Awakening in ATG

(At a Hidden Cave)

There stood an injured middle-aged man with a baby in his hands and a weak looking woman with a beautiful disposition on the floor. Their names were Yun Qinghong and Mu Yurou from the the Yun Family. They were specially sent to the blue pole star to save their father from the sacred grounds by the orders of Empress of the Illusory Demon Realm.

But were outnumbered and got heavily injured, with the help of Xiao Ying they escaped from them and entered this cave to safety. They still don't know that their child had his meridians damaged when he was in the belly of Mu Yurou. At this time, the baby suddenly opened its eyes and looked around in confusion.

(Kalyan POV)

I open my eyes and see a very big middle-aged man standing in front of me. I raise my hand to touch him and realized my hands looks very small.

What the hell happened to my hand? Wait... I remember talking to the goddess. Yes, the goddess granted me my wish to reincarnate in ATG as the protagonist's soul. And now, here i'm in a small body.

I heard two sound in my mind but immediately brushed it off as turn my head sideways and see a middle-aged lady sleeping on the floor. My heart suddenly throbbed in pain as i look at her weak, injured body, maybe she is my biological mother. She is currently very weak and had a slight smile on her face. I remember correctly her name is Mu Yurou from the ATG novel. As, i started observing my surroundings, someone just entered the cave.

The man who entered on seeing me asked my father "Brother Yun, how did the delivery go?"

My father in a somewhat relief and sad tone answers "Brother Xiao, the child is very healthy. We kept his name as Yun Kalyan to show that he will be different from others. There seems to be no problem with the child. Although the child is okay, he can't cultivate any longer as his profound veins are damaged badly. At least god took pity on us keeping him alive."

Hearing their words, i remembered a few minutes ago i heard a sound. I instantly understood it was the OP system the goddess gave me. Lets try asking in my mind.





Rewards: Starter Pack acquired and stored in the inventory

Does kalyan wish to open the starter pack: Y/N> Rose


Obtained: Infinite stat points, eidetic memory, Points admin, billion God Heal tickets- Infinite time use, Mind alteration ticket - Infinite times use > Rose



After this happened, kalyan came back to himself and started listening to his parents conversation as his mother woke up.

"Brother Yun, It's happy to know that your child is at least safe Now, it's not the time to spare. All the people from the sacred grounds are finding clues to our location. We need to hurry!"

My father's face turns serious, "It's true. Now is not the time to waste. Brother Xiao, how did your wife's delivery go?"

The man now i recognize as Xiao Ying spoke solemnly, "Brother Yun, my wife has preeclampsia condition and will die in a month. She gave birth to my daughter and her profound veins are utterly damaged and will eventually die in a few days if not treated with high medicinal herbs. At our Clan's current financing condition, we cannot afford such luxuries so ..."

My father understood the situation and says in a soothing tone, "Brother Xiao, if you don't mind i can exchange your child with my child. From the place, I came from, there are all the required herbs needed for the survival of your child."

On hearing what my father said to Xiao Ying, my mother's eyes turned red and started sobbing heavily. Seeing my mother cry, my heart ached and tried to reach my mother from father's hands. Seeing me do this my mother instantly snatched and embraced me while crying. My father started consoling her.

Brother Xiao rejects the idea, he says, "Brother Yun, you already have saved my life twice. I am already in debt with you and if now I take your offer, I will be in more and more indebited to you. Moreover your child will become motherless. I cannot accept it."

My father Yun Qinghong replies, "Brother Xiao, Did we not swear as sworn brothers? You helped me when i was being chased by all the Sacred Grounds and even put your life on the line. How can i call myself your brother if i can't even save your daughter?"

Xiao Ying's eyes turn moist, tears started to flow down on his face says "Brother Yun, Thank You... I am really lucky to have you as my brother even if were not blood-related. I hereby propose a marriage contract to wed my daughter to your son, so that we can become family, please accept my request brother Yun. I will take care of your son well. I will see no harm reaches him as long as i am alive. I swear to Brother Yin."

As i watched these things, my eyes become moist for listening to their words and that i can't be with my family again. Then suddenly a thought struck me and asked rose.


Hearing this i immediately saw the description of one of the items i have in inventory.

Mind Alteration Tickets:- used to tamper with a group of people's minds and make them forget the faces of their targets. effect will be permanent on the designed targets.>

Seeing this, i immediately asked Rose to leave 6 God heal tickets in bodies of mother, father, me, Xiao Ying, Xiao Ying's wife, Xiao Ying's son respectively.

replied Rose.

Then, 5 transparent golden tickets flew from my body and attached themselves to all five of us in a blink of an eye. I can activate them after they went to the Illusory Demon Realm.After that, i asked Rose to use Mind Alteration Tickets on Sacred Grounds and remove the memories of my parents and Xiao Ying's faces while making them think that they are dead. After rose's confirmation, the respective mind alteration tickets flew towards Sacred Grounds.

That day, all of the Sacred Grounds members forgot the faces of the Yun family and Xiao Ying, eventually thinking that they are dead.

After this happened, i looked sad as my father Yun Qinghong accepts the marriage proposal and I am given to him and now my life as Xiao Kalyan will begin.

Next Chapter show how our MC activates those Golden Tickets on his parents and adopted parents as he reached the Xiao Manor. So stay tuned.....