much straight forward.

I also started talking to him about ways of succeeding here at the school. Even slipped in a question or two his opinion o. school integration.

He said he didn't care one way or another but "it would be nice to meet a cute girl".

Girls don't really go out of there way to talk to me unless it's to that friend.

"wha?!" no... I said trying to cheer him up. I'm sure there a girl out there who likes you.

He started laughing....I was a bit surprised. "I'm sorry Aissawa, I don't want to get the wrong idea and think that I'm sad, or whining about it ." There's nothing wrong with just being a good friend to someone with out adding all romantic feelings. Sometimes people need some one to talk to and if I can be that ear then that's fine. "Yeah, I would like it if someone confessed to have feelings for me but I don't. Haha, just forget that I said anything. "You Kagura your going to make, some luck girl happy." He blushed turning his head to the side. You think so huh? He said standing to his feet. Well that's enough of that talk, let's go get something to get, my treat. "Sounds good. "

Meanwhile I wasn't aware my innocent little moment with Kagura was being watched.

I have my eyes on the Target, .....yes sir, I'll make sure he never leaves my sight.

Horima Aissawa, so this is where you've been.

Authors POV

Far away, hiding on the side of the school building, a woman in high heel shoes, black dress, with blond hair was watch Aissawa.

"I finally found you my beloved Aissawa" she said sounding enthused. An who is that man he's with?

She watched as they left heading in the opposite direction other than hers.

"Sorry Suga, but you won't keep him away from me " haha