I'm disappointed

"So he told you huh." Sam scoffed as he stood up.

Yu Chen said nothing as Sam walked out of the living room, muttering, "Didn't think he had it in himself to confront you. Well whatever."

Sam came back a minute later and handed Chen the photograph of the two of them on the roof of her dorm, sitting side by side and talking.

Yu Chen stared at the photo and frowned.

Sam kneeled down beside her and whispered, "I'm sorry. I just saw that you really seemed to love him too much and just asked him to take it easy. What did he do?"

Chen looked at Sam's face and asked, "When is this pic from?"

"Huh?" Sam muttered, what exactly had Si Xia told her. "It's from the time you told me you were scared of how much you loved Si Xia."

"Oh....." Yu Chen muttered as she very discreetly moved away from Sam.

"Who took this photo?" Chen asked after a few seconds.

Sam blinked. That was right!! Chen didn't know anything about how or why this pic had been taken. "A reporter took this. Trying to get some scoop in my life. Just like I told Si Xia." Sam said and Yu Chen nodded.

"But this wasn't the photo I was talking about." Yu Chen said, tilting her head like a confused child.

Sam raised his eyebrows, "What's going on in that mind of yours Chen? Did you not sleep well yesterday? Have you not been eating well?"

Chen shook her head and looked at the photograph in her hand.

Then suddenly the childlike innocence vanished and a menacing aura enveloped Chen as she looked into Sam's eyes and spoke, her words sounding like a death sentence, "The photo I was talking about was the one you told Xia I asked you have destroyed. The one of us kissing."

Right now Sam was so afraid of Chen that he tried to run away from her, tripped over his own feet, and fell on his bottom on the floor of the living room.

His hazel eyes widened as Chen held his gaze. She spoke, word for word, "Come on Sam. I also want to see this photo of our kiss that never happened. I wonder how long you've been planning this."

Sam shook his head and stammered, "No. It's not.....I didn't..."

Yu Chen laughed suddenly. Sam was thunderstruck by the laugh before he covered his ears. He didn't want to hear that. He didn't want to see Chen like that. His Chen.

Yu Chen's voice was completely emotionless as she spoke again, "Go on Sam. Bring out the photo. I'm not gonna kill you."

Throughout this, her voice had not even gone up a notch. Chen was speaking just like a normal conversation, but one look at her face was enough to scare Sam out of his wits. Though he claimed to be a very cunning business person, Sam was just a sheltered child who had never really seen the bad side of the world.

Sam got up and ran out of the room. Chen shook her head and muttered to herself, "I'm disappointed Xia. You believed him? This coward? I didn't even have to raise my voice with him."

Sam was very soon back with another photograph. As he handed it to Chen, she sighed to see his hands shaking.