Talk and System

"If that is what the goddess says then i will believe it. Now, what is going to happen to me, goddess?" i said.

Goddess ponders for a moment and says "Now you have two options. Either go to heaven or reincarnate in any other world different from your world. So, what do you choose?"

I answer without hesitation with a silly grin "I wish to reincarnate"

"Hmm... Quite bold; Do you wish to reincarnate in any fantasy world's?"

I was shocked by hearing what the goddess said and become giddy. If i had a body then i would have danced with all my might and rolled over the floor with "Yahooo!!!". I came back to myself after the internal monologue and looked at her excitedly but what came to my view is the goddess laughing at me while pointing a finger at me.

I was confused for a second but quickly understood that she can read my mind and saw what i thought. I became red from embarrassment and shouted "Stop reading my mind!!!". After a few minutes of my shame, i ask her excitedly "C-can i really enter any of the fantasy world i desire?"

"You can, because they are of course real and are with slight modifications. In your world, the authors get some glimpses about the future occurrences that take place in respective universes. For example, in Against the Gods, there might be the destruction of Blue Pole Star if not taken any proper preventive measures."

Hearing what the goddess say, i must admit, i also had a thought that the novels, manga, anime are all real worlds, but now confirming that it is true that all the novels i read have their respective universes, i immediately said

"Goddess, then with your kind and cute heart, can you reincarnate me in ATG."

Goddess asks me "Why ATG in particular, can you not choose any other?"

i say "Because if what you said is real, then it is the best place for me to gain a lot of experience and make new friends and likewise I can take some remedies to save the ATG Universe from going extinct." (while also make my enemies step on the divine banana peel and die the same way i did Hihihihihih...)

While i was thinking that with a sheepish smile, i saw goddess mouth twitching from controlling herself from laughing. I immediately stop imagining myself. Then i asked her to continue..

"Good, but keep some self control of your thinking, who knows you may accidentally make your friends step on that Divine banana peel. Next, your wish can be done without any problem. You are quite lucky because the position of the protagonist soul is still not yet chosen. The future of ATG is now in your hands, so handle it well! and enjoy the fullest, okay?"

I nod happily "Goddess, thank you, i am lucky you consider to grant me my wish to reincarnate in ATG. Am i going to be an ordinary citizen there or are you giving me any extra perks to survive?"

Goddess hearing what i said replies "You are right, if i send you there without any proper preparations, you might try to use only banana to defeat your opponents, then you are going to return here in a short time!!"

i immediately blushed, since i am a soul it can't be seen. Before i even rebuke her statement, she beat me to it.

"So, in order for you to not do any shameless actions, i will impart you with the knowledge of ATG Universe in you as well as an OP system with free control over it so that you are not like other MC's who get controlled by a lousy system, Okay?"

I nod happily thinking that finally my time has come to become OP and troll all the wicked enemies who try to harm my loved ones. Before i could celebrate, the goddess said "Before i send you off, i have a warning for you: Never cultivate the profound arts or anything from that world, because cultivating will destroy your emotions and make you a mindless killer and arrogant. It also makes you to show off in front of powerhouses and gets you a lot of enemies. You might even lose your loved ones because of that."

I ask in confusion "Why would cultivating do something like that?" then the goddess says "Lets take an example: You must know about the original MC of ATG, about how he is a psycho and arrogant to the point that he even rapes woman without their consent and kills everyone without hesitation even his loved ones. How there are so many arrogant people in that whole world. This was not their original nature because when a person is born, they are innately innocent and ignorant of any evilness, only by cultivation their mind becomes warped into a psychopath and only think about power and greed over beauties. It will be more effective on you since you are a reincarnator. Do you understand?" i then nod dumbly at how silly i was to think about cultivating those arts.

But then i ask "Then how will become strong?" because if i must not cultivate, then how can i become strong. Then the goddess says "You will find out after you access the OP system. I will also give you a perk that will make you immune to cultivation attacks and make you handsome so you can bring me some sisters... ..." she suddenly stops speaking as i asked "What did you say???"

she did not answer but continued "Its nothing, by the way there will be some surprise for you when you conquer the ATG world, so hope you enjoy your journey!"

I thanked the goddess and am about to ask her name but sucked in some kind of portal.

Goddess(Anitha) chuckles "Interesting... i hope you won't be silly again, we'll at least i think....sigh. Lets meet again Kalyan my love....!!!" she says with a loving smile seeing his departing soul.

There might be some story behind Goddess and kalyan, it may be revealed in the future so stay tuned and Bye......!