Meeting with Goddess

(??? POV)

"Where am I? What is this place?" A soul talks to itself to keep its sanity in an incredible void of darkness surrounding it. Its last thought was dying in an incredibly hilarious manner by stepping on a banana in the middle of the road and getting hit to a iron pole on its head. Thinking about it makes the soul so embarrassed that it starts to curse itself "Why in the world am i so unlucky to die like this??" and keeps thinking like this.

(For an unknown amount of time)

"It seems that i am really dead after thinking so long. I wish truck-kun could have send me to isekai than letting me die in such a hilarious manner! Now what will happen to me here? Will i go to heaven/hell? Neither is a good choice for me."

The silly soul then starts recalling its memories about spending its life on earth.

"My name is kalyan and i am 19 years old (still a virgin). I was an ordinary kid with an above average talent. No more than that. I used to spend a lot of time browsing novels and playing games after my studies since i was an otaku and have zero friends because of my introverted nature and hobbies. My parents are government employees so we are not lacking in money but still i can't say we are rich, just middle class family.

All day same routine life is simply boring! I spent most time at home or college. All i do is fighting an eternal foe: Books!! But the most of my regret was having no girlfriend because a girl may not give you any wealth or houses but can give you the utmost warmth as well as happiness. She will support you in your life and make your face glow with smiles.

Because of not having any girlfriend to warm me up, it gets boring and boring to stay at home. At a time like this i got salvation from Anime and novels which i saw by surfing net.

In my locality there are not many people that appreciate it including my parents as they become upset and send uneasy glances at me for reading and watching them. After some time passed my parents become helpless and started ignoring my hobby as atleast i am studying well. But the neighbors in our locality won't understand this and keep looking at me with weird glances.

If someone watches anime, they think that you are still a kid and still not developed. What kind of logic is that? So i always disregarded their weird glances from neighborhood and continued with what i am doing.

Slowly my life started changing and i become a huge fan of anime and novels. Later i started reading manga and light novels like High School DxD, One Punch Man, Against the Gods, My wife is a beautiful CEO etc., and they were really awesome. I thought all it was going well. But then the pandemic COVID-19 has started. Many people across the world are affected and dying due to it. They had implemented Lockdown and all the economy has been crushed to pieces.

My family was safe because we had always took precautions to make ourself clean and bacteria free by washing hands with sanitizers and wear mask even in home. But one day when i went outside to buy some groceries at a familiar place, be it ill fate or some dark comedy, i stepped on a banana peel and slipped forward while eventually hitting an iron pole. That was the last thought after which i died just like that in a hilarious way."

Wait! who am i saying all these things to? Have i gone insane by staying in this dark void for so long? It seems so...

(Soul POV)

As i was contemplating all these things suddenly all around my surroundings have turned white and in front of me a figure appeared. She looks stunning with slight green hair up to her waist, shining smooth skin with almond eyes and gentle smile. At a glance she looks like a nature goddess.

She continued to look at me for 3 minutes as if searching how i came to this void space and after that started laughing uncontrollably looking absolutely mesmerising and enchanting. If there was someone in my place, they would have absolutely fall in love with her laughter. Alas it was me and i know why she is laughing.

Seeing her laughter i immediately understood and was so embarrassment that if i had a face i would be blood red color unto my ears. After some time passed the goddess stopped laughing and became serious. But if some one looks closely they would find her shoulders trembling from controlling herself not to laugh.

Then she speaks in a sweet voice with a slightly surprised expression "Interesting human ...... despite dying in such a manner, you have a lot of good karma in your possession."

I was dumbfounded by what the goddess said. What karma? is this Goddess mistaken or something? So i thought asking her respectively.

"My dear Goddess, it seems you are mistaken me with someone else. As long as i remember i did not do a good deed to gain any sort of good karma and also not eligible to receive any special attention from you?"

"You have made me interested in you for dying in such a hilarious manner and also you gained a good karma from your death" said the Goddess stifling a laughter.

I got immediately red from shame and embarrassment and shouted even though she is a Goddess "Don't make me remember my shameful death!!" while she laughed even harder after hearing me.

After some time both of us calmed down and i asked her immediately "What do you mean by me gaining good karma, Goddess. Can you explain please??"

"I mean before you died in that place an Influential Doctor was supposed to go from the same direction in a bike and get in an accident by stepping on banana and die. But before he could come there you appeared and stepped on the said banana. Thus you automatically saved that doctor who then later saved thousands of people by creating a temporary cure to suppress the disease even though it is still in premature state. That's about it."

I was stunned speechless at this outcome. I did not expect my hilarious death saved thousands of people and couldn't utter a word after that. Even though it makes me shameful, i am glad that people were saved.

And so continued the conversation between a certain Goddess and Kalyan, the silly soul that is going to get its wish fullfilled by reincarnating to its desired world. Stay tuned to the next chapter to find out what wishes he will get and the world he goes to.....!!!!